Sometimes, regardless of my age, I still feel as insecure as a teen on the first day of school. It’s difficult to separate what I produce from my identity, so if people don’t comment on my post or like my photo or buy my book, I can easily internalize it as a sign that they don’t like me. Although I know deep down it’s not true, the insecurity is there all the same, and it makes me uncomfortable with myself. Like most of us, I’m not only trying to understand the world and the people around me, but I’m also still struggling to understand myself, my inclinations, and my motivations.
This is why I find the Enneagram so interesting; it gives a glimpse into what makes me tick. I’m particularly fascinated by descriptions of what my number (or personality type) looks like in either a healthy or an unhealthy state. The first time I read a description of how my number often behaves under stress, it felt like someone had followed me around when I was under a deadline or in a place of conflict and took notes.
I’m an Enneagram Three, sometimes called The Achiever (I kind of like that one) and sometimes called The Performer (that one, not so much). We are success-oriented, pragmatic, adaptable, and driven. We’re self-motivated and pride ourselves on exceeding expectations. But we constantly compare ourselves to others, we look at opportunities to succeed also as opportunities to fail, and unfortunately — although we may understand the unconditional nature of God’s love — we believe our value is tied to what we achieve.
Here’s what the Bible says about that:
Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Titus 3:5-6 (NKJV)
My heart knows my identity is in Christ. However, sometimes I live like my identity is rooted in what I do or can produce.
This insecurity also causes me to purposefully avoid things I might not be good at. In December, my family moved to a neighborhood with an active tennis community. I’ve met multiple neighbors who never played before moving here, but they joined a beginner league and now tennis is an important part of their life.
The idea of picking up a racket for the first time in years and joining a league sounds absolutely terrifying (and yes, I’m aware it should actually sound fun). If I ever join one, it will be a sign I’m in a really good place emotionally. Occasionally I force myself to do things that will make me look or feel foolish so that I won’t miss out on a fun, group experience.
Sadly, at times I allow my aversion to failure to interfere with my calling. If you’re nodding your head because you’ve been there too, you’ll be glad to know we aren’t alone. According to Bible Promises for the Enneagram, Moses shared this trait. He grew up with power and influence as a member of Pharaoh’s house, but when God asked him to confront Pharaoh and request the release of His people, Moses felt inadequate and insecure. Even after God tells Moses, “Now go! I will help you speak and I will teach you what to say,” he replies, “Please, Lord, send someone else” (Exodus 4:12-13 CSB).
Moses was afraid of being embarrassed and failing in a big, public way. I totally get it.
I once jotted this note in the margin of my Bible next to those verses in Exodus: “The Lord will equip us to do what He calls us to do.” I knew I would need to be reminded again and again, like now on the eve of a book release.
You might think book publishing would make someone so goal-oriented feel accomplished, but the fear of failure (Amazon rankings update like an hourly online popularity contest), disappointing people (like your editor or your publisher), and the comparison trap (someone else already said it better) can cripple me from the inside out.
Thankfully, God’s definition of success and mine are very different.
Do you need to be reminded that your value comes from Whose you are and not who you are? That God’s love is given, not earned? That He offers rest to the weary and that His burden is light?
God’s love is bigger than our successes, our failures, our gifts, or our limitations. We may rank ourselves by our achievements or how we measure up compared to the rest of the world, but God loves us unconditionally based on the righteousness of His son Jesus Christ.
So we can say yes to joining a tennis league or making a new friend or doing what feels impossible in our eyes because whether we fail or look foolish to others, we know we are fully loved no matter what.
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Your encouragement that God’s love is given not earned is compelling! For me the phrase “God is bigger than my successes” is even more challenging. So often I’ve equated my successes with His enabling, His favor, His love. Never thought about it being even bigger than that! Shame on me for not seeing His vastness. Thank you for sharing so I might be encouraged & challenged to expand my view of His awesome love!
Ruth, you’re so welcome. I often need a healthy dose of perspective. 🙂
The Enneagram is not of God. Faith and trust in God to reveal who we are is the only way to find out. The Enneagram is new age teaching, just like Tarot Cards and Astrology. Please pray that God will keep you from all false teachings and idols.
Lily (my youngest daughter is named Lily!), my trust is in God, only. The Enneagram has helped me recognize some things about myself, but I would never make an idol of it. Thanks for reading!
Do the research! In fact, the website I left on this page did not “show up”. You also didn’t respond to my personal email….No, you’re trust isn’t in God only, otherwise you would have had to take the Enneagram test. He reveals all we need to know to us as we need to know it.
Hi Lily,
The settings on our comment section don’t allow links, so that’s nothing personal. 🙂 I appreciate you reading today and sharing your concerns. I think this is an area of freedom for believers to agree to disagree. Like Dawn, I have found the enneagram (as well as other tools like Myers Briggs and StrengthsFinder) to be a helpful structure to better understand the beautiful complexities and differences God created people with.
Becky Keife
(in)courage community manager
Lily, I apologize for not responding to your personal email. I’ve been at a recap meeting for families from my son’s recent mission trip these past two days. Becky’s response summarized what I would say. Thank you for reading and commenting here at (in)courage. Blessings, Dawn
Lily, I apologize for not responding to your personal email. I’ve been at a recap meeting for families from my son’s recent mission trip these past two days. Becky’s response summarized what I would say. Thank you for reading and commenting here at (in)courage. Blessings, Dawn
Yes and Amen! I too am an Enneagram 3- I do, I fix, I manage, I perform, I please. Well… at least I think I do. As much as I trust and believe that God is in control and loves me despite my fears, mistakes, failures , etc. I still have a hard time shaking off the shackles of shame when I don’t succeed, achieve or excel. Thank you for this important reminder. I return to the word that I am called to serve and share my faith, not perform.
Jodi, you nailed it, that feeling of shame when we don’t achieve (especially when we don’t meet personal expectations). We don’t have to perform!
Oh, heavens, I didn’t know I was going to find a custom-written-for-3’s message here today! Thanks so much!
You’re welcome, Michele! We’ve got to speak truth in the face of those lies we allow ourselves to believe.
I agree. I have researched this enneagram and as a Christian we are not to have any part of it. Do your research. That’s how satin can take a foothold. Pray and ask God’s wisdom. 🙂 <3
AMEN! Please note people who read this article and the replies that “glory” is being given to the Enneagram, not God.
Hey there friend,
As I said to Lily above, I appreciate you reading today and sharing your concerns. I think this is an area of freedom for believers to agree to disagree. Like Dawn, I have found the enneagram (as well as other tools like Myers Briggs and StrengthsFinder) to be a helpful structure to better understand the beautiful complexities and differences God created people with.
Certainly, as believers, we must be careful and mindful of using Scripture as the lens through which we judge other teaching and information we receive. And you’re right, Satan is cunning and always looking for ways to twist the truth and get Christians focused on something other than Christ. I’m so grateful we have the gift and power of the Holy Spirit to be our Counselor and guide as in making wise, life-giving choices that honor God. And I’m also grateful for Dawn’s article today which ultimately points to the fact that God’s love is lavish and available and so much bigger than our limitations.
Becky Keife
(in)courage community manager
Yes we are fully loved no matter what! AND yes I was nodding…lol
and yes I do this:
“Occasionally I force myself to do things that will make me look or feel foolish so that I won’t miss out on a fun, group experience”
I’m currently helping in our church announcement ministry, and oh boy do I get flustered and nervous. I feel like the words I’ve memorized all fall out of my mouth like a newly opened box of puzzle pieces!
I love you reminded us, just as God reminded Moses..
“Now go! I will help you speak and I will teach you what to say,” he replies, “Please, Lord, send someone else” (Exodus 4:12-13 CSB).
Janet, glad to know I’m not the only one putting myself in those uncomfortable situations. Sounds like you’re saying yes to what God’s calling you to do!
Beautiful read! I needed this!!
Amanda, thanks for reading!
Why is it we feel the need to earn God’s love? Why all the striving & constantly doing? His love is given generously & free for the asking. All He asks is that we use the gifts He has given us to -further His kingdom. I’ve done that a lot lately. Our music director seeing me do a few signs to some of the songs asked me a few years ago (me in front of people eh not so much!). I readily said yes & asked God to help me. Over the years my fear has dissipated & I’ve gotten better at it. I volunteer with Relay for Life (Cancer). Last year they asked us to make a video telling why I relay. My voice on tape sounds like a young child, but I did it anyway. This year I have gone out & done some fundraising-getting 200.00 dollars. Things I would never have done before. I know God is working with me to accomplish these things. I don’t worry about failures or successes. Just how much I’m doing to bless God & show the world His love.
Blessings 🙂
Beth, it sounds like you’re bravely doing what He’s calling you to do!
I have a hard time (really hard time with public speaking). I have yet to figure out why….My Enneagram is 9 and 6. Yesterday I had to share something in church (like church announcements) and for the life of me, I just dreaded it! Like Moses, “Please ask someone else.” But I felt like I needed to stop saying no (truthfully I say no to the pastors all the time) and even if I messed up who cares? Ironically, I listened to Sunday’s sermon from my old church and this was the message, God’s love. I didn’t earn it. He just loves me!
Areum, I hear you! Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that we’re not analyzing every word other people say, so we shouldn’t assume they’re doing it to us. We just have to ask God to equip us to do what He calls us to do.
What a great reminder !
I need this reminder every day and sometimes throughout the day. I hope that this is being taught in Sunday Schools and in Bible Studies.
God’s love is so wonderful and we cannot earn it and we cannot lose it.
Humans are given this love through our relationship with Jesus Christ.
If I could have just accepted this faith principle as a new Believer, I don’t think I would have experienced insecurity and immaturity as much in my young adult life. It’s so important to know this faith principle and never, never let anyone take it from you. Keep it in your heart and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you the truth. God has a plan for each person’s life, and we can accept it by faith and ask God for guidance. He may even send a person or church member alongside you as you grow in your spiritual walk with God.
Never give up on your journey, God’s Word says He will never leave us or forsake us. Keep your faith and trust in God. Jesus is the example we have to live a godly life.
Here is a nugget of truth I have learned from experiences, you cannot change the heart of another human being even if you love that person. Only the Holy Spirit can teach us the truth and help us change our inner person. It does take a determined mind and sticktoitiveness. Never give up ! ! !
His love is bigger than we can ever imagine. Thanks for your comment, Brenda!