I open my computer, and it’s a not-so-gentle reminder of the hiatus we’ve had (and needed) from seeing everyone’s extreme opinions about the latest hot topic — which appears to be almost everything.
This is not a real example but something like this:
Caption: Look at this cinnamon roll! (Photo of a bakery item the size of the moon, next to a hot cup of coffee, flower arrangement, and open Bible)
Comment 1: Yum!
Comment 2: LOL, gluten is bad for you!
Comment 3: I ate a donut last week, and it gave me an infection in my big toe. Look at this (photo attached).
Comment 4: My Aunt was a donut maker, and she’s also a (insert political affiliation), so we don’t eat them anymore. No thanks, can’t be associated with them!
Comment 5: Ok, HUMBLE brag with the Bible *eyeroll emoji*
I feel my chest tighten and notice I’m holding my breath. I don’t want to do this again. I don’t want to do this anymore.
I miss big parties, and I miss traveling like we used to. I miss seeing people’s smiles, and I miss about a trillion other little things I took for granted. But mostly I miss not feeling so willingly divided and anxious about relational stress as we approach the fall and winter. And before I can even use language to describe this anxiety, my body responds for me, and I wear my shoulders as ear muffs. My breath quickens. I wince. My brows furrow, blood rushes to my cheeks, or my stomach hurts. If you’re human with a beating heart, you probably know what I’m talking about.
I close the computer and think about it all day: Why are people like this? Why can’t we just stop treating each other like this? I wish “she” wouldn’t have mentioned that — that makes me mad. But the more I think on it, the more I think about the human condition we need saving from: our own selves. Before you throw tomatoes at me, I didn’t come up with this idea.
What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel.
James 4:1-3 (ESV)
Ouch. That one convicted me so badly I memorized it this summer to prepare me for the fall and the potential heated debates to come. And let me say, when I’m about to actively run into an argument after reading Cousin Fred’s entire comments section in his latest fire-breathing post, I take a deep belly breath and consume truth that comes from a living and active God. I am the problem. Forgive me, Lord, for wanting to murder someone with my words, for believing I am more worthy of your gift of grace than he is. Give me the supernatural power to love someone I feel is my enemy. I can’t do this on my own.
As believers, we should be people marked not by fear, hatred, or murderous words but by peace. We should have a desire for unity instead of desiring and actively seeking out division with our words. We should have the markings of self control and love, not unbridled tongues which have the power to set the world on fire. I don’t know if I really believed that until last year, but haven’t we all seen the power of our tongues and how they hold the power of life and death?
Lest this start to feel a bit depressing, as we all have a personal account of our own devastating losses this year, including close relationships, we actually do have great hope.
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
John 16:32-33 (ESV)
Read that verse again. Notice how your body responds to the truth. It’s quite different from scrolling through a social media feed. Maybe like mine, your shoulders come down and your breath slows. And as the words of Scripture settle into my heart, I see things more clearly now: We are too quick to wander into the most dangerous of places with our words and thoughts, thinking we know the better path. But God is our Good Shepherd. He actively looks to bring us back to Himself, reorient our hearts toward Him, and give us the peace of His guidance, care, and protection — even from ourselves.
We are not on our own when we face difficult circumstances and conversations or when we have to navigate complicated relationships and feelings. When we see ourselves and others with the right perspective, we remember that our words, whether written in a comment or spoken out loud, have the power to give life and speak truth.
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Thank you—this is so needed.
Oh how I needed this and didn’t even know it. In the last couple years I found myself low, in comment sections, defending what I thought to be right only to be ashamed and more stressed. I got off social for awhile. Reoriented myself. When I find myself slipping, I repeat to myself “Jesus is king. He is on the throne” and it helps my perspective. But now I will be memorizing James 4, because extra armor never hurt.
It’s difficult ! I like how God says we need to renew our mind every day … we tend to need reorienting often . I know I do!
Amen! This fits so well with a God Watch moment we had last night. We sat in a local ice cream shop with a friend who is raising support to be on staff with a ministry to youth (Young Life). In a quiet conversation while others streamed past us to get their own sweet treats we talked of the excitement of telling youth about Jesus & the money he needs for next year’s salary. As we rose to leave a couple at the table across the shop flagged our friend down to say they want to donate to him. God providing blessings from unexpected places for sure! But the comments could have been negative rather than positive. We truly never know who is listening & watching so I pray our behaviors & speech will always be Christ honoring! Thank you for your encouragement!!!
Well that’s amazing !
Such truth. I don’t know when it became ok to make hurtful comments or be critical. I don’t do social media, I watch very little news. And I avoid certain people. It just isn’t worth getting myself anxious and upset. Recently, I had 2 male neighbors start in on my about the price of gas because of a sicker on my car. Seriously! I just smiled and walked away without commenting.
It seems like we are all looking to be offended about something
Oh – this is soooo good and timely!
Jami thank you for sharing what you did. It reminds me of song I was taught at Sunday School. When small. Now 50. I still remember it. As God brings it to my mind from time to times. For me not to do things that are not God. That are not pleasing to God. This song you get it on YouTube. It is so true what it says for what you just spoke on. To do with our words etc. God does bring it to my mind. To help me not sin say or do things that are not right in his eyes. Because God wants me to live right in word thought and deed. The song is “Be careful little eyes what you see there is a Father up above who is watching. Then another lines start of with mouth and the rest is the same as above. Then it bring in word hand into the song be careful what you do.” That song is so very true. It tell us to be careful with our eyes month and hands. I might not have the words completely right. Or in the right order but. You get it on YouTube as say. Type in Be careful little eyes. Then the songs comes up. It is a true song for us Adults too. It does make you sit up and think what you are letting your eyes see. Your mouth say and hands do. As we have to watch all theses thing. As our Heavenly Father is watching us. If we want to live right for him. Be the followers he wants as to be. Especially if saved. We have to do what that song says. It just not for kids. It for us as Adults today. God see everything we do and say. Thank you Becky for what you shared. I loved it learnt so much from this reading. Love you all incourage. In my prayers Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Good reminder. I heard the song as you wrote the words.
Yes. How did we get so careless . As of our words don’t matter to each other and more importantly , to God!
Jamie forgive me for calling you Becky in last comment. I was not thinking. Typed the wrong name near the bottom of my comment. So so sorry. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
Haha!! It’s an honor to be confused with Becky
Words, words, and more words,
How can we use the spoken language for other’s wellbeing?
Shall we use to fight, bully, condescend, sway or shun?
Or shall our words save, uplift, love, accept, and include?
Thank you for your insightful words,
May our spoken words and unspoken mannerisms give life or not destroy life.
Think mindfully before our tongue is babbling!
Right ? Just clanging symbols. Help me to be music that speaks love ❤️
Thank you for this!
To speak positive and encouraging words to others actually impacts the speakers as well as the hearers, causing feel-good endorphins to be released into our bodies. (It works with the written word too.) It’s another way God blesses the giver as well as the receiver.
Yes!Thank you.
Yay science ! ❤️❤️
Beautifully expressed. Thank you for bringing this into focus.
As you wrote, it seems every comment is an open subject for responses unkind or worse. I’ve also been convicted about how I choose to react.
The words in James 3:7-12 pointedly address our comments and place them in perspective.
“With our tongues we bless God our Father; with the same tongues we curse the very men and women he made in his image. Curses and blessings out of the same mouth!… My friends, this can’t go on.” The Message
Yes yes yes ❤️
I’ve recently gotten somewhat into social media-mostly Face book. Wanting to be a good Christian I don’t get into political or other debates. Sure I have my opinions. I graciously use my words to encourage others. If I disagree with you-no one will know. In fact I may pass by that post. Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Let’s all try to choose our words judiciously & not harm others.
Blessings 🙂
Moving on by without a comment is a lost art ❤️
Jami, this is so good! I almost always regret scrolling through comments on Facebook. People are quite often so negative. Even about simple things that were always acceptable awhile back. I need to cleanse my conversations of that negativity and I should also try not to waste my time reading others spewing it. Lord, please help me to focus on the positive and turn my eyes to you!
Right? How often do we say, “that comments section was such a great use of my time !”
All of the ’s, all of the ❤️‘s, thank you and AMEN! Less soap boxes, more grace—such a needed message right now.
Thanks for this good word.
You bless me!❤️