Welcome to a special bonus episode of the (in)courage podcast! In these bonus episodes, (in)courage community manager and author Becky Keife discusses with friends how every small kindness makes a big impact.
Today, Becky’s joined by friend and (in)courage contributor, Aliza Latta. This episode is all about when kindness is uncomfortable and doesn’t go the way you planned. Aliza and Becky both share vulnerable stories about what happened when the Holy Spirit urged them to show compassion to a stranger, how the incident didn’t turn out the way they expected, and the bigger lesson God taught each of them.
If you’ve ever been afraid to trust God with your resources or just get a little awkward for the sake of loving another, this conversation is for you. Because at the end of the day, we all need to remember that kindness isn’t about us — it’s about Jesus.
You’re going to be so encouraged. Listen below or wherever you stream podcasts!
- Get your copy of The Simple Difference: How Every Small Kindness Makes a Big Impact by Becky Keife.
- Connect on Instagram with Becky (@beckykeife) and Aliza (@alizalatta).
- Learn more at bethesimpledifference.com.
Aliza I have cousins that live in Toronto Canada. Their parents came from Belfast Northern Ireland. It was my late Mums. Brother and his wife that decided to move to Canada to live. Their kids are all big now some Married with kids of their own. They were all born in Canada Toronto. They have my cousin love there all their lives. But both their Parents came from Belfast Northern Ireland. They are not saved. I pray for their Salvation. I have met some of my cousin. When they came to visit Belfast Northern Ireland. To see their family roots. I never myself been to Canada Toronto. But it was lovely to meet them. I have family from Enniskillen who live in London that you went to do your studying. They love it. Yes when younger I have been to see them in London. Plus their kids that still live there with their parents. But not been for years. They still some of them come home them and their parents from time to time to Enniskillen for a Holiday. To see us. (that is my Cousin Aunt and Uncles) Which is lovely. They are not saved either. I pray for them. But I do wonder at times. Why I go the extra mile for certain people. When they ask me to do them a favour. Like look after their dog. When going away for the night or few days. You ask them is all there family their kids going. Or any staying at home. You don’t mind helping their family’s if one of them staying not going away for the night or few days. Too look after the dog when they are away. To keep them company. But the thing that gets me. Is you are doing this in kindness. To show the Love of God to them and do in Love. But it really bugs me when they take along time to get back to you if they do. To let you know if all the family are going for the night or few days. Or one is staying at home. You asked them too please let you know in good time. They don’t. You begin to wonder if there will be some one of their kids at home. They didn’t go. Or will you have to do their dog by yourself. You say to yourself. I doing them the favour plus showing them my kindness. By saying yes I look after their dog. I get cross inside because they should know with in few hours after me asking the question or the next day. If everyone going and no one staying at home. Or one staying at home. I can feel myself inside getting cross. That they want my help in looking after their dog. But they keep me waiting or sometimes don’t let me know if all or going with them or one staying at home. As they are big enough to stay at home by themselves. I say I doing their dog when away. Out of Love and Kindness. They keep me waiting for answer to my question if one staying at home or all going. Or they don’t answer me. I begin to think they are glad of me to look after their dog. Why can’t they answer this question. Then God through his Holy Spirit. Say to me clearly. You remember you are doing it for the dog and showing them my love. Plus if one family member stays at home. That you are keeping them company when doing the dog. So as showing them God’s love as well. So God says especially if not saved. Remember they don’t think like you. They just think of you doing the dog. Getting away for the night or the few days. So show them my love. Do it on to me looking after their dog. Even if they don’t tell you someone staying at home. For me not to let it get to me if they don’t. Most times they do let me know. So I do what God asks of me. Remember they are not saved. Do it out of love and kindness for them. Like Jesus would. Try not to let things like this annoy me. Thank you for what you shared. Keeping you all incourage in my prayers Dawn Ferguson-Little xx