About the Author

Kristen Strong, author of Back Roads to Belonging and Girl Meets Change, writes as a friend offering meaningful encouragement for each season of life so you can see it with hope instead of worry. She and her US Air Force veteran husband, David, have three children and live in Colorado...

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  1. So often when I think I had something to do with making a positive change I’m quick to share my success so others can do the same. How much more valuable is it when I point to Jesus & His enabling, leading & filling me to accomplish what is needed to change. Made me think of the story of the difference between giving a hungry man a fish or teaching a hungry man to fish. Pointing to Jesus is the most valuable & loving act we can do. Bless you for this reminder it is all about Him not me!

  2. What a great reminder here. I try to tell myself frequently “I can do no good thing apart from my Father”. Pride is so prickly and boy can it boost me with false confidence if I lean in too hard! Thanks for sharing this story with us today-Kellie

    • As the story illustrates, I can certainly get that false confidence too. Heh. Here’s to reminding one another that we can do “no good thing apart from our Father.” Thank you for being here, Kellie!

  3. Wow! This is exactly what I needed to read. Thank you so much for these words. They resonate so much with me.

  4. Thank you for this wisdom today, Kristen. I’ve been asking myself similar questions: Why didn’t I see this coming? Did I miss God’s warnings? Did I not pray enough? You’ve reminded me that I am not in charge of this situation. God is and He will make a way through it. Something else I read today: “Whatever we are enduring is not random; it’s carefully planned. Nothing can happen to us outside of God’s plan for our lives” (Melissa B. Kruger, Growing Together, p. 132). It sure feels as though God is making His voice heard when two different sources address the same issue!

  5. Kristen,

    Most changes are hard for me to take. I like same old same old. God allows changes in our lives to bring us back to Him. It is in the midst of change that I pray more & harder. But when the trial/change is over God has done a work in us. During a recent change at work I went to the cross in prayer. Reminding myself of His unchanging love for me!

    I have recently gone through a change at work. They closed my unit & moved me to a Covid unit. My emotions were all over the map. Sure I was glad to still have a job, but I missed my unit the work I did (clerical). Now I just stock items, clean, empty trash, & answer phone. Feel kind of useless some days as there isn’t much to do for me. At night I would cry to God about it. One night God said “Beth For I know the plans I have for you.” “ok Lord.” A couple of days I was asked to work the cardio vascular unit. I like it as I felt more useful. Even made comments about wanting to work that unit should they have an opening. Yesterday (12/2) while I was sitting (close observation of patient) the RN manager came over to the Covid unit & told me about a position she was going to have open & did I want full or part time benefitted? She told me she had to go through protocols & advertise the position, but look for it & apply. WOW! God does have plans for us. Plans to prosper us & not for harm. To give us a hope & a future. Never in my life would I have seen this coming. Going from a part time 2-3 day a week position-working extra when needed to now having this! God is awesome!!

    Blessings 🙂