The other day it was bright and sunny, and I decided to go on a walk. My regular tennis shoes had gotten wet and weren’t dry yet, so I found my son’s old pair of tennis shoes to wear. As I was lacing up, I thought, “These shoes never make your feet feel good after you wear them.” But I still carried on because the other option was flip flops and that didn’t seem smart either.
As I was walking, I kept feeling the top of my foot ache deeper and deeper, resembling a stress fracture I’d had in the past. I think I’m going to have to turn back. I was getting really annoyed because I knew it would mean turning around only halfway into my planned walk — on such a pretty day too! I prayed for God to heal my foot, but it kept hurting even more. I grew a little resentful. God, I know You can do this. It seems like a small thing, but I just want to walk. You know this is good for my brain and body! As if letting God know the details He already knows about me would do some good.
I came inside and immediately kicked off the shoes, grabbed a drink of water, and went to the bathroom. When I came out into the main area, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The sky had grown dark, and huge clouds loomed. It wasn’t the same sky as it had been two minutes ago. Then the most sideways rain began to fall aggressively in sheets, making the tree limbs sway so hard I thought they would fall.
Glad I wasn’t out in that! I stopped in my tracks, taken aback by God’s mercy for me. I had just been complaining to Him about my foot hurting and practically accusing Him of not knowing what was best for me. He didn’t heal my foot because He was gently bringing me home to be safe and out of the storm.
That might seem like a trivial example, but I can give you a long list of failed plans and dreams where I was really disappointed in the outcome and wondered what God was thinking.
Another time, God gave me a picture of being on a beach with a raging storm coming my way. I was alone and the sky was growing dark and veins of lightning stretched across the clouds. There were no shelters, no homes, only one giant rock jutting like a mammoth out of the sand. I heard, “Run into the cleft of that rock. The sea is going to rage, but you will be safe in there.” So I ran as fast as I could — just in time. This was right before my marriage fell apart, and I’d be devastated beyond what I believed I could endure. I was certainly crushed, but in the end, I was not destroyed. That was because I ran into the protection of that Rock. His nearness, His strength — they saved me.
I often want to question what God is doing in my life when it feels uncomfortable, which is silly because I am not all-knowing, all-loving, all-wise. When I think I know better than God, it means I don’t actually trust Him. I want control because I believe I will do better! Just writing that feels really silly. It reminds me of Job who withstood so much suffering:
Listen to this, Job;
stop and consider God’s wonders.
Do you know how God controls the clouds
and makes his lightning flash?
Do you know how the clouds hang poised,
those wonders of him who has perfect knowledge?
Job 37:14-16 (NIV)
Perfect knowledge. He has the perfect knowledge to carry you through your storm, like He’s carried me through mine, time and time again. He will equip you perfectly, give you the perfect amount of faith, the perfect amount of supernatural wisdom and strength — not an accidental or haphazard amount. I say this to myself when I’m feeling afraid or anxious, “He’s done it before, and He’ll be faithful to do it again.”
Whenever I preach that beautiful truth to myself and remember all the times it’s been true, I find hope. So say it with me today if you’re in the middle of a storm, if you can’t understand God’s way, or if you can’t see beyond the falling apart that’s happening right before your eyes, “He’s done it before, and He’ll be faithful to do it again.”
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Ilove the lord with everything but i cant have hope and faith. Tell me y please.
Abba Father please help Babaradix deepen her faith, hope & trust muscles. Show her why she isn’t trusting you fully. Guide & direct her on this journey. Lead her to a fuller more satisfying relationship with you. Bring people into her life that will teach her the secret to hope & faith in Jesus. Bless her & keep her. Grow her faith roots deep. In Jesus Name AMEN!
Blessings 🙂
Dearest Barbara I will not even pretend to know the why of your struggle but I know God can reveal it to you. In the meantime I am praying He will fatten your faith roots & give you the hope you are missing. May He increase your sight into His faithfulness today & you fall deeper in love with Him in every way each day. Sending prayers to the only One who can answer all your yearnings & struggles.
what a sweet prayer!
Jami thank you for sharing your examples of God’s faithfulness & protection both from the storm & in the storms of life. What a powerful God we have! Blessings!
thank you friend!
Such a timely devotion for me today, I have mediation tomorrow, after 18 months of separation, I put it all in Gods hands
That is a really long time, you’ve endured a lot. Thankful God has kept you in his cleft. Praying for you now.
So, if i understand correctly, God chooses to protect you ( that makes you very special) from a storm but chooses to let a kid dies from an illness, or get raped?
Now i’m curious as to why you can rationalise this?
As if it would make any sense, to what kind of God lets innocents die or suffer, while you think God saved you from…………………..bad weather? Yes. Of course. While he lets maybe a little girl next door being sexually abused by her dad of starve because her mom is addicted to drugs and can’t buy food. Or maybe you think it is only reserved for the very good Christians?
Any good reasoning on that?
If God’s grace was true, we wouldn’t have to ask. Especially kids who don’t know about grace and shouldn’t have to beg for their lives to be spared because, God loves children, right? Why do you think God has to be asked for healing and protection?
Does it works like lottery? Your lucky number gets picked? Or……like all those kids who are suffering, it doesn’t?
It better make sense, as to making sense for real.
Thank you!
I think I was trying to say, I didn’t escape suffering. I still had to walk though my own slice of hell, I was just kept in his presence. I am not literally talking about bad weather here, I’m sorry if that wasn’t clear. The reward isn’t escaping hardship, in fact the Bible promises it on earth. And I continually have experienced hardships and suffering and long to be away from it all. Where there is no suffering. I’m sorry you’re experiencing so much pain, and praying that God shows up for you today.
That still doesn’t explain why kids dont get God’s grace when they shouldn’t have to beg for their life to be spared.
Hi Chantale. Thank you for sharing and I’ve asked myself the same question whenever I hear of tragic, unfair circumstances. Why God? There was a time when I walked with my friend when her daughter was dying. I watched that woman of God pray around.the.clock! I believed God was going to heal her but He didn’t. She ended up passing away and at her funeral this family friend got up and said, through the tragedy, remember God never makes mistakes-gulp. This stuck with me-life is hard and tragic but we have to rest in His sovereignty. Blessings and peace to you.
Dear Chantale, I am so sorry for the hurt you or a loved one has suffered. Not knowing the specifics, I do assume that a person or persons caused your pain. God did not choose to hurt you. A human made that choice. God’s grace is available to everyone, children and adults alike. It is freely offered. All we must do is accept it. Praying is just a way to chat with God. It is not a prerequisite to receiving grace. I hope someone will wrap you in the right words for you to release your anger and accept God’s grace and healing. May you be richly blessed and well loved in your life. That is my hope for you, in this broken world.
Jesus promised we would have trials & tribulations down here. But take heart for He has overcome this world. All our troubles started in the Garden of Eden when Adam & Eve ate of the tree of knowledge of Good & evil. That is the time when sin entered the world. God graciously gives us free will. God has a plan for every person down here. We will never know the whys of this life until we get to Heaven. We can never truly escape storms but if we rest in the cleft of the rock-Jesus-then we will be safe.
Blessings :))
Well done Jami!
I love your mantra.
It was refreshing, encouraging & supportive to hear of your divorce – period – nothing further about how your remarried etc as I can only relate to the former & not the latter.
You made me feel included. Thank you
Thankful for his presence in your life!
Thank you for this, Jami!
Thank you, Jami. Your post is so encouraging!
thank you jami! this was a wonderful reminder that God knows exactly what He’s doing even when we don’t know, like it, or understand it. the Lord works in mysterious ways…ways beyond our understanding!
This was really timely for me. He’s done it before: he’ll do it again. This week I’ve been meditating on the following two phrases: He’s always been faithful to me, and He is good and He does good. When we remember that He does not change, we learn to rest in who He is instead of everything going the way we want.
So good!!! Thank you for these truth bombs. I appreciate your words & encouragment.
No one likes storms/trials. Often times we ask God to take us out of them like Jesus did in Gethsemane. We must also pray for His will. He knows what’s best for us. God knows what lies ahead on our journey & where He wants us to be. I recite Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not for harm. To give you a hope & a future.” When trials come & they will just remember God is in control of this spinning universe & He has your best interest in mind.
Blessings 🙂
Jami, you are a gifted writer. As I read your piece, I couldn’t help but notice the presence of the Holy Spirit. Your article has brought to surface broken places in our lives but you didn’t leave us there. The vivid illustration of the Lord Jesus as the shelter, the solid rock, landed many of us in His presence. Thank you Jami. May God continue to bless the work of your hands, uphold, protect and prosper you and your family.
You bless me ! Thank you for your kindness. ♥️♥️♥️
Grace filled.