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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. This verse really spoke to me this morning! I really struggle at times in my thought life. These verses showed me how my thoughts and the Lords are so different. Mine can be so twisted by my doubts fears and insecurities if I let them. But when I focus on Jesus and who I am in him that all changes!

  2. Wow… I have always loved card catalogs, and to this day have wished I had one. I never thought of it as the way your career coach talked about it… what an eye opening article you wrote, thanks!

  3. I say it every morning. God your thoughts are not mine and usually I say your wants are no mine. Bu I do ask for his will to be done because I have done things that turned out not right. Great post

  4. As one who likes order, your card catalog is such a wonderful image. But what really spoke to me is the verse that I seem to forget time and again.

  5. With you “I’m slowly understanding the joy of worshiping a God that doesn’t fit into my boxes, drawers, or compartments.” You reminded me of a song from years ago that Babbie Mason sang, “Trust His Heart.” Part of the chorus included these lines: “When you don’t understand / When don’t see His plan / When you can’t trace His hand / Trust His heart.” We can trust His surprises because we can trust His heart. May I stay mindful of that truth!

  6. I have been learning this same lesson. That God doesn’t fit into our box and that he gives so much better gifts than we can imagine. I have always been intrigued with card catalogs and all their drawers. Interestingly enough, they remind me of infinite possibilities.

  7. Emily,

    I, too, am an organizing freak. A place for everything everything in its place. That way you can find it next time you need it. Enjoy a nice surprise now then. Just not a fan of curve balls or monkey wrenches thrown into life. One thing I’ve learned is that God is with us during each & every trial. He is walking with & working in us all through these tests. I cling to Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you & not for harm. To give you a hope & a future.” We must believe that He knows what’s best for us at each step on this journey. His ways & thoughts are higher than ours. His blessings are abunant.

    Blessings )