About the Author

Kristen Strong, author of Back Roads to Belonging and Girl Meets Change, writes as a friend offering meaningful encouragement for each season of life so you can see it with hope instead of worry. She and her US Air Force veteran husband, David, have three children and live in Colorado...

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  1. I needed this today! I am grieving the loss of a friendship and your words spoke to my soul. Thank you!

  2. I love your post! What a great way to look at changing relationships. Thank you for the encouragement.

  3. When I worked as a school counselor with the k-6 kiddos, changing friendships was always an issue. I tried to explain to them as best I could that people change and this is an opportunity to make a new friend perhaps. Yes it hurts and we feel sad. What amazes me is that this is something I have gone through as a adult in my 60s. We change, our friends change and it is just a fact of life. I now understand that Jesus is the one constant like the song goes…What a friend we have in Jesus.

    • I don’t think we ever outgrow the hard parts of changing friendships–as you so eloquently state. Thank you for reminding me of that song. It’s a favorite!

  4. Kristen,

    We must remember that often times we are the ones changing. We may be getting married, having babies, moving, etc. Also God puts people in our lives for a time, season or reason. Seen this happen in my life. Before marriage I had a few good friends but nothing big or lasting. Now that I’ve been married 17 years I have great friendships that extend outside of work & church. In fact God brought my pastor & his wife into my life to speak life to me. They have taught me & helped make me a better Christian.

    Life happens & people change. That doesn’t mean anything wrong with you. Just pray for that lost friendship & ask God to bring new people into your life.

    Blessings 🙂

  5. This speaks volumes to me. I have had a friendship dwindling for last few years and this COVID time has definitely even impacted it more and feels like we are drifting more apart. It has been sad for me but I want to encourage others that God has been so good and has brought new friendships – Godly ones- in my path. If I didn’t have a close relationship with God- this would probably sting harder as feel like a loss- death or even divorce. Thank you for sharing these truths. I love it!

  6. This has been a season for me and even though different thoughts crossed my mind. I realized God’s plan to focus on him first and to cherish the new friendships He has placed in my life. These new women in my life have encouraged me, we study God’s word and we grow together in His Word.