About the Author

Anjuli grew up as a missionary kid secretly wondering, “Why does everyone else understand what a relationship with Jesus is, but me?” It wasn’t until she ran into her fears instead of from them, that Anjuli found her voice and the love of God meeting her there. She is a...

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  1. Ruth Mills says

    I love both the picture of the serenity of the lake & it’s surroundings and God gently, patiently untangling my mess as being restful. Thank you for sharing your skills of writing to encourage!

  2. says

    I can totally relate! Rest definitely does not come easy for me either and it often feels like work. When we fully embrace rest and allow our minds and bodies to be still in the Lord’s presence He meets us there and fills us with His peace and joy. This was exactly the reminder I needed today. Thank you for sharing your heart and for encouraging mine.

  3. Vanessa says

    Rest is hard. With kids, I feel like even rest is work and while I love silence, it is hard to find. Plus, most things that can be fun and restful can also be dangerous for littles. Thank you for your contemplations and sharing your journey. I understand.

  4. says

    Oh, Hallelujah, thank the Lord !

    This is describing how I have felt so many times in my marriage. I have been married 41 years. Wow, I can hardly believe it myself. Sometimes I feel like I lost part of myself somewhere along the Journey. This is where God comes in through another Sister in Christ to start a healing process inside of me. Why does it take so many years to get a definitive diagnosis?

    First of all, the Calendar was invented for us humans. God does not need a time schedule. He has been teaching me many things over the years; how to learn to forgive, how to be an attentive daughter to my Mother (I am her only Child), how to learn to listen to my children, how to have a sweet relationship with my Sisters and Brothers in Christ, how to avoid gossip, how to be quick to listen and slow to speak and how to ask God for His insight on Everything that involves me and my family, and how to avoid quick judgment, and how to stand for what is Christlike without being against an unbeliever. I guess that’s why it takes so long to get a diagnosis. I am still a “student” in Discipleship.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, we are in process, all of us. Before we can accept change, we have to go to school. Knowledge is valuable, Wisdom teaches us how and when to apply the knowledge. God sees us as Finished Saints, He can see the end from the beginning. We have to walk in our Calling, turns and delays can be part of the Journey. Soldier on in Jesus name. Put on your armor every day and every night. Be strong and courageous, it is the Lord our God who goes with us, He will never leave or forsake us. We are His Beloved Children.

    Thank You Lord for teaching me to rest from the inside out and from the world I made for myself.


  5. Kerry MacPherson says

    Thank you for this post Anjuli. I am exactly like you. I am not good at resting, but I am very good at getting lots of work done. Most people I know tend to turn to TV or social media. Thanks for the reminder that I need to spend more time with God, and be patience with myself, so God can help me untangle the mess in my heart and mind. (-: Kerry

  6. Beth Williams says


    Society tells us to be productive. Keep on doing & achieving. God knows our souls need to be refilled & renewed. He calls us to rest in Matthew 11:28-29 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Lysa Terkeurst put it this way in her book Your Best Yes “Saying yes to everyone & everything won’t make you wonder woman. It will make you a worn out woman with nothing left to give to anyone.” It can seem hard to just sit & be still with God. We must do it in order to have some peace in our lives. The lake or beach is a perfect place to just take in the scenery & allow God to do His work in you-refilling your weary empty soul. Let’s try to put a little white space in our lives & allow God to do His work in us.

    Blessings 🙂