About the Author

A three-time tongue cancer survivor and mama of children from “hard places," Michele Cushatt is a (reluctant) expert on pain, trauma and the deep human need for connection. Her most recent book, "Relentless: The Unshakeable Presence of a God Who Never Leaves", wrestles with the dogged presence and affection of...

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  1. Beautifully said, Michelle. Thank you. I also read this quote a few minutes ago.

    “How many Christians today have received forgiveness in Christ, but miss out on living in the freedom they have? Don’t live under the impression that you still have to earn your salvation. Instead, live in the freedom that Christ has bought you!”

    Amazing Grace!!!

  2. Oh the sting of trying to be perfect. Praise the Lord it is through his love and grace I am made perfect in his sight. I need to remind myself of that daily, multiple times over.

  3. Amen! I couldn’t agree more. I’m not who I want to be, but thanks to God I’m not who I used to be.
    Thanks for posting this word of encouragement!

  4. Wow! What a great way to start a Monday that in our area is gray & gloomy. The kind of day that makes you not want to get of bed to attempt anything! So much hope & grace in the finished work of Christ. Amen & amen! Thank you Michele!

  5. So well said. And it is nice knowing I am not alone in feeling like it doesn’t take long for the imperfections to show up. My daughter danced for many years and I remember her ballet teachers telling the students, “Perfect practice makes perfect” as the teacher went up to each student to fix the imperfection. After reading this post, I actually feel lighter and more accepting of myself. Thank you.

  6. This struck so close to home for me!! I had an amazing piano teacher too. She made us memorize our recital pieces inside out so wherever we got stuck we could pick right up and to this day she is one of my favorite people in the world. Thanks for sharing this really blessed me today☺️

  7. Lovely reminders, Michele. Thank you so much! Bravo for practicing and achieving excellence at the piano! Patience is often what I lack. Patience with myself and others. Each day is a new opportunity. I shall try to embrace that.

    • There’s an old song from the 70’s or 80’s called “One day at a time, sweet Jesus.” My dad used to sing this song at the top of his lungs, and it drove me crazy. 🙂 But when I read your words, I heard the echo of him singing it again. Such a sweet and timely reminder. Yes, one day at a time, sweet Jesus.

  8. You better say it again. It is the finished work at the Cross that’s transforming my life and your life into the character of Jesus Christ.

    Practice makes perfect when you know that you need a Lord and Savior every second of every day. You get to leave behind all your struggles, triggers, hurt feelings, bad behavior and unkept promises because your humanity will trip you up when you try to be for yourself who only God, through acceptance of His Son Jesus, can do for any born again human.

    You will always come up short because you cannot save yourself. You cannot heal yourself. You cannot
    redeem yourself over again. We belong to God and all we think we have or own we are only stewards for God.

    The pressure is off, you cannot be good enough or perfect enough for anyone or any reason.

    God bless those who desire to be submitted to His Word and His Will for their lives.

  9. As I read this, I can relate so much and have spent years ruminating over my failures and lack of practice (on instruments, in my relationships, in my parenting, in my work) and all the ways I’ve fallen short.

    And yet… the hope is in the practice… if we are careful what we practice. If we practice dwelling on the thought each day that Jesus paid the price for us on the cross…That acknowledgment and working that out in our lives here on earth does ultimately result in perfection when we meet Him face to face. But the perfection we so desire is only found in Him. Our job is to practice remembering and dwelling on and living out that Truth in our lives to lead others to the same Hope that is found in Christ.

  10. Amen!! I’m very hard on myself when I don’t measure up. Praise God that He still loves me.

    • Me too, Pat. I’m learning (slowly!) to return to Him as a child, confident of His love even in my disappointment in myself. His love never fails, even when I do. What relief.

  11. Oh yes, the bridge of God’s abundant grace, created by the cross of Christ! I praise him too for the “evidence of His transforming in spite of myself. Although I am not yet who I want to be, I’m no longer who I once was. And when I fall on His grace in recognition of my great need, I find His power waiting for me.” SO well said, Michele. Thank you for sharing this encouragement with us!

  12. Michelle,

    This is so timely for me today. I failed miserably at being a good Christian. Thanking God for His forgiveness & willingness to help me change into the Christian woman I want to be. Going to pray & ask God for His helping hand to change my attitude at work. Show me that I need to be grateful for the job I have & not complain so much about all the changes going on. Only Jesus can cleanse me inside, out & fix my attitude.

    Blessings 🙂

  13. I needed this reminder today. Lately I’m feeling stressed and overwhelmed along with guilt. I love my great grandchildren but I don’t want to be their caregiver everyday. I feel guilty that I don’t want to give them or my sick spouse the attention that’s deserved everyday. I neglect to eat as I should to lose weight. But God knows that I’m trying to love and care for everyone.

  14. I love this Michelle, and it’s exactly what I needed to hear: “Although I am not yet who I want to be, I’m no longer who I once was.“ Thank you.