We’re thrilled to tell you that our newest (in)courage Bible study, Courageous Influence, is available! Cue the confetti! This Bible study features the real-life, going-first kind of stories you know and love from our (in)courage writers, and thoughtful, deep Scripture study — like the passage below. Written by Grace P. Cho and found on Week 3, Day 5, read on for a taste of Courageous Influence:
“Therefore, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh so that you may lead my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt.” But Moses asked God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and that I should bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” He answered, “I will certainly be with you, and this will be the sign to you that I am the one who sent you: when you bring the people out of Egypt, you will all worship God at this mountain.”
Exodus 3:10-12 (CSB)
When we meet Moses in Exodus 3, he has a complicated history. He was an Israelite, born into slavery in Egypt. In an effort to spare his life, his mother placed him in a basket in the Nile River, where he was discovered by the daughter of Pharaoh. Though Pharaoh had given the order to kill all Israelite baby boys, she was moved by his cries and adopted him as her own. So Moses grew up with prestige and privilege — a life completely opposite from that of his people.
One day, in an ill-conceived effort to stand up for his own, Moses killed an Egyptian whom he witnessed beating a Hebrew slave. He thought what he’d done was a secret, but word got out and he had to flee from Egypt, losing everything — his identity, his family, his life as he knew it.
Moses settled in the desert land of Midian, where he got married and settled down. It’s in this mundane season of life, while tending his father-in-law’s sheep, that God met Moses in a burning bush.
Knowing his history, we can understand why Moses responded to God as he did: “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and that I should bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” (Exodus 3:11). He couldn’t see how or why he would be qualified to lead the Israelites to freedom.
How many times have we asked ourselves the same question when we’ve felt called to something big or impossible?
- Who am I to sing in front of a crowd?
- Who am I to raise my children when I have no idea what I’m doing?
- Who am I to speak out about a leader who’s done wrong to me?
- Who am I to share my story when so many other people have more powerful testimonies to share?
The list could go on and on.
A thousand reasons might prove why you’re not qualified, but when God asks you to do something, all He’s looking for is a yes.
How does feeling like an impostor come down to what you fear? How has God’s faithful presence given you courage to face a difficult task?
So good, right?? The world tells you that your influence only reaches as far as your social media followers. But the Bible shows you how God can use you right where you are to be an influence for the kingdom. Let’s turn the idea of influence on its head as we become the courageous women of influence God calls us to be.
The Courageous Influence Bible Study is available where Bibles are sold — get direct links to retailers here.
Sign up here, and we’ll send you a FREE week from each our first four Bible Studies! Yep, we’ll send Week One + discussion videos from Courageous Simplicity, Courageous Joy, Courageous Kindness, and Courageous Influence. Read each at your own pace and decide which one resonates most with you!
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Thank you for the giveaway and a chance to win such sweet gifts.
How does feeling like an impostor come down to what you fear?
I am guilty of allowing FEAR to convince me that I’m not worthy, good enough, creative enough, smart enough, strong enough… the list is endless. It has stopped me in my tracks, letting it defeat me before I’ve started.
How has God’s faithful presence given you courage to face a difficult task?
Relying on my own accord, F E A R prevents me from LIVING life to the fullest. I have lived in Chronic pain for 30 years with various medial issues and there are days getting out of bed is overwhelming. But with God’s presence I feel I can do anything because He supplies my strength, endurance, the tools I need to accomplish what He has called me to do (even if it’s just getting out of bed). I just need to lean in to Him and rely on Him and not myself. I am grateful He wakes me up each morning so that I can serve Him in whatever He wishes me to do that day.
For me it comes down to not feeling good enough or equipped enough in the context of imagining someone else doing what I’m called to do even better than me. Whether it be as a mother, a friend, a daughter, a wife, in my career, etc. I’m stuck in comparison and immediately imagine someone else approaching it more confidently and with approval from everyone. In terms of fear, it looks like caring too much what others think and fear of not receiving their approval or immediately believing I’m going to let the someone down. I find comfort in reminding myself that all that matters is abiding by God’s good will for me and that his validation and approval is all I should be seeking.
I just love your post. I also have been working on these issues I really don’t know what happened to me I started forgetting there is one person that I want validation from, God’s validation not every one else’s
When you look to others you get lost and over your head God’s validation keeps us on the right path and the golden one! No one else can give us that so why do we try so hard to please everyone else that is more broken than ourselves…we will be chasing it forever if we don’t stop and realize God is the only one that matters!
He is looking for courage to say yes and do the next right thing, a walk of faith.
God’s ever present companionship has allowed me to walk when I thought I would have to crawl. To love when my first response was to turn away. To spread his word when I feared he had let me down. With him, I am whole.
I think we as Christians want nothing more than to fulfill God’s purpose and passion he has in store for us but the deceiver always has a way of complicating good works. Making us question all else when all we need to do is simply say yes and move fourth
Make up your mind to say yes and keep it set!
I always think someone has a better story to tell. That you need a sphere of influence or a lot of social media platforms and followers to be able to share your story. But what I’ve learned over the years that if you say yes to God, watch what He’ll do with that yes! God’s faithful presence has allowed me to be like the widow in Elisha’s story where her supply has never run out. Single parenting (left to raise two girls on my own because my ex made the sole decision he wanted out), not knowing how I was going to survive, but God has been so faithful to us.
There are so many ways to serve and lead others in our churches. It’s easy to do nothing and it’s easy to try to do everything. I’m learning to trust God to faithfully show me the work He wants me to do. I’m leaning to listen and obey. I’m always amazed when I allow Him to direct my ways.
I felt like today’s post is another message from God. For a number of years friends that know me well have encouraged me to write my story. Seriously? I barely finished school. I wouldn’t know how to begin writing a book. I’d need a ghost writer.
Here’s a brief preview.
I was born in East Berlin to a single mom a few years after WWII. We escaped to Germany within weeks. My mother left me with nuns and ran off with a soldier when I was 3 and moved to America. My Grandmother got me back to live with her. After being in 2 world war’s she was pretty broken. She fell to her death when I was 6 and my Mom came back for me 2 years later. I became an American citizen at eight and a half. Life was not good. I was very angry with God for many years. How can God allow bad things happen to innocent children? At 14 I filed a petition against my mom and I became a ward of the court. From that day forward the story only gets better. I was a searcher and seeker of “why” and finding my truth. I spent months in India studying with Gurus. Only to discover God has been taking care of me all my life through church homes, Foster care, etc. I had no idea what strength he blessed me with all my life. He was always with me. I’ve recently been born again and I have an amazing life. God is so good. I feel moved to share my story, but I don’t know where to begin. I’m not a writer. You’re information may be good for me to explore.
Incredible. You are a writer. I can hear your storytelling voice throughout. I am a writer and I am riveted by what you’ve shared. You’ve got a story, God us the author, we are the transcribers. Share what He’s done around you, in you, through you. Thank you for sharing your words and heart here. Keep going! Be blessed, writer<3
You are most certainly a writer. Your story had me riveted from the beginning. You need to tell your story. Holley Gerth has is offering a course “Be a Kick Butt Writer by Friday!” The website is holleygerth.thinkific.com/courses/writer. She is also a writer for In Courage & has penned many Christian books. I know she could help get you started. Pray about it & check out the site. Please try to get that interesting story out there. God will enable you to do this!!
Blessings 🙂
Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful study book. I feel that many times, my saying yes means I have to give up my control of the situation. For me, the fear of the situation is a lack of trust in the God who I know loves me and only wants the best for me, but the struggle with self is real!
My greatest fear in this area stems from comparison. I’m not as good as, clever as, gifted as, ….
Yet when I know God has called me to something I constantly remind myself of THAT call to give me courage. Years ago when God called me to home school, it was His call that kept me going for 27 years during those rough days, weeks, moments! When things were smooth sailing, it was easy but when we had a rough year or month— it was His call that kept me in the game.
It is hard to say yes, when feel you have nothing offer and you feel you are not worthy or good enough. As you can see I have a low self esteem, trying to work on that.
Fear changes the thoughts said to self and comparison. Good can help authentic self heal amd find way
I’ve been feeling like God is asking me to lead a woman small group. Ugh, I feel so unqualified. I told God I am available and will try, only because I know he is with me!
Being a “people pleaser” brings its own set of issues. I am finally learning that the only one I need or want to please is God!!! There will always be people who do things better than me. I aim to stop comparing and live only for HIM. ❤️
I’m ready for the “courageous study number 3”. What a wonderful way to bring us together via social media to study
God’s word!
We had been married for four years before our baby girl was born. Six days later, my husband was in a car accident which sent him into a coma and he died 2 years later. During that time, I turned my life over to God, and believed He was calling me to be a nurse. Before my marriage, I had been going to school to be a French teacher. Nursing was the last profession I would have chosen. But I did go to school to be a nurse. I often felt like an impostor nurse! My greatest fear was failure and harming my patient. However, God has always been faithful and helped me through a career working in a hospital, nursing home, Alzheimer’s unit, ICU, home health, and finally as a hospice nurse. I often had a chance to share my story with patients and their families. 43 years later, I am retired and so thankful that I listened to my heavenly Father’s call.
When I woke up this morning and read the incourage post for today I felt like it was written just for me. I can so easily relate as every word describes the various seasons of my life. I often imagine that the life I am called to live thru Christ Jesus is challenging no matter how hard I try and that others can and are successfully doing it better. Often times it seems like I am not worthy enough, good enough, intelligent, wise, brave or strong enough, but most of all sadly it often seems like I don’t possess the faith like others in God to believe in myself or to receive his promises. Due to this, it often feels like I am stuck in every aspect of my life, leaving me to feel insecure and at times as a failure as a wife, mother, sister, friend, woman of God, career path, overall direction, etc. However, most recent as of yesterday I came into the awareness that FEAR had gripped my heart and thoughts. I’ve always been concerned about what others think or may perceive of me even to the point of letting them down and failing to live up to expectations including that of my own. Yesterday the FEAR and sense of defeat became very overwhelming, I poured out my heart to the Lord in prayer and he revealed his GOODNESS by showing me that he alone makes me adequate and that he really loves me and that I am who he says I am! Please pray for me as I begin my journey of finding my authentic identity and worth in Christ Jesus alone.
I began my teaching career 40 yrs. ago in the public schools’ system. I began as a High School teacher and coach and love where I was. Upon having our son, 10 years later, I was praying over him and telling God I didn’t want to work 15 hr days any more as I wanted to be with him. When I finished praying a knock came on our door as a friend had stopped by. I felt the Lord telling me to share my prayer- she lit up as she had just found out she was pregnant with her 2nd. Her response was let’s job share! I knew He sent her to me so I said yes! It was way out of my comfort zone as I was a High School PE Teacher and she was Elementary. God has gone before me all these years as I have prayed over my students and even played games where they get to yell “Jesus” and “God”, which at times can be uncomfortable. I have been able to come alongside families and staff for support. He has given me so many opportunities that I would have missed out on if I had succumbed to my fears. When we follow where He leads, it takes courage to step out in love with those who we are entrusted with. I would love to be gifted with this study as I begin my 41st year of teaching.
So much truth and encouragement. A good reminder to “leave” the 99 and pursue the “one”. We don’t need fancy platforms and a plethora of followers to point others to Jesus. When God walked me through a fiery furnace, my prayer was that “even if my struggle helps only one, it will be worth it” and it did, it has. God used my adversity to do glorious things in me and many others. He is so good!
Yes! These past few months, now going on over a year have been such a challenge, so many things have changed in my life, been taken away….waiting for His leading after months and months and not sure my kingdom purpose. I believe this book would impact my life greatly! I need encouragement!
Yes! These past few months, now going on over a year have been such a challenge, so many things have changed in my life, been taken away….waiting for His leading after months and months and not sure my kingdom purpose. I believe this book would impact my life greatly! I need encouragement!
How does a Monday, Community Bible Study work?
Is it virtual, on Zoom or what?
Hi Barb, Bible Study Mondays will be hosted right here on the (in)courage website! So you just come read that day’s article and engage in comments with what you’re learning through the study. Easy peasy!
I have always felt like I was invisible, so I hid myself even more, but then God called me to an opportunity that would expose me, put me in plain sight, push, grow and stretch me out of my comfort zone, I joined a team that is called to be light in the darkness, share our faith through ministry and grow a business. Never did I think that I’d be here, but when God called me, he didn’t call me to be full of knowledge, he equips me with strength, Godfidence, and because he called me to in, in obedience I am acknowledging my faith and trust that he will use me. I am not the same woman I was before I started and I am thoroughly enjoying this adventure and journey WITH HIM.
Feeling like an impostor makes me feel down/hard on myself, insecure and that is a fear, that is not what GOD what’s me to feel. His faithful presence reminds me HE is behind me and I should not feel insecure.
Even though I know God can work through me and has forgiven me, Sometimes I feel like an imposter and fear others won’t respect or understand me if they knew all my stories.
When I feel inadequate to do what God has called me to do, I go to God’s word, the truth. Phil. 4:13. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Then I act on this truth, it is Christ in me that accomplishes what God wants done! Then I Thank the Lord for doing His work through me! AMEN!
Fear is tricky, sneaky and one of my biggest foes. It has created a space of discomfort for me enough that I can get paralyzed and stay there. I hear that voice that says go for it and instead of trusting the truth I allow the lie of fear that says I can’t do it or no one cares to listen to me that I rob myself of the calm space of truth. It’s like that dysfunctional relationship that can steal you away. Sometimes I just dispel that fear and crush that feeling of being an imposter by reminding myself daily, who I belong to. God did not create me to be afraid or a wallflower. He created me with gifts only I have and he is patiently waiting for me to unleash. The enemy is full of tricks, including fear. Our only truth- my only truth is Jesus.
As a “ministers wife” I have lived an exposed life in multiple churches. It wasn’t until we went through some very difficult years with a daughter with a personality disorder that God opened my eyes to the many “hidden disabilities” in families all around us. It’s hard to be vulnerable, it cost us a pastorate & many other heartaches. What I’ve learned is God uses me far more now than ever because I’m just a real Mom, with an imperfect life.
I always feel like there is someone else better equipped for the task. 🙁
Fear makes me feel like I am not qualified to lead others in my position even though I have 20 years of experience now. Because of this fear, I wonder if my students will think they same thing. Will they think I’m not qualified ? How can I make sure I don’t come off the wrong way with the students that would lead them to that conclusion.
One of my fears is confidence. I’m hesitant to speak up in a group, thinking that what I have to say is not interesting or relevant to what’s going on. Quite often though, someone else will bring up or say the very thing I’m thinking and am afraid to say. After having this happen a few times, I’m realizing that I do have something to bring to the discussion! I know God’s telling me to speak up, and still sometimes I let that fear stop me. I know God created me for more! The enemy is hard at work to squash faith and confidence. I’m learning to listen to the one who created me and encourages me
Makes me fear that i am a fake no matter what i do good or bad… trying to impress others has been a challenge but for me i have decided to do what is best for me and be more myself and get rid of toxic in my life. I have learned that God has a plan and i just need to stick with it and make the right choices that he chooses for me!
This is such a great question. I have felt lately that because I’m wrestling with some things with God, that I don’t have the right to even talk to him until I “figure this out.” My head knows that is far from what is true, as He is actually the one that pursues us. I need my heart to get on board with what my head knows!
5 years ago when my oldest daughter got sick I turned to my faith to help me through it. 1 year later my middle daughter was diagnosed with the same disease and I was lost for a while. Once I turned my focus back to God and hid guidance I did better dealing with everything. Without my faith I’d be completely lost. These past few years have been hard and I doubt myself and have many fears of the future but I have met many other families in the same boat and now we pray together and for our children and it’s so much better than before
Great reflection question.
Fears paralyze me and sometimes come dressed in the garb of humility and logic. Remembering times that God has protected me and made a way for me to move forward safely in the past when I’ve said yes to him in the face of fears does help me try again. But sometimes it’s a huge battle and sometimes I slink back. I feel the need to make an art journal page about this question.
I have been looking for this kind of bible study series for a long time. I am really happy to enroll myself as a student.
I am from India where I do christian ministry.
Thanks for this study series.
I am from India where I do christian ministry.
I love how honest these Bible studies contributors are!!!
I think feeling like an impostor comes down to fear in that we are more focused on what others think than the Truth. God’s faithful presence given you courage in dealing with grief of losing my grandfather as well as becoming an empty nester.
Feeling like an imposter comes down to what you fear, because fear is not of the Lord but of the lord of the air and out of this fear we cover ourselves to mask this fear; we become imposters. It is through ourselves that we are striving, not through God. Through Him we have everything we need to do what he calls us to do; He is our All in All. His faithful presence has given me the courage to face a difficult task. I could never have that courage under my own power, but under the power of the Almighty, I have limitless possibilities!! He gives me the strength to trust Him, so that I can take a step forward knowing He is there, even though I have failed so many times before. He gives me the stamina to continue on striving for that which is not seen, but is unseen and of the Father. He provides a way to make it happen by providing the resources, the people we need, and the obedience to what the Spirit is calling us to do. I have struggled almost all of my life to do this under my own power without even thinking about what He would want me to be or do. How in the world did I think I knew better than the GOD above Who formed me and shaped me into who I am? It was because I didn’t know Who He was. I had never read His Word; never gone to Him in prayer seeking His guidance. I had always done it on my own. It has taken many years for me to get to this point now where I am in a season of life where I need His guidance to lead me where I should go. Fear tries to rear its ugly head by putting all these doubts in my head: how will I be able to survive on only 30% of my paycheck, how will I deal with the health problems that I have, how will I get through this without having a steady paycheck, what if this isn’t the right job and I’m retiring early to fail. All these and so many more. Yet, when I step into where I have volunteered for the past four years, I hear a still, small whisper, “This is home.” Is it His voice? Is it lining up with what scripture says? By looking through the lens of His Word as my guide I have been faithfully reading His Word, praying earnestly, and seeking out other believers and my counselor to guide me in this next step of life. It is scary, but I know that fear is not from Him, and if it is His will for my life, then He will be beside me to guide me. He does not promise that it will be easy, but He does promise to bear my burdens with me; I am not alone!! We serve a gracious, loving Father who holds us in the palm of His hand and has our name engraved there. Selah
The Lord not only came before us, but when He left He left the Holy Spirit to walk with us and to guide us. How much easier it is to walk through the hard things knowing He is always with us no matter what. Nothing keeps Him from being with us. Keeping my focus on that makes the difficult and trying things easier to pursue. I couldn’t do it without Him and I don’t want to!!
Thank you for the chance to win a wonderful bundle! Happy Release Day!!
I am so excited to participate in this study because it’s right where I’m at in life!! God gave me “loud and clear” directions to go to nursing school a few years ago. I just graduated only two months before my 53rd birthday, which let me tell ya…menopause and nursing school are a crazy mix!! Anyway, now that I’ve graduated, I am praying through job applications and waiting on the Lord to guide me to where He needs me. Every day, I am praying “Lord, I don’t know why you chose me, but I know you love me and will equip me.” It’s so exciting!!! My faith and walk with Him are the most precious gifts and I cannot wait to see what He has in store for me through the people I will meet.
This study sounds amazing and I’m thankful for God’s timing in revealing it to me for further encouragement.
I think at times without knowing or realizing it I fear failure, losing control and lacking confidence or feeling like an imposter.
God’s faithful presence and His promises gives me the courage to walk with uncertainty and make decisions with discernment.
(365 xs in the Bible- “do not worry”)
What a fun giveaway! Thanks for offering us this great opportunity! Love this study too!
Unfortunately, imposter syndrome has been an unwelcome friend threaded throughout my life. She’s most present in moments that evoke a fear of failure. For this Enneagram 3 – a productivity and people-pleasing junkie – I’ve got a genuine terror that I’ll trip up. That I’ll stumble as I leap out of the starting gait, disappoint or annoy people, or just plain run out of time or energy to make everyone smile.
But that’s when I know it’s time to check in with Christ and expand my perspective. To remember that it isn’t my job to slap happiness on all my friends’ faces or deliver all the meals or organize all the events. That the only One I need to please is Him. That all I need is to listen to His still small voice and follow his lead. That Christ doesn’t give us gold stars for tackling monster to do lists, but He does seek our hearts.
Lord, help me to seek Your humble heart, hear your voice, and heed your words. Help me to do the heart work of not becoming a slave to my to do list and grin getting. Help me remember that there’s really only ever been but one Person on my To Do list that matters: You. Help me to seek You when imposter syndrome rears her hideous head, so all else fades to black in the light of Your glory.
What a fun giveaway! Thanks for offering us this great opportunity! Love this study too!
Unfortunately, imposter syndrome has been an unwelcome friend threaded throughout my life. She’s most present in moments that evoke a fear of failure. For this Enneagram 3 – a productivity and people-pleasing junkie – I’ve got a genuine terror that I’ll trip up. That I’ll stumble as I leap out of the starting gait, disappoint or annoy people, or just plain run out of time or energy to make everyone smile.
But that’s when I know it’s time to check in with Christ and expand my perspective. To remember that it isn’t my job to slap happiness on all my friends’ faces or deliver all the meals or organize all the events. That the only One I need to please is Him. That all I need is to listen to His still small voice and follow his lead. That Christ doesn’t give us gold stars for tackling monster to do lists, but He does seek our hearts.
Lord, help me to seek Your humble heart, hear your voice, and heed your words. Help me to do the heart work of not becoming a slave to my to do list and grin getting. Help me remember that there’s really only ever been but one Person on my To Do list that matters: You. Help me to seek You when imposter syndrome rears her hideous head, so all else fades to black in the light of Your glory.
Love this bible study in week 2 and couldn’t believe how it ties into my life. I praise these women for sharing their stories with us as we grow in God
Perfect timing! My girlfriends and I have been looking to follow a bible study in August! I’m so encouraged by this!
Oh yah!! Love God’s timing!
I’m a grandmother raising two grandsons, Wesley, 16, and Oliver, six. The challenging of having them since birth many times overwhelmed me. With the grace of god, I have been able to keep up the work, especially now during this pandemic time, when life became very upside down.
I’m so glad because Encourage blog and team are part of my life to encouraging me with the tasks and trails I deal with daily.
Thank you,
Marinalva Sickler
I have had the opportunity to be a part of many great celebrations over the years and I cannot recall a “big give away” being a part of the festivities. I must admit though that the chance of receiving one would really spice up the event and make it that much more memorable.
For me, I find it often comes down to fearing what others think. I’m working on taking the head knowledge of “God’s opinion is the only one that matters” to implementing it in my life.
I’ve felt like an imposter for many years. I have felt called to write and speak to minister to women, but have said many many times “who am I to serve God by serving women”. Only recently have I begun to trust God enough to step out of my comfort zone and face my fears.
Wow! So good.
I’m very guilty thinking I don’t have anything that God can use.
How insulting to my precious creator.
He loves me just the way I am.
Lots of times I have felt like Moses – who am I to do so-n-so. Moses pulled through & changed the path of the world. What makes us think we can’t do that, too?
So many times I have been nervous about stepping out in faith for fear of not being enough or being rejected. I wrestled last year with wanting to be part of a women’s ministry at our church. I was nervous because though I had taught young children, I had never taught a group of adult ladies who were much older than me. But through lots of power and God lining everything up for me (even supplying me with a mentor/co-leader just in time), we were able to study Philippians together and encourage one another. Our ladies hadn’t had a chance to commune and study together in months due to Covid and the women were just aching to come together. God showed me how He can be trusted and will supply all we need to glorify Him in faith. Praise God!
Moses did not say YES at the beginning, God was so patient and helpful. God even assured him He will help him to complete the task.
Exodus 6:6 God also said to Moses ‘ I am the Lord… who will let the Israelites free from slavery in Egypt..
But Moses still hesitate to say YES, he asked God how would Pharaoh listen to him since he has faltering lips?
God assured him of His Power.. His name is Power to perform miracles and wonders.
In our walk with Jesus, do not hold back to say YES LORD, He is forever loving, helpful and powerful beyond our imagination.
Thank you Lord, Praise you Lord. Together we overcome and become women of courageous influence.
For so long, God has asked me to say yes, and I do but it never lasts long. Too much to do, too much going on, too many struggles. I keep in saying that I can’t write a book, I know God wants me to tell my story so that His mighty works may be seen. My health is poor and I work very hard for very little money, I struggle to pay my daughter’s school fees. I would give up, but I don’t know how. I know I must let go, but I don’t know how. I pray for endurance, it’s difficult to write about the skeletons in your closet, to recall old hurts, failures and mistakes. To relive the past. God has called me to do something great, although I am not great. I know he has a purpose and a plan for my life and that he wants to use me to touch lives of others that hurt. It’s a mammoth task.
How does feeling like an impostor come down to what you fear?
Fear of regret, Fear of failure, Fear of getting it wrong and wasting my time, Fear of stepping out…
How has God’s faithful presence given you courage to face a difficult task?
YES! Courage and Confidence comes from Knowing that God is with me, and experiencing the peace that comes with trusting His unfailing love for me.
Thank you 🙂
Almost let my fear keep me from writing a response. My greatest fear is releasing my personal thoughts to the world and finding out I truly am an imposter. 30+ years of journals filled with stories, devotions, and personal reflections remain closed to the world. Saying “yes” means facing my greatest fear.
Today, God’s faithfulness reminded me once again that if I don’t say “yes” Satan remains firmly planted on my promised land. God is waiting for me to trust and obey. This post is my first step.
In Courage,
I’ve never thought of myself as good at much. I know God doesn’t call the qualified He qualifies the called. Some big fear in my life include getting in front of people & doing anything. I was asked a while back if I would be willing to use my simple sign language skills for special music at church. Some how I got over my fear & allowed God to use me & my simple sign language skills to do just that & bless services. Never in my life have I done any fundraising. Volunteering with Relay for Life (Cancer society) I’m given the task of trying to raise money. Asking friends & family for small amounts is no biggie. This year I took a leap of faith & asked my insurance agent for a donation. Surprise he sent Relay a check for $100.00 . It was really simple. It’s not about my skills or me. It’s simply God giving me the talents & helping me along the way. With God ALL things are possible.
Blessings 🙂
I am constantly thinking I am not “good enough” and worrying about what others think. Sometimes I wallow in those thoughts and it’s only when I remember to open my Bible that I remember I am always “good enough” for God and that my heart should be concerned what He thinks of me, not the world.
That’s a tough question!
Feeling like an imposter means I don’t have all the answers. But even if I didn’t feel like an imposter, I STILL wouldn’t have all the answers! So I’m trying to just take the next, right step. Like our favorite Frozen princesses-“do the next right thing”
I also have to continually remember God’s faithfulness even when it doesn’t make sense. When I remember how he’s never failed me yet, then it makes it easier to have the courage to take a step in faith even when I don’t understand.
When fear is creeping, I remind myself of something I heard Max Lucado say: he is as near as my next breath.
Looking forward to this study.
It makes me feel like I’m not good enough but God has always shown me that He has been there with me walking me through and guiding me, acting as a partner. I remember these times anytime I’m facing another challenge. He reminds me I’ve got what it takes more than I realize.
Being an imposter is hard work. It says we think we know value better than God. Loving ourselves as God created us sets an example for others to live in that freedom too. When I faced a very difficult time I finally realized I had no control. I trusted God (thanks to things I learned in Courageous Joy) God took care of the situation much better than I could of, way above my plans.
What a wonderful giveaway!
I am facing a difficult week at the moment. I am planning a big event for our youth at church. I am so behind and so tired, and the event hasn’t even happened yet. I have been anchoring my week to prayer, worship music, and God’s Word. I feel Him near, His faithful presence, helping me make it through each minute and day. I often ask myself the same question Moses did: Who am I to lead these middle & high school youth? But God has me here for a reason!
“How does feeling like an impostor come down to what you fear? How has God’s faithful presence given you courage to face a difficult task?”
Wow… so often I self sabotage and think…no way would God have called me to do something like THIS! But when I listen to the call and feel His courage and reassurance…it’s just what I need to live in my purpose!
Oh, do I feel like an imposter because of fear. Yes these last three years at work. Do things outside of who I am. Not speaking up for myself at work. Letting fear of reprisals and not trusting in the Lord 100% (more like 85%) because I need a job and insurance. Trying to make things so. Not wanting to go back to this job last year because of treatment from the person I was working with. Enter in more fear what am I going to do? How am I going to survive during this pandemic? I spoke to a guy friend in the grocery store and he said “You KNOW” God gives you grace and forgiveness and you just need to extend that same grace to to her. I went home and started to pray for her again. So I gave grace over grace multiple times a week. Loving, forgiving her and praying during the day. I focused on the Lord more and more because He is the one in charge and not me. She still has not changed but I have. I my faith is growing stronger because of it.
So true!! I often feel like an impostor when trying to do something. When I examine it, it’s because I’m looking at my own ability. When I focus on Christ and His power through me, then I feel and think differently. But oh how that is hard to overcome. (Focusing on own ability)
How does feeling like an impostor come down to what you fear? Not long ago, I admitted to someone that I felt like an imposter. I go through life as if everything is fine, not allowing the real me show. The fear of judgment from people who don’t understand addiction and letting people know the hurt and pain families face when loved ones struggle with alcoholism (or any addiction) is a huge ask. I have a feeling anything that carries shame may be hard for others to admit, as well. Even if God isn’t calling me to share my story of being a daughter of a Mother who seemingly loved alcohol more than her girls and the gut wrenching pain of seeing my son follow the same path, at the very least, I need to be transparent with my friends and family. It’s hard to cover up the truth…
How has God’s faithful presence given you courage to face a difficult task? God has always been faithful all of my life and His presence has given me courage to do and face extremely hard tasks! I’m not sure why this one seems so different because I know God hasn’t changed! He has been and will always be my Rock!
I can’t wait for this Bible Study!
How does feeling like an impostor come down to what you fear? How has God’s faithful presence given you courage to face a difficult task?
That’s a deep question! I always fear the people who knew me before I surrendered to Jesus. Or the people who have seen me mess up, will not listen or be encouraged by the Lord because they will not take what I have to say serious. Then the Lord in all his mercy and grace has told me, leave that with me, your job is just to speak when prompted by Holy Spirit, He will do the rest!
Eye opening how we make things about ourselves and being an influencer for Jesus is also making ourselves not seen and glorifying and magnifying Christ. Which I could not do without God himself!
I feel most like an imposter when I buy into the fear that I’m not good enough, that I don’t measure up, that I’m not doing things as well as everyone else and instead am really just going through the motions, pretending to be a Christian. All self-inflicted lies, of course, but they plague me and make me feel like I don’t really belong. But, when I allow God’s truth to permeate my being and let Him come alongside me, great things happen. Eight years ago I wasn’t even a believer, and now I’m currently into week 2 of facilitating a ladies’ Bible study at my church. Crazy, right? Good thing I set aside Satan’s lie that told me I’d never be able to stack up against the ‘real’ Godly women. Truth is, we all belong to the exact same club!
How does feeling like an impostor come down to what you fear?
It calls out the fear I have that people will find out that I’m not enough or I don’t deserve a seat at the table. Like they THINK I belong, but if they knew the real me…
How has God’s faithful presence given you courage to face a difficult task?
Knowing that the Lord is always with me and will always love me is a comfort and helps me pull up my bootstraps and get after it. I also find that repeating the 23rd Psalm helps me to tackle difficult tasks and situations.