I won’t sugarcoat the last few months. They’ve been hard. In some ways, I can pinpoint what’s made them so hard — funerals, family drama, extreme fatigue and pain in my body. On the other hand, there have been many days when I’ve woken up with a sense of dread for no reason. I’ve battled severe anxiety and depression. Fear has gripped me unlike any other time in my life. I’ve felt hopeless and on edge.
Do you know who I told about all the things? Absolutely no one.
Now, I love people. Community is my jam. And I know we’re better together. But I have a confession: More often than I care to admit it, I find myself living as an island. I suffer in silence. I have this need for people to think I can handle anything, that I can take care of myself by myself. I don’t want them to think I’m needy. I don’t do this intentionally. I’ve just always lived this way and have been slow in growing to express my need for God or others.
Though the Lord is working on me with this, I recently fell into isolation, avoidance, and withdrawal again. I completely shut down. I was overwhelmed in every way, and I couldn’t help myself. Before I knew it, it had been months since I’d talked to dear friends. In my everyday and at church, I was simply going through the motions.
I eventually hit a wall and broke down. I knew I needed to be honest with God and with the people in my life. I knew I needed to be vulnerable, even though I have the nagging fear that if I’m 100 percent forthcoming, I won’t be accepted or loved. I’m sure many of you face the same fears — of being left alone and rejected — and shame keeps us in an unending loop of insecurity.
At church, my pastor has been preaching on the power of praise and how the body of Christ needs each other. For months, I had been listening and taking notes, but I felt disconnected to the truths of God’s Word because I was focusing on my circumstances. But slowly, God has been lifting the veil to help me see His goodness, kindness, and faithfulness again, and as He did, I saw I had been missing the very things that I had been learning through my pastor’s sermons.
First, I learned that praise ushers in breakthrough.
Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One;
you are the one Israel praises.
Psalm 22:3 (NIV)
In Psalm 22, David reminds us that the God of the universe, the God of you and me, inhabits our very praises. He doesn’t just sit up high upon His throne in judgment of us. No, He comes down low to meet us. He meets us in our mess, in our shame, and in whatever pit we find ourselves. He sees us and rushes in with His mighty right arm to save us.
Praise becomes the difference in staying stuck and breaking through. It changes our perspective from what we can do in our own strength to what God can do in His. And praising in the context of community can change the atmosphere of our hearts and even the world around us.
Second, I learned that praise is a choice.
To you they cried out and were saved;
in you they trusted and were not put to shame.
Psalm 22:5 (NIV)
David was in a low and discouraging time in His life. He felt neglected by God. He felt defeated by his enemies. All he could see was what was in front of him. I so often choose to focus on my circumstances or my emotions and not the faithfulness of God in my life. David learned from those who came before him that praise is always a choice.
We have the choice to open our mouths to complain to those around us or to proclaim His greatness with those around us. It’s our choice to believe not only that God can but that He will. When we choose to praise Him, we can experience the blessing of intimacy with Him during our broken seasons.
Last, I learned that praise unlocks the fullness of freedom.
But you, Lord, do not be far from me.
You are my strength; come quickly to help me.
Psalm 22:19 (NIV)
What I love about this verse is that David found so much freedom in knowing God was close to him. He remembered that his strength comes from and is found in God. The Lord doesn’t hesitate to move on our behalf, and we don’t have to convince Him to act.
As my focus turned from my circumstances to praising God again, I realized there’s freedom for me to be vulnerable — before God and before my community. I know this probably won’t be the last time I hit a wall or withdraw from people when things get hard, but now I know just how important it is for me to be willing to open myself up even when I’m not used to doing that.
The power of praise and even the beauty of community aren’t formulas that fix our problems, but through them, God shows up to demonstrate to us that we are not alone in our struggle. We don’t have to carry it all by ourselves. We’ve got Him, and we’ve got each other.
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Karina, this made me cry. Thank you so much for sharing your hard. I related to so much if it. Thank you for the encouragement & insight on how to navigate these hard seasons. Man, I feel seen. Thank you, thank you.
Thank you so much Krista for reading! You are very welcome!
Praying that the Lord meets you in your hard seasons with His love and grace as you praise your way through.
Simply Amen & Amen, Karina! Bless you for sharing & encouraging me this morning.
It was my pleasure Ruth! Thank you for reading!
Thank you!!! I needed this today. Again Thanks!
Amen and Amen Toni! Praise God!!!
Thank you!!! I needed this today.
I needed this today. So much going on in my family. Thanks
Praying that the Lord moves in powerful ways in your family. He is good and faithful!
I often withdrawal because I feel like my story is the same as it has been for so long. I’m convinced that others are tired of me uttering the same thing. I withhdrawl because they need a break from me.
As someone who has fought, and tries to fight a long very dark path of severe depression, anxiety, paranoia and phobias it is suffocating.
Tracy, I will be praying for you. I know how hard it is not being able to climb out of that pit. I eventually had to go to the doctor and get on medication that has helped tremendously! God is so faithful and often speaks to me through songs that help lift my spirit.
I’m so sorry Tracy! That is super hard. May you raise loud shouts of praise! He will be near to your broken heart. May you cast your every burden on Him. He has strong arms and can handle anything. Rest in His light burden and easy yoke.
Thank you for encouraging me before I enter the stressful day! This will help keep my mind focused on my “very present help”..whom I desperately need to get through the day.
Amen Nida! He will walk alongside of you through it all. May His praise be on your lips all the day long.
Thank you, Karina. I am wiping away the tears as I write this because this touched me…..this is so me, as well. I thank you for the insight—-it is refreshing to my soul. Bless you!
This really hit home for me. Thank you.
Thank you for reading Madeline! My the Lord be with you in this season.
Thank you Karina, thank you. I too try to live on that island. I encourage everyone else and rob others the blessing of encouraging me, including God. My prayers are for others, not myself. Lord, please help me to reach out to you for me, I know that I am nothing without You!
Amen Catherine! Praying that you let others into your hard seasons. May all of you be blessed by being there for each other. May you let God into your pain. He longs to meet your every need.
Beautifully spoken. And so encouraging! Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂
Thank you so much Sarah!
Thank you so much Karina. This spoke to me!
Amen Courtney! Thank you for reading and sharing!
Thank you so much for sharing, Karina! ❤️
My pleasure Stephanie! Thank you for reading!
Thank you Karina – as always God comes through and speaks at just the right time.
Amen Rene! He is so good and faithful! Thank you for reading!
Karina – Thank you for sharing your talented writing and your wisdom. Also for being venerable. Your words touched deep in my soul. Inspiring and thought provoking. Time to get out of my own way and let God lead. PS. We share the same last name. 🙂
Awe! Thank you so much for your kind words! His so good and faithful. His leadership is perfect.
Allen is a great name!
This mirrored my own life journey for the past two years. Thank you for sharing and reminding me I am not alone. God has lifted me out of the pit in recent months and continually gives me encouragement through people like you. May God bless you.
Amen Karen! He has surrounded you with Himself and the Body. Praise God for His rescue!
Blessings to you!
Oh my, if I didn’t know that you wrote this about yourself I would swear you were writing about me! Thank you for sharing.
Wow! He is so good to do a similar work amongst the Body, so we can support each other. Thank you for reading!
Thank You for this. I feel this
Way at Times! At 82 you would
Think I would have figured out
Why I feel this way.
It’s Good to know that I’m not
The only one!
God Bless!
You are not alone Sandy! May the Lord be near to you in every season.
Blessings to you!
It can be hard at times to open up about our problems. When we find a trusted friend, co-worker or family member & talk things out with them suddenly we find a sweet release. We allow them to encourage & pray for us. Sure we all want to be independent. But God didn’t make us that way. He wants us in community. He expects us to interact with others & do life together. We are not an island. When we isolate ourselves it gives the devil a foothold into our lives. He makes us believe lies- “you’ll never get over this, no one else care about your problems, etc.” That starts the domino effect that can lead to depression. We all need to find community even if it is just one or two other people. Please find trusted friends, coworkers & talk with them. Let them encourage & pray for you.
Blessings 🙂
Praying for you & your health issues. Asking God to help you find good medical help. (Hugs)