It was right there, with fluorescent lights shining and half a dozen tops hanging on the rack, that I froze in a department store dressing room. Over the Christmas music playing through the speakers, I could hear two voices in the room to my left. A niece and an aunt? A daughter and her mother? A teenager and her grandmother? I’ll never know, but I hope I never forget what the older woman firmly — and yet kindly — said.
“Now, remember, this is a gift. All you have to do is receive it.”
Tears prick my eyes even now, writing such a simple sentence. It’s more than the generosity of the words or the thoughtful reminder. It’s the gospel, right there in a dressing room.
Perhaps God said the same to us, to all of humanity, as heaven touched earth and the glory of God was covered with skin, a baby placed in a manger as angels sang in the skies above.
Can you picture the baby in the manger gripping Mary’s fingers, toddling around the house, growing up and playing games with the children next door, learning the family trade under Joseph’s watchful eye?
Can you picture the man who calmed the threatening storm, the One who bent low in the dirt to love the outcast, the friend that little children wanted to spend time with, the man who danced at weddings and wept when His friend passed away?
Can you picture Him there in the Garden of Gethsemane, choosing to stay instead of flee, even though He knew with all certainty what was to come? Can you see Him forgiving the deep betrayal of a dear friend, forgiving the ones who tortured Him, forgiving me and forgiving you?
A gift, a gift, a gift . . .
All of it, every day and every breath, a gift.
We’re in between Christmas and Easter now, and it won’t be long before we turn our attention to the reminder of Lent, the hope of spring, and the joy of celebrating a stone that was rolled away as death died once and for all.
But here, as a new year begins to unfold and every newsfeed fills with words about goals and resolutions and to-do lists, I’m sticking with the truth of a simple sentence that has the gospel written all over it.
Now, remember, this is a gift. All you have to do is receive it.
There is no accomplishment to strive for, no resume to build, no rung to reach for that could bring you even one centimeter closer to Him. Emmanuel is right here, with us forevermore, and nothing you do or don’t do this year could make Him love you even one iota more than He already does.
It’s a startling truth in today’s culture, and yet the most abundant gift: God’s love for you isn’t dependent on you (Ephesians 2:8-9). It isn’t tied to your progress or accomplishments, your bank account or the number of likes on your last Instagram post. You don’t have to be better, clean yourself up, check all the boxes, or have the right answers.
The things you do matter. Your words matter, your work matters, the way you treat those around you (and those on the other side of the screen, too) matters. But if it all disappears in an instant, if you make a mistake today or really mess up tomorrow, God’s love for you will not change, and His grace isn’t going anywhere.
You would not be a disappointment. You would not be called Less Than or labeled Not Good Enough. You would be named Beloved, Chosen, Wanted, Daughter.
There’s nothing wrong with setting a goal or making a resolution for the new year! Just don’t forget that the greatest of all gifts is already marked “paid in full.”
The One who made you and named you declared you to be worth it all before you had done anything at all.
The gift is yours for the accepting. It already has your name on it.
As a wise woman once said in a brightly lit dressing room, all of you have to do is receive it.
Yes! May our words to ourselves, to those we’re in conversation with & those that overhear us be infused with the truths of the gospel! We are loved because He first loved us & gave His life for ours!
Such a beautiful message. Thank you for sharing it. Happy blessed New Year!
Thank you, Dawn. Same to you!
This simple sentence speaks to me. Glowingly with love.
Thank you for sharing your story and wisdom.
I’m so glad! It’s really meant something to me, too.
Reading this brought tears to my eyes. God’s love for me, for us, is everlasting. It’ll never change no matter what. I’ve never been loved like that by someone other than God. It’s a beautiful thing and scary at the same time because I sometimes think that when I make a mistake or do the wrong thing, that He’s going to turn his back on me and stop loving me. I need to get over feeling that way because it’s just not true!
Loved – always – by Love. <3
I loved this! Thank you so much.
Thank you for your beautifully written words.
Blessings to you and your family.
Thank YOU for your kind comment, Debbie!
What a wonderful thought
Provoking essay!
Thank You!
Love & Hugs
Beautiful! Just love this!
My heart sings with the beauty of this truth.
What a beautiful sentence. Thank you for reading and commenting, Maura!
Story written is so good. Blessed me my reading it.
Thank you!
Kaitlyn! Your words always touch my heart. God bless you, friend. Thank you for sharing.
Aww, thank you!! That’s so kind.
Kaitlyn thanks you so much that for what you wrote it has blessed me so much. It good to know our Lord Loves us no matter what. Sure he knew us before we were even born or Lord. He knit us in our Mother’s womb. How amazing is that. Knows when we born who our parents would be. What we would look like. Our Lord love us so much. So much he sent his only son Jesus to die for us. What amazing love that is. I remember this song learnt it at Sunday School. Jesus Love Me This I Know For The Bible Tells Me So. How true that is. When we read our Bible we can see how Jesus love us. In all the different Bible stories. It just amazing. Even if we mess up as Follower of Jesus. He still Loves us. But helps us not do it again. If we ask him and repent for doing it. If we know what we done was wrong in hid eyes. Jesus will never stop loving us. That is just amazing. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Dear Kaitlyn
You, like Esther, were placed in that dressing room for such a time as this’ My heart sings for these times in my life. Celebrating with you all.
Isn’t God amazing!
Just passing the story, the powerful sentence, along… and so grateful to hear it met you right where you are! 🙂 <3
This helps me take a deep breath. Thank you, friend.
Grateful for you, friend. And glad this brought a little breathing room into your day!
There is no more truthful and beautifully written gospel truth than what I just read. Thank you Father and Savior for the truth that we sometimes try to avoid and make it more about us than necessary. It always has been about us but through the holy truth not our version. Thank you for writing this. A necessary reminder.
What a gracious, (truly) incredible, awe-inspiring, extravagant gift it is.
Christmas is about the gift of Jesus. He wo left the splendor of Heaven to come to sinful Earth to save us. But it is .also about the Cross. It’s about Jesus willingly dying a horrible death to give us salvation. Salvation is a FREE gift of God. ALL we have to do is receive it. Just repent & be baptized for the remission of our sins. It’s that simple. Thank you Jesus for the Free gift of Salvation!
Blessings 🙂
Amen to This!!!!