It’s our last Bible Study Monday for Courageous Kindness! It’s been so wonderful to go through our newest Bible study right here with you. Today’s our last day of this online study, but you can always revisit any posts. We provided the reading assignment, a discussion video featuring three (in)courage writers, a quote of the week, reflection questions, and a prayer. As long as you have your copy of Courageous Kindness and bring an open heart, we’ve got you covered!
We’ll finish up this series with Week 6, which shines a spotlight on God’s ability to do more than you could expect.
Reading Assignment
This week, read Week 6: More Than You Expected, starting on page 195 in Courageous Kindness. Grab your copy and start reading!
Discussion Video
Three (in)courage writers invited us into their conversations about Courageous Kindness! Join study author Becky Keife alongside Grace P. Cho and Lucretia Berry each week as they discuss the readings. Listen in on their conversation about Week 6 (and find all the weekly videos here):
Quote of the Week
Keep this quote in mind as you read Week 6:
Courageous kindness doesn’t happen by our own strength but by God’s strength in us.
– Becky Keife in Courageous Kindness. Feel free to download this quote to share with a friend!
Reflection Questions
In the comments below, answer and discuss the following reflection questions:
- Have you ever doubted you could make a difference?
- By God’s power, one act of courageous kindness is like a single stone with many ripples. How did you see this play out in the story of Rahab?
Let’s Pray Together
Yahweh — my Father, my Savior, Holy Spirit — thank You for choosing to put Your power and purpose to work in my life. I recognize that You have called me to live with a posture of courageous kindness so that Your kindness can increase. I trust You with my small stones. Take the little I have and multiply it. I believe You can and will do immeasurably more than anything I could ask or imagine. I am Yours. Amen.

Friends, thank you for joining us for this online study. There’s still one more new episode of the (in)courage podcast, so tune in on Thursday to hear from (in)courage team members, Anna and Joy, and writers, Becky, Lucretia, and Grace, as they finish up the study right alongside you. Listen wherever you stream podcasts (and find all the episodes here!)
Answer the reflection questions in the comments so we can discuss Week 6 together, and stay tuned for our next Bible Study series, releasing in March 2022!
I love incourage me! It’s the first thing I read every morning before I start my day. Having had a traumatic start in life (left in an orphanage at birth in Berlin, Germany) my life has been amazing! It’s never too late to have a wonderful childhood. Your daily posts have helped me grow.
Rita, you are inspiring! Thank you so much for reading (in)courage and sharing this kind comment. You bless us!
There have been many times I doubted what I could offer. My thoughts went like this “I’m not good at fund raising, how can my little make a difference?” God has been doing a work on me lately. He has shown me that my little with Him can make a difference. For instance I was trying to fundraise for caner society. I called my insurance agent & asked for a donation & got a check for $100.00 on the spot. Each of us can do our part & the job will get done.
Rahab hid the spies which allowed them to spy out the land. In the end she & her whole family got saved. Her one courageous act saved her entire family & helped Israel.
Blessings 🙂