“Do you want to go to church this morning?”
My husband looked at me over a steaming mug of coffee, still in his pajamas and with a bit of bedhead to complete his comfortable look.
The truth was I looked much the same. Our youngest three kids — the ones still living at home — were still in bed after staying up a little too late the night before. I didn’t mind. I savored these quiet, uninterrupted early morning moments on the family room sofa with my husband.
He looked at me, waiting for my answer. It shouldn’t have been difficult to give him one. From the time I was less than a year old, Sundays have been church days. Up until 2020, I could count on my two hands the number of weeks when I wasn’t in a church.
But then a global pandemic, followed by fear and uncertainty. Then, the doors of restaurants, schools, and churches closed, sealing our isolation. What we thought would be a few weeks turned into a few months and then more than a year. And before I knew it, my lifelong Sunday church practice turned into a new habit:
Watching church rather than going to one.
Before I go any further, I think it’s important to clarify a few things. First, I’m deeply grateful that I live in a time when it’s possible to worship with others who love Jesus whether they live on the other side of town or the other side of the world. From March 2020 until now, the internet and the extraordinary talents of individuals made it possible for my family to weekly listen to pastors teach from God’s Word and to sing in our family room together without putting our health at risk.
Second, church doesn’t require a building, nor does it only count on Sundays. In fact, a perfect church attendance record is neither a badge of honor nor a means of salvation. You and I don’t need to cross the threshold of a steepled church building every Sunday to keep God from getting angry or to secure His love. “Nothing can separate you from the love of God,” Romans 8 states. And that includes church on a Wednesday or no church building at all.
And yet, there is something about being a part of a Jesus-loving community that is important. And I’m learning, after months of attending church on a sixty-inch television screen, that although the internet can deliver good preaching and inspiring music, it can’t deliver the same connection and relationship that happens when you and I share the same space face-to-face. And isn’t that what church is all about anyway?
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another — and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:23-25 (NIV)
It’s now been many months since our church reopened its doors. And although we’ve attended in person several times, too often we opt for the ease and comfort of church in our family room. And today I feel the gentle conviction of the Spirit.
Perhaps what we need most right now is not more “ease” or the comfort of home but the irreplaceable gift of community — something we’ve not had nearly enough of in the last eighteen months. And something that is going to require a measure of intentionality to reconnect with. It requires effort to build a new habit.
You may have any one of a number of good reasons to attend church from your family room. Some of you are bedridden or housebound. Others of you are caregivers or lack transportation. My words are not an attempt to deliver shame or guilt. I celebrate with you that the gospel is now more accessible than it’s ever been. In so many ways, it is an extraordinary gift.
But for those of us who have slipped into a habit of checking church off our list in the easiest way possible, maybe now is a good time to remember why church came about in the first place:
We were never meant to walk this life of faith alone. We need each other. And whether we gather in a building, a house, or over the internet, church must be more than something we watch. We need it to be a relationship we share — with Jesus and each other.
All the more as we see the Day approaching.
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Maybe it has to do with living alone, but I cannot think of not attending Sunday worship in person. For me, it is the beginning and ending of my week. While I was grateful to be able to zoom services for as long as it was needed, I always felt a disconnect afterwards. Even though we are still distancing somewhat during worship, singing with others, lining up for communion, having a cup of coffee after the service is so important for me. And after not being able to attend for so long, I don’t want to take for granted that I have the opportunity to be with my church family.
I don’t want to take it for granted either, Madeline. Such a beautiful word.
So well put. In relationship not merely watching…thankful for those much smarter than me to figure out the live stream, recorded teachings & even zoom to not lose community. Thankful for The One Who designed relationships to begin with!
Me too, Ruth. Me too! Such a beautiful use of unique talents. What a gift.
Thank you for this. In the early days of Christianity, and even today in many parts of the world, going to church was and is a sacrifice. Let us not get complacent and take the easy way— we need each other! If we can gather together for school and sporting events and even shopping we should show up to be with the people that we love to uplift and encourage each other. And as Michele stated “All the more as we see the Day approaching”. Blessings on your gatherings!
Absolutely, Judy. We need each other! Grateful for YOU.
Thank You for this reminder: “We were never meant to walk this life of faith alone. We need each other. And whether we gather in a building, a house, or over the internet, church must be more than something we watch. We need it to be a relationship we share — with Jesus and each other.” You hit the nail on the head with that paragraph. Most denominational churches try to make us feel ‘guilty’ if we don’t attend regularly – outside of Covid restrictions. How many people do we know who attend church regularly – get their check-mark on the attendance roll – but don’t live in relationship with God? The personal walk with our Lord and Savior is what will ensure our place when ‘the Day’ comes. Yes, we do need each other, but we need to keep God first to be good for ourselves and each other.
Yes, and I’ve been that person. But for grace. Jesus, we want more of you!
Good message, Michele! Thank you and God bless!
And you, Karen.
I have immune problems and live in an area that leans anti-vax and anti-mask, and our local hospital has been working in “surge capacity” since early August, so face-to-face in-person is not the way for me to go at this time.
*But* we have online small groups and it is *so good* to have that connection and check-in and ability to give and receive support and remind each other of truth. I like in-person contact better – no internet lag, more everything-good (except being able to turn the microphone and camera off if you have a sneezing fit!), but I’ll take what I can get, and it’s good.
(and then there are also people like Elijah, who was told that there *were* other faithful people out there, but no, he did not get to have community support at this time; God can feed us by raven if we don’t get humans)
Yes yes yes. Such a rich insight, KC. He knows what we need, and He will deliver it.
Sweet sister. So glad your church has online groups. Asking God to show people the need for the vaccine & masks. Community is super important. We were not meant to live like an island.
Praying you can do live church soon. May God continue to bless you & your family.
Blessings 🙂
A “plus” of the pandemic has been that so many church services are available online. My preacher brother, who was technically illiterate, became tech savvy and put his service on FB. So, me and family members that live many miles away can and do listen to him. On Easter 2020 I was able to listen to 3 church services!! What a blessing that would not normally happen.
But, I agree with the author. I was so happy to return to the fellowship of attending church!! Online is good, but definitely not as personal.
I agree, Leslie. Evidence of God’s abundance, that he’s provided in such extraordinary ways.
Well said, it’s so important that we come together, when possible, to celebrate and proclaim God’s goodness in corporate fellowship. There is power when we are in church with other believers.
Michael I can see where you are coming from. In saying Church is more than the building. I have to agree with you on that. We the saved our the Church. The real Church is us the hands and feet of Jesus. Helping people in need and doing what Jesus did and loving people of all walks of life. Not the big fancy building with stane class windows. People who are not saved think that is what the Church is. The true Church is us especially the saved being the hands and feet of Jesus doing what he done and showing Jesus love to everyone. But we also need or saved Brothers and Sister to help us as well to be the true Church to a world that needs Jesus. Especially since Covid came into our world. Helping people in need of all walks of life and showing them the love of Jesus. So we do need either wether we go to Church on Sunday now they are back open or stay at home watch it online. We still have to remember not to get into a rut. Remember we have to like Jesus in everything we do. As the kids song says that I learnt at The School when small. It is “Jesus hands were kind hands doing good to all” So if we are able to help someone. We are doing the same as that song. Being like Jesus. That is what Jesus would want us too do. Especially in these days. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little. Keeping you all incourage in my prayers. Xx
I loved this message and especially these lines: “Perhaps what we need most right now is not more “ease” or the comfort of home but the irreplaceable gift of community.” Community is truly what my heart has longed for!
At first I liked not having to rush off to church. It was nice to just sit & listen to good Christian music-just me & God. Somewhere along the way I missed my tribe. Sure I could call, text or write notes to them. It was seeing their faces & receiving hugs that I needed. I wanted to rekindle some relationships & gab with friends. After all God made us for community. He never intended for us to life alone. We need to pray for, encourage, & just be with others. Plus I missed communion. Our church does it weekly. Wanted the communion meditation & taking of bread & wine (grape juice). Grateful that our church is back to full schedule Sunday School, AM, PM & Wednesday Bible study. Sure they are on internet if one can’t make it. For me it is about getting out & hugging the elderly. Showing them I care.
Blessings 🙂