Welcome back to the (in)courage podcast! In true (in)courage style, we’ve got some stories to tell and some real life to talk through.
Today, (in)courage and DaySpring team members Anna and Joy talk their way through Week 5 of the Courageous Kindness Bible study. They share about their experiences with long-haul friendships and their connection to the story of Mary and Martha from Luke 10.
You’ll also hear an excerpt of the Bible study read by author Becky Keife and a selection from the companion Bible study videos! These video discussions feature (in)courage writers Lucretia Berry and Grace P. Cho alongside Becky, and they offer us a seat beside them in the living room as they go through Courageous Kindness together.
Listen to the weekly episodes and also join the discussion in our Monday online study right here! Yep, we’re going through Courageous Kindness both on the podcast AND as an online community, and you’re invited to both. We hope you’ll join us!
Listen to today’s episode below or wherever you stream podcasts! Be sure to subscribe to the (in)courage podcast so you don’t miss a single episode! Get your copy of the Courageous Kindness Bible study from DaySpring.com and use code PODCAST25 to save 25% and get free shipping on your copies of Courageous Kindness.
Thank you guys for what you shared. It teaches us how important it is to make time for Jesus. Instead of thinking everything is more important. Jesus tells us not to caught up in everything else. To take time to sit at his feet in prayer and Bible reading. Letting his Holy Spirit speak us. Rest time in the Lord. Instead of being busy busy all the time in other things. We get caught up in it. With Jesus it nice to rest in him. Let his Holy Spirit speak to us. As we all need to do that. Not worry about having this and this done. To be like Mary and Martha. Who were to different people. If we are one saying must get this and this done. So get caught up in it. We don’t have time to sit at the feet of Jesus. That wrong as we get too busy in other things. That Jesus takes a back seat. Jesus is there for us all the time. So we need to be like that. Not so busy we don’t have time for Jesus and listen to what he says to us through the Holy Spirit. We have to get we make time for Jesus. Rest in his loving arms. Sit at his feet like the other woman. Who wanted to take in all that Jesus has for her. Then Jesus will help make us time to do all we need to get done. So true. Love you all incourage. In my prayers. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx