About the Author

Kaitlyn is a Virtual Assistant, book launch manager, and storyteller who writes about discovering God's goodness in the ordinary and faithfulness in the difficult. She loves good books, deep conversations, and iced vanilla lattes. Kaitlyn is the author of Even If Not: Living, Loving, and Learning in the in Between.

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  1. Yes! May our words to ourselves, to those we’re in conversation with & those that overhear us be infused with the truths of the gospel! We are loved because He first loved us & gave His life for ours!

  2. This simple sentence speaks to me. Glowingly with love.
    Thank you for sharing your story and wisdom.

  3. Reading this brought tears to my eyes. God’s love for me, for us, is everlasting. It’ll never change no matter what. I’ve never been loved like that by someone other than God. It’s a beautiful thing and scary at the same time because I sometimes think that when I make a mistake or do the wrong thing, that He’s going to turn his back on me and stop loving me. I need to get over feeling that way because it’s just not true!

  4. Kaitlyn thanks you so much that for what you wrote it has blessed me so much. It good to know our Lord Loves us no matter what. Sure he knew us before we were even born or Lord. He knit us in our Mother’s womb. How amazing is that. Knows when we born who our parents would be. What we would look like. Our Lord love us so much. So much he sent his only son Jesus to die for us. What amazing love that is. I remember this song learnt it at Sunday School. Jesus Love Me This I Know For The Bible Tells Me So. How true that is. When we read our Bible we can see how Jesus love us. In all the different Bible stories. It just amazing. Even if we mess up as Follower of Jesus. He still Loves us. But helps us not do it again. If we ask him and repent for doing it. If we know what we done was wrong in hid eyes. Jesus will never stop loving us. That is just amazing. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx

  5. Dear Kaitlyn
    You, like Esther, were placed in that dressing room for such a time as this’ My heart sings for these times in my life. Celebrating with you all.
    Isn’t God amazing!

  6. There is no more truthful and beautifully written gospel truth than what I just read. Thank you Father and Savior for the truth that we sometimes try to avoid and make it more about us than necessary. It always has been about us but through the holy truth not our version. Thank you for writing this. A necessary reminder.

  7. Kaitlyn,

    Christmas is about the gift of Jesus. He wo left the splendor of Heaven to come to sinful Earth to save us. But it is .also about the Cross. It’s about Jesus willingly dying a horrible death to give us salvation. Salvation is a FREE gift of God. ALL we have to do is receive it. Just repent & be baptized for the remission of our sins. It’s that simple. Thank you Jesus for the Free gift of Salvation!

    Blessings 🙂