Time for Bible Study Monday! We are thrilled to go through our newest Bible study, Courageous Kindness, right here with you. Each Monday for six weeks we provide the reading assignment, a discussion video featuring three (in)courage writers, a quote of the week, reflection questions, and a prayer. All you need is your copy of Courageous Kindness and an open heart, and we’ll take care of the rest!
Pick up your copy of Courageous Kindness, and start Week 3, which shows the power of bending low and lifting others up.
Reading Assignment
This week, read Week 3: Bending Low and Lifting Up, on pages 85-121 in Courageous Kindness. Grab your copy and start reading!
Discussion Video
Three (in)courage writers invite us into their conversations about Courageous Kindness! Join study author Becky Keife alongside Grace P. Cho and Lucretia Berry each week as they discuss the readings. Listen in on their conversation about Week 3 (and find all the weekly videos here):
Quote of the Week
Keep this quote in mind as you read Week 3:
You will be marked by your kindness. And so will the person you were kind to.
– Becky Keife in Courageous Kindness. Feel free to download this quote to share with a friend!
Reflection Questions
In the comments below, answer and discuss the following reflection questions:
- When have you faced an impossible season or situation? How did God use the support of others to help you?
- What is your takeaway this week for what it means to be a woman of courageous kindness?
Let’s Pray Together

Click here to get a FREE week from each of our four Courageous Bible Studies and get free leader resources! Also, tune in each Thursday for a new episode of the (in)courage podcast and hear from (in)courage team members Anna and Joy, and writers Becky, Lucretia, and Grace as they all work their way through the study right alongside you. Listen wherever you stream podcasts (or find all the episodes here!)
Answer the reflection questions in the comments so we can discuss Week 3 together! Blessings as you work through Week 3, and we’ll see you back here next Monday to begin Week 4!
Hello Ladies it’s me Dawn from the other side of the world. In a we place called Enniskillen Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. Thanks again for sharing your hearts on kindness. One thing that comes to mind to me in all the stories you shared. Was that when we do acts of kindness. We are not only showing kindness to the person we are being kind to. But really we are showing it to Jesus as well and doing the kindness on to Jesus as well. That is so good to know. Jesus I believe smiles down at us doing the act of kindness we do. No matter what it is. As I share this story. There is a young Lady. Who I know that sometimes get it into her head only some people like her. She is saved. People also don’t want to talk her or even know her. One day she had been to the shop for her Mum. She called my name as that day our paths crossed. I was walking my Dad’s dog. When she was going back to her Mum with some shopping she had done for her Mum. I said Hello to her and chatted her for a brief few minutes. Not that long. As had to get the dog back to my Dad’s. As I had tiding to do for my Dad. To help him. My Dad is 80. Not saved. But very good for his age. I pray for my Dad’s salvation. So this young lady. Was so pleased I stopped and chatted to her even if was not that long. Because I had to get my Dad’s do by to my Dad’s and start the tidying for him. As not many people would chat to her or give her the time. It pleased her I gave her the time. Didn’t make her feel how she feels other make her feel. Not want to talk to her or give her the time of day. I done what Jesus would want me to do that is show kindness to her. I was also showing her the love of Jesus. I know God will bless me for chatting to her and giving her time. When you get to know her she is just lovely. I told her I keep her in my prayers. Which I do. She not have many friends. If any. But I was a friend to her that by showing her kindness. Not making her feel I am like everyone or mostly everyone. Then walk away from her. Not want to talk to her. It reminds me of kids song I learnt at Sunday School. It is “Jesus hands were kind hands doing good to all” So me doing what I did and chatted the young lady that thinks no one likes her. I was being the hands and feet of Jesus to the young lady that day. Showing her that I don’t have anything against her. Making her feel needed. I know Jesus was smiling down on me for doing that. When the rest of the world might not want to know her and just walked away saved or not saved. I told her Jesus loves her and it doesn’t matter what people think. Only things that matters is what Jesus thinks or says about her. How true that is for all of us. Thank you for again sharing your heart and thoughts as you did today. Love it so much. Keeping you all incourage in my prayers. Love Dawn xx
Dawn, yes, isn’t it amazing how just seeing the person in front of us and sharing the kindness of our attention and a little bit of time can be so meaningful to someone who is lonely and hurting? Thanks so much for reading today and sharing your story with us.
In Courage,
My dad was living in assisted living from 2014-2017. Back in 2015 my aging dad’s dementia got worse. It went all the way to geriatric psych with him putting his fist to my face-just touching it no actual punches. I remember yelling for an RN to come help me. They gave him some meds & we put him on hospice. Shortly after that he was moved to Alzheimer’s unit (lockdown). The next day he went “nuts” & we took him to hospital. They ended up putting him in gero psych unit. I was scared & nervous. My church people were there to pray with me. God healed him after 1 month & we found a new assisted living closer to my house. Two years later he “loses” it again-I think he had a mini stroke. Back to gero psych we go. This time though he died in the hospital. Again my church family & some workers from new assisted living were there for me. They comforted me. My pastor saw the look on my face one Sunday & gave me a big hug.
Women of Courageous kindness just do things for others. It doesn’t matter what the task-they just show up & say here I am use me. My pastor’s wife comes to mind as a courageously kind woman. She makes sour dough bread for anniversaries & birthdays. She & her husband volunteer 5 nights a week at Loaves & Fishes food bank. For years she volunteered with Relay for Life (cancer)–she herself had breast cancer. I try to emulate her. When I heard a co-worker was dealing with her dad’s cancer & her brother’s Covid pneumonia I went to work cooking for her. Had food for lunch one day & then got more food & made a loaf of bread. I would do anything for people just to show I care & make God’s light visible in this world.
Blessings 🙂