Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV)
Even though we wish we could see all that is to come this year, let’s open our hands and trust God with the unknown and the new. His goodness, love, and faithfulness continue to be true for us.
May you feel peace knowing that you are a new creation in Christ, that He will renew your heart and offer new mercies every day. May you resist the pressure and temptation to fill up a blank calendar with lofty resolutions and appointments that will stretch you thin. May you remember that you are more than any goal met, any resolution kept, any to-do list checked. You are loved just as you are, and may you find rest in that truth.
A prayer for 2022:
Lord, there is so much ahead of us that we can’t foresee, so much we wish we could control but can’t. We hold all the questions, desires, and longings out to You. We want to trust You, but we acknowledge that we need help with that sometimes. Help us remember who we are, through the lens and truth of who You are. Thank You that we can be anchored in faith when we are tethered to You. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Happy New Year, friends!
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In Courage,
We are beloved Children of Almighty God. He went to great lengths to show us this love by giving us His only son to die a horrible death for OUR sins!! He has grand plans for us. Plans to prosper us & not for harm. Giving us a hope & a future. Trust God always even & especially in the midst of trials! This could be your best year!!! Happy New year everyone!! 🙂
Blessings 🙂
We are more than conquerors through Christ who loved us. How true that is. With hid help he can help us get through all we have to. We can know what ever we go through Jesus will not leave us. Not for sake us. We can know his love and projection around us at all times. When we go through hard times no matter what it to do with. We can rest in his truth. Go to Jesus in prayer ask him to help us. Help us all not get scared or frightened. When we hear the news. No matter what it is about. Covid or floods or fires our us being told bad news about our health or a family member. Or lost our Job. No matter what it is. To Jesus is there for us. We can stand on the promises of his word. Like in Phil 4 verse 19 which says ” My God shall supply all our needs. According to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. ” That means our money worries and health needs. All our needs not our greed’s too. So we have a great big God. Who loves us so much. I thank him for doing that for us. Happy New Year too you all. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Thank you so much for that prayer! I was just freaking out this morning because I graduate high school this year and start college in August, and there is *so much* unknown ahead of me this year. And then, I read your post and prayed the prayer at the end, and I just started crying. Thank you for reminding me that God knows and treasures all my “questions, desires, and longings.”
Praying for you, dear that you will have a great year and rest in Him throughout.
Yes, thank you Lord for your love and all the blessings you give me. I love you Jesus with my whole heart.❤