My walk home from school that day was more like a run. The mean girl of fourth grade was following close behind to beat me up. Why? For all the reasons that life comes at us hard — some silly lie, some wrong assumption, some snarly enemy. With the mean girl, she’d decided that a boy she’d fallen for had decided to like me instead — or something like that. We were only fourth graders, so whatever boy-girl dynamic was actually under way, it was hardly worth a fist fight.
She was convinced, however, so there she was, saying nasty things to me during one long and excruciating school day — even threatening me with “Just wait ‘til school’s out!”
For a timid, quiet, rule-following kid like me, her threats were terrifying. I’d never been in a knock-down fight with anybody in my life. So, when the school bell rang, I grabbed my coat and took off for home — fast walking and running, slipping on icy snow, hoping to make it safely before my mean-girl enemy could find me.
But I wasn’t fast enough. A few blocks from my house, she caught up with me. Goaded by a friend, the mean girl started pelting me with snowballs — each one a rock covered in snow — aiming at my head. Turning around to yell stop!, I caught a rock hard snowball right above an eye and felt my eyelid quickly swell, surely making me look like I’d been in a brawl.
Looking back on that day, I’m amazed at how it resembled the way life’s worst can feel. You’re a target — never mind that you don’t deserve it — but the rocks keep on coming.
That’s how I felt recently when one disappointment after another came calling. One, a family matter. Another, a work issue. And yet another involving our lawn, of all things.
It wasn’t a serious problem. It’s just a lawn. But combined with other things, a rocky yard filled with weedy grass felt like a hard hit.
That same afternoon, it all came to a strange head. I’d said yes to a nice, dress-up event. Trying to look pulled together, I settled on a last-minute choice from my humble closet. The hem was a hair too long, with no time to sew it up. So, I hitched the skirt up with a belt and tried to make it all work. (Somebody reading this surely has done the same.)
“You look nice,” my husband assured me. But husbands can say such things, so we don’t make them late.
In fact, we arrived at the shindig on time. Happily, I saw several longtime friends. We smiled for photos my husband kept taking, grateful I could use the pics in some business publicity or maybe on my website later.
Looking at the photos the next day, however, my heart sank. In every one, I was wearing my grungy sunglasses.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked Dan.
“I didn’t notice.” He didn’t see the glasses as a problem.
Complaining to a friend, however, she broke through with the perspective I’d needed for every rock flying my way: “The future’s so bright, though.”
It is? Despite grungy sunglasses? Or an onslaught of problems? Psalm 145 provides words for seeing — not life’s rocks but God’s power to overcome them:
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
One generation commends your works to another;
they tell of your mighty acts.
They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty —
and I will meditate on your wonderful works.
Psalm 145:3-5 (NIV)
A weedy lawn? Praise Him for the land it’s growing on. A family problem? Praise Him for the family, even with its problems. A work disappointment? Praise Him for the job.
Sure, rocks can fly, but the future’s so bright, though.
Perhaps that’s why, after the mean girl threw the snowballs, my mother walked with me to the girl’s house, took one look at her and said, “What’s wrong, baby?” At those words, the girl melted in tears, crying through her pain. She didn’t want to be a bully. Now, here stood my mother, letting her know this: You’re forgiven, so be kind. And from then on, she was.
Even on a hard day, the future’s so bright. Hit a wall? Look over it or around it. Make a mistake? Forgive yourself. The future is bright, even if we can’t see it yet. But know this: Our God of Light can.
The shadow was only a small and
passing thing: There was light
and high beauty forever
beyond its reach.
J. R.R. Tolkien
It can be exasperating what husbands don’t notice or think is an issue. Your husband didn’t notice your grungy sunglasses as an issue, I believe, because he was seeing his lovely, accomplished wife. The future is bright even on the hard days because our Savior looks at us, seeing all the grunge & still sees us as perfect because He sees His child Jesus died on the cross to make righteous! The God of light & perfect vision loves me. Oh how amazing! Thank you for sharing your story. Great reminders as I begin a day that may include some rocks being thrown my way.
We are loved, indeed, wonderful Ruth! In His love and light, have a beautiful day!
It’s been a very rough 2 months on top all we’ve been through the last year and a half. Just when I thought life is about to turn around, yesterday came along with it’s unexpected problems. I will pray for that bright future. Maybe when the sun comes up and the coffee kicks in things will certainly look differently. In the meantime, thank you for the inspiration and reminder.
Wonderful Madeline, I’m praying with you for those brighter days. In Him, they will arrive. Much love!
Praying for you and your family. May God send His peace & comfort to you all. Asking God to send discernment & hope to your weary souls.
Blessings 🙂
Good morning Everyone,
Today one of my daughters needs prayer for medical treatment. Yes, we have been praying for healing from Endometriosis for many years.
We have tried many treatments and medications, acupuncture and psychotherapy. I know that “Healing is the Children’s Bread” and I stand on God’s promise with my child. Faith and trust are in this prayer of some years now. But remember, God made time and calendars for us in this broken and fractured world.
I will stand in the Gap with my daughter as we weather this medical storm. I can’t be with her face to face because she lives and works in another state. But there is no distance in Prayer.
Please include my child on your Prayer List this morning and I am mindful to give God the Praise, Honor and Glory for His Word and His Family of Saints.
Thank you.
Brenda M. Russell
Your Sister in Christ
Praying for your daughter and for peace for you, sister.
Praying for peace and healing for your daughter this morning, Brenda.
Beautiful Brenda, your prayer is lifted, indeed. God, in your healing mercy and power, hear our mothers’ prayers–then answer with Your hope, healing, and love. In Jesus’ name, we praise and thank you.
Thank you. “The future is bright, even if we can’t see it yet. But know this: Our God of Light can.
The shadow was only a small and
passing thing: There was light
and high beauty forever
beyond its reach.”
J. R.R. Tolkien
This went straight to the heart. Thank you for such a beautifully written piece of inspiration! God bless.
Wonderful Nida! I’m so grateful today’s reflection inspired you. God’s wonderful blessings as you walk in His light and hope! Warmest thanks, Patricia
Thank you for this beautiful message. It blessed me beyond measure.
Peace and Blessings to you!
Beautiful Tonya! I’m so grateful today’s message blessed you. To God be the glory! With His light and love!
Good Morning, Patricia:
How well do I remember mean girls! But right after my encounter, I started my first year in college, yes, after I was jumped by a pack of girls led by one who thought the same thing your 4th grade mean girl did. About a boy who was dating a girl who was my neighbor, of all things. But, as your post states, my future was still bright, because I started college soon after the incident. The girls who jumped me didn’t have it so well in their own lives. Looking back, I thank God for His protection, even in the midst of that fight. Since then, I’ve learned friends will leave you, especially when they cannot control you. But God has and continues to be faithful in my life – through my loneliness and pain, He is faithful. God Bless you and thank you for your post.
Beautiful Leutisha, you are wise and loved. Thank you for sharing your “mean girl” story and how you handled it. Your faith in God shines bright. Thank you for sharing His wonderful hope here today. With His love, Patricia
Patricia, I thought for sure you were going to say that your long hem caused you to trip and fall into the muddy rocky lawn. So see, it could have been worse!
The future is bright. I am struggling to see it yet, but I do know that God has got us, and we will see the light of His love and care even as we go through it. He will never leave us.
Gail, I’m laughing! Thank you so much for sharing both humor and wisdom. You’ve blessed us all today and, in Christ, our future is bright, indeed. Warmest thanks and love!
Thank you! Yes, a brighter day is ahead. You touched my heart and soul with these words of reflection. Be blessed!
Beautiful Olivia! I’m so grateful today’s message blessed you. To God be the glory! With His light and love! Warmly, Patricia
Thank you so much for this devotional. I needed it so much today! Thanks so much for bringing me back to praising the Lord for all the good things. God is good all the time!
I can relate, Cindy. It’s seems so much easier to see the negative instead of praising our way through it. As you say, God is good all the time. May He help us to keep that truth alive in our hearts. With His love!
Fantastic post! This is so good. Thanks for pointing out the light!
Wonderful Jeanne! Your kind feedback blesses my soul. To God be the glory! With His love, Patricia
Yep. I’ve totally used a belt to hold skirts in place in a couple different ways….
Wonderful Vanessa, thank you! I was hoping I wasn’t the only one who had used that “belt” trick! Thank you for sharing. With God’s love and joy, Patricia
Thank you so much for this, Patricia! God is so good!
Indeed, amazing Courtney, He is so good! With His love and light!
Your mom sounds amazing! You are so blessed
Wonderful Sharon, thank you so much. My mom was extraordinary–in countless ways. This story (which I’ve shared here before) really captures the best of her. Thank you for your beautiful feedback. Much peace and love!
Thank you. I always love your posts. The quote from Tolkien especially lifted my heart ❤️
Beautiful Amy, thank you so much. I stumbled on that Tolkein quote just as I was finishing today’s post. It fit so well, I decided to include it. I agree — the words are beautiful. Kind thanks for mentioning it. With God’s love and light!
I’m so impressed with your Momma! What an amazing woman & I’m sure you’ve used her as your role model & example in different situations. Lord bless you & you’re beautiful with or without sunglasses!!!
Beautiful Barbara, thanks for your kind words about my late mom! I remain amazed at all the godly good and light she shared during her long, strong life. On that snowball day, her compassion and forgiveness were life changing for that “mean” girl. I still believe that after all these years. A lesson for us all, indeed! With God’s light and love, Patricia
Well done, Patricia! Your words encourage me. No rocks coming my way at present, but having my bored husband underfoot 24/7 sometimes feels like an attack on my last nerve! I will find my gratitude feelings and peek around the corner for that happy thing coming my way.
Wonderful, Irene — thank you so much. I rejoice you’re in a no-rock season (except for your bored hubby)! May you look ahead with hope for more bright days. Our God is that good! With His love and peace!
I so love your kind and gentle yet relevant way of relating through your words, the wisdom you have received through your experiences. In some ways you remind me of Mya Angelou. She chided but did it with love and wisdom. So do you.
We can be right and yet so wrong if we scold rather than teach. Having a 4 year old great grandson has taught me so much about patience and how and when to use it as opposed to just demanding obedience.
May God continue to bless you and grow you. We need your wisdom and insight.
Thank you, wonderful Loretta. Maybe that’s a benefit of growing older–more grace, less grumbling! May God Bless us to share more of that with each other here. Meantime, may Hos great love bless you and your entire family. Grace and joy on your precious great grandson, too. He sounds adorable! With God’s love, Patricia
Do you still live in Colo Spgs or do I have you confused with someone else? Either way I have always loved reading what you write. You give me peace through your words.
Thank you, Loretta. We live just south of Denver. (I’ve never lived in the Springs. It’s about an hour away.) Either way, thanks for journeying with me. Your kind feedback is so encouraging. Praise God and thank you!
Absolutely love this, thank you so much! It is exactly what I needed for today, because life has certainly been filled with a lot of flying rocks. Thank you for the reminder that our God is always with us and turns our darkness into light. Loved the ending quote byJ.R.R Tolkien!
Wonderful Tammy, I join you in praying, indeed, for God’s light, peace and goodness in your heart, mind, and soul. His presence, more than all, is what we each need in every moment and season. Friendship and fellowship matter, too. So, I’m glad you connected today. Kind thanks also for enjoying that ending quote. I love it, too! With much peace and joy, Patricia
Patricia hello all the way from Enniskillen in N.Ireland. I love all you write incourage. Plus all you write in Our Daily Bread. How you share you heart. I was bullied at school my parents thought when I was going in p6 and p7. That would be better for me. Saying the classes were smaller. So I was taken out of the primary school I was in to spend the last two years at this school. As my parents thought going to this school would be better for me with the smaller classes. As I have learning disabilities. I never liked the school. I didn’t want to join in the game they were playing the kids at the school I didn’t like. That my parents sent me too. So they picked on me. Called me a name that was not nice. They pick on me some of the class. Do horrible things. Just because I didn’t want to join in a game they were playing. So they call me this name and bullie me. I go home and cry. I was scared to go school. I found it hard. I have forgiven the people who did this too me. But way back then. When I was 10 or 11 years old. Now 50. It was not nice. Just like what happened to you. That is why to this day I hate so much anyone calling anyone names. Child or Adult. I will say no matter what or who is at fault. Don’t call them names. It not nice. It can hurt. Yes it does. You never forget about it. No matter what age you are. I had to have prayer to get over it years later and forgive them the kids in my class at the school I didn’t like. So it doesn’t annoy me anymore. But as I say I will never forget what happened. We are all God Children. We are to love and be kind to everyone. No matter what age we are. More so if saved. That why if saved it is especially important we forgive them and pray for them. Like the kids song. Jesus Love ALL THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD RED AND YELLOW BLACK AND WHITE. We are to do the same as that song even as Adults. Patricia still keeping your Daughter plus her family and my Husband Cousin and her family in my prayers that they all see the light. If still believe one day my prayers for you and your family plus my Husband prayers will be answered. In God’s perfect timing. Thank you for again sharing your heart. Praying for you all incourage. Love big big hugs and God bless Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Meant to say sorry for the mistakes. That my Husband Cousin and your Daughter’s will see the light. I believe they will in God’s perfect timing. Oh what a day that will be. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Wonderful Dawn, I’m so sorry to hear that you were bullied as a child. Unkindness is a hurtful thing, and your willingness to forgive is a testimony of the Lord’s strength and grace in your beautiful life. May Jesus continue to heal, bless, and keep you in every area where you need Him. You reflect his loving light in the (in)courage community, and I’m so grateful for your prayers and faithful concern for all here. With my gratitude and His love, Patricia
Thank you Patricia for your kind words. They and all you write in Our Daily Bread and incourage. Always bless me. Even though you are the other side of the world. I am glad to have you as my Sister in Christ. In my prayers. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
No wonder you are so special with a splendid Mum like that — and yes, 4th grade was the start of all the bullying for me too — but I shall be remembering your sweet Mum and her special spirit! To make an enemy a friend is indeed a special gift from God.
So precious… (I was blessed with a great Mum too).
A loving, confident, and helpful mother. What a special gift, indeed, wonderful J. I share your gratitude for my mother, indeed. May you shine her light and the Lord’s in all you do! With His peace and joy! Patricia
Life is full of trials & tribulations. God is right there with us in the midst of it all. When all we see is darkness & not sure of the outcome–Jesus is there sharing His love & light with us. He will guide us step by step. We must remember “God’s got this” & know that there is a bright future ahead of us.
Blessings 🙂
Amen, amazing Beth! Your confident faith is such a strong and wonderful witness for Christ. With His love and gratitude! Patricia
Patricia, your mom was so wise and also so kind. What a valuable lesson for you as a child and for us all!
Thank you so much, wonderful Dawn! Just one moment on a tearful little girl’s front porch–all those decades ago–continues to inspire. May God help us, as mothers, to be as loving and wise. Love you! Patricia