About the Author

At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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(in)side DaySpring:
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  1. I start each day reading these wonderful words from (in)courage. Today, like most days, the words are so encouraging and calming. It is reassuring to be reminded of the positive- that we are God’s children; we are held; we are not alone, etc. This is the only form of social media I subscribe to!

  2. I would love offer in today incourage devotion today 9/14, I just can’t get because I am senior citizen on fixed income. If can’t do this, I still enjoy the daily encouragement y’all give. But if you can here’s my info: Gail Mattox, 2200 Kerwin Rd. #411, University Heights, OH 44118

    • Dear Gail, I would love to order one for you and have it sent. One will arrive in the mail for you at some point. You’ll have forgotten about it and it will be a surprise. Love and blessings to you, Irene B.

  3. In Courage,

    This world’s version of who you are is full of lies & misnomers. They spread these rumors feverishly. Finding, hearing & believing the truth can be hard. We must infuse our brains & hearts with the truths from God’s word. For that is the only one that matters. Only God’s word can give us the hope & encouragement we desperately need. Stop listening to the world’s lies & start digging into the Bible & truths of who God says you are. We are masterpieces, beloved children of Almighty God. He loves us so much He died a horrible death. Dwell on that & let it sink into your weary souls.

    Blessings 🙂