“I’m not enough, and everyone’s going to find out.” Have you ever had a similar thought? Joy and Anna have, and today they talk about how to show fully as your whole, entire self. This is how you’ll have influence. They talk about David and Goliath and how we can work with Jesus to defeat imposter syndrome. Listen below or wherever you stream podcasts!
Bringing another story to us today is (in)courage contributor Tasha Jun, who reads from Week Three of the Courageous Influence Bible Study.
Also, in each episode of this season (today included), you will hear from very special guests Kathi Lipp, Becky Keife, and Grace P. Cho (author of Courageous Influence)!These three friends spent a few days together as they went through the study, and, lucky us, they recorded their conversations so we can all listen in! Find all the Bible Study Mondays posts here and discover for yourself what God says about influence (spoiler alert: you have it! Yes, you!)
Listen to today’s episode below! And be sure to get your copy of the Courageous Influence Bible Study from DaySpring.com!
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Thank you guys for sharing your hearts today in today’s podcast. I have learnt so much from you guys on what you shared. God told me to tell you all this. You are Daughters of the King of Kings that king is Jesus. I say amen to that. I am not that popular. I would not want to be. I don’t have many friends. Two sister’s who used to live were I live. Now live 86 miles away from me. They keep in touch with me. I don’t see them that often. But they sent me the Father’s Love Letter. To tell me who Our heavenly Father say I am. I cried after reading it one time. I still do to think our Heavenly Father thinks that of me. It says he knew me before I was born. He knows all the hairs on my head. Plus other stuff. I was amazed. To think our Heavenly Father thinks that much of us. You get it also on YouTube. Just type in the Father’s Love Letter in YouTube. It will come up. Worth listening to. It taught me That God made me Me. I am not to try and be anyone else only me. As I did struggle with that with not having many friends. It also taught me that I have the best friend his name is Jesus. I found this saying online. God said to me to save it and remember it. It says “I am me. I don’t pretend to be like everyone else. I don’t want to be like everyone one else. And I will not change who I am just to “Fit in”.” That is so true a saying. God said to me Dawn you remember that you don’t have change to be like everyone one else I made you who you are. You are you they are them. Don’t do it just to Fit in. I believe that saying and what the Father’s Love Letter says about me. I got prayer for it as well. Through time I began to heal. Be Me and who Jesus wants me to be. That he loves me just the way I am. He doesn’t want me to change or at being me. I done that. I feel so much better about myself. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little. XXX in my prayers all of you.