Friends, we have some BIG news for you today! It’s been a long, long time in the making, and we couldn’t be more excited!
You know you can join us daily here at (in)courage for a new article everyday from one of our thirty contributing writers. They share their unique stories — joys and struggles equally — for the purpose of pointing others to the eternal hope of Jesus Christ. This is what it means to be (in) community. We’re always better when we make time to gather, listen, and learn together. And now . . .
We can do this via podcast!
Yes! The (in)courage you know and love — the virtual living room where we pile together on the couch, lounge in comfy chairs, sprawl out on the floor, and create a comfy circle of sisters who are always ready to shift and smoosh together to make space for more — is now a podcast! Cue the confetti because it feels like a party over here!
New episodes will drop on Thursdays, so subscribe today wherever you listen to podcasts so you don’t miss a minute. Yep, you can find the (in)courage podcast literally anywhere! Open your favorite podcast app, and listen to the trailer today — or you can find it right here at the very end of this article. Easy, right?
To kick off our podcast, Season One will be all about what it means to live with courageous joy. Because seriously, who doesn’t need more joy in their life right now? Becky Keife and Mary Carver will be bringing you funny and vulnerable conversations as they discuss their way through our Courageous Joy Bible Study. They’ll be joined by some dear friends along the way, who will share their honest stories of what joy looks like in their lives. Written by Mary and featuring stories from other (in)courage writers, the Courageous Joy Bible Study looks at what God says about real joy — even when life gets hard.
If you love (in)courage, you’re going to love this podcast! These are the conversations we have every day on our website and social media, in our books, devotionals, and Bible studies. And now we’re bringing what thousands of readers love about (in)courage to podcast listeners! Ta-da! (Can you tell we’re just a little bit excited?)
So friends, we’re ready to celebrate BIG time with a BIG giveaway! Leave a comment on letting us know how excited you are about the (in)courage podcast, and you’ll be entered to win an AMAZING (in)courage prize pack*!
This is the ultimate (in)courage gift bundle, and includes:
- (in)courage CSB Devotional Bible
- 2022 (in)courage Courageous Habits Planner
- (in)courage Take Heart Necklace and Devotional Gift Set
- Courage, Dear Heart keychain
- Coffee + Jesus ceramic mug
Leave your comment, and you’ll be entered. Now friend, put your feet up, listen in, and know that you’ve found your place. Consider yourself officially welcomed to the podcast version of the (in)courage living room. The door is open and you’re invited in.
Listen to the trailer and subscribe!
*Giveaway open until 11:59pm Central on June 24, 2021. Open to US residents only. Winner will be chosen randomly and contacted via email.
Leave a Comment
I am so excited that (in)courage is adding a podcast! I can’t wait to literally “hear” from my (in)courage encouragers. Pods are my best companions on long commutes and daily runs!
Hooray! This makes me so happy, Kim!
So excited!!
Love this!
I am so excited to have this podcast to listen too.
It will be like we are spending time together not just reading your words
Yah!! That’s totally our hope!
Excited for the new podcast!!
I am so excited for this podcast! I look forward to the daily newsletter and know I will love the podcast.
So glad you’re here, Sarah! Thanks for sharing in our joy today!
I’m so excited for this! I love the in courage bible study so I’m sure I’m going to love listening to this podcast!
That’s so great to hear, Kailene!
This is so exciting! I can’t wait.
Thanks for sharing in our excitement, Mary!
This is great news! As a mom of little ones, I treasure the time I spend listening to encouraging podcasts while exercising. I’m excited to have this new option! Can’t wait to hear it!
I start my day with (in) courage-this will be a great addition!
YAY! So love hearing that, Alisa!
in courage is one of my favorite devotions to turn to. I look forward to the new podcast. Blessings to all.
Awesome! That’s such a gift to hear.
A podcast too?! It’s like you read my mind. I was just thinking about how awesome it would be if you all started a podcast. In a time where connection is so needed, this will feel like we are in fellowship in a whole different way. Can’t wait to listen in!
It’s been on our hearts for a long time. So glad we finally get to bring it you!!
So excited about inaugural topic “Courageous Joy”! Thanks
Looking forward to the podcasts! I enjoy the Courageous Joy study sessions. It will be good to listen while exercising, cleaning, or relaxing – coffee, Jesus and InCourage!
I love this! It is exactly what I need! Couldn’t be more excited!!
I’m smiling reading your comment, Sheryl!
This is fabulous news! As we rejoice and celebrate this accomplishment here on Earth, I know God is hosting a Heavenly party as well! There is revival happening all around us, and the team of (in)courage should rejoice in playing a critical role in sharing the Gospel and pointing others to our One True King. Congratulations
Yay!!! This feels like a natural progression with my friends from {in}courage! Thanks for all of the new ideas bubbling up over the past year! I can’t wait to listen! Thank you for another opportunity to win, too.:)
Heidi that makes me SO happy to hear. Thank you for the encouragement today!!
I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!!!!! The words of encouragement and real life in all the devotionals, emails and blogs helps to strengthen each other in community and in Christ. This podcast will be such a great source to fill our cups. The courageous joy bible study was amazeballs; I cannot wait to listen to the podcast! Blessings to you all on the (in)courage team, thank you for your time, efforts and creativity in this launch!
Danielle — best comment ever!! Thanks so much for celebrating with us and sharing what (in)courage means to you!
Love, love, love this!
Exciting news!
Courageous joy…wow that sounds exactly what I need right now. Subscribing now and can’t wait to listen to the first episode! Yay yay for u guys!
Hooray and welcome, Alissa!!!
How exciting! I’m not a big podcast listener, but I have loved Out of the Ordinary with Lisa Jo Baker and Christie Purifoy and believe this will fill me in the same way.
I look forward to the blessings all will receive from the new podcast.
Delighted to have something like this during my walks!
Just what I need cant wait
Can’t wait! Congrats!
I love to listen to podcasts on my commute to and from work. So very excited to add incourage podcast!
I love sitting down every morning opening your app to see today’s reading. I’m always encouraged. I look forward to hearing voices behind the words I read. Such a great idea! I cant wait to hear!! Yay!!
Melinda that’s the best! We can’t wait to ‘sit’ with you!
Such exciting news! I love listening to podcasts while cleaning, gardening, or working out. Great way to make the chore go by faster.
I’m so excited for this! I can’t wait for Thursday!
I’ve been blessed by this ministry! I’m excited for the he podcast because sometimes I don’t have time to read but now I can listen as I do work that needs to be done! Thank you and I thank God for you!
Thank you and BLESSINGS to all who provide the podcasts!
This is so exciting!
this is awesome!! Thank you for your daily (in) couragement!! God bless you And your ministry!
Yay!!! Can’t wait to listen!!
You sister have gotten me through some lonely and depressed times these past few months reading your encouraging story has helped me much. I am a widow, but just widow, but pastors wife widow, at the same time emptied nester to. So over the pass 4 years it has been challenging, but my God is exceedingly and abundantly above all that I could ask or think.
So excited for this! I cannot wait to hear the future episodes. Becky’s excitement makes me excited as well!!!
I usually don’t listen to podcasts, but I intend to start now! Thanks
My podcast junkie heart thanks you for feeding my “habit” with what I know will be SO much goodness!
Blessings to you as you take on this gigantic additional project!
Yeahhhh Michele! Thanks for adding us to your queue!
I am excited for this! I do a lot of driving and I love to fill my mind with quality words!! Thank you for for putting it all together!
Wow!!! So exciting!!! Can’t wait!!
Excited for this podcast
I don’t want to win anything just to say big thank you for all you guys do incourage. I learnt so much from your teaching. The stories. I pray for you all the way from Enniskillen in Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland. I love what you all do for the Lord. May God richly bless you guys through the Podcast. I will love to hear you through it. I love what you guys do any way you do it. It so amazing. I learnt so much my faith in the Lord has grown because of you all. God bless you all in the Podcast. Love and big hugs and God bless Dawn Ferguson-Little xx
❤️ CONFETTI in the air!!! ❤️
Such exciting news!!
God is sooooo GOOD!!
Yippee!! Super excited for the (in)courage podcast! Another great way to share and spread the love of God 🙂 Congratulations! Thank you to all who contribute – I appreciate you all!
I love reading the daily devotionals. Now, I’ll have another way to receive encouragement and develop courage.
Exciting news!
Thank you for spreading the good news in unique way.
Congratulations!!! I’m so excited!!! I am reminded daily how God moves in amazing ways and in His perfect timing even with podcasts.
Just yesterday, I asked Alexa for the (IN)-Courage podcast and today, here it is. I love that on Thursday this new journey begins when the first podcast drops with Mary and Becky too!! I feel like your giving birth to a new baby and am rejoicing and praising the Lord today. Yes, thanks be to God and thank you for obedient vessels!! I can’t wait for the JOY series!!
Diana that’s the BEST. We should pop right up on Alexa soon!
I begin my day early with a podcast and a two mile walk. Then I usually come home and have coffee and begin my day with my incourage devotional in the inbox! NOW I can listen to you first thing outside while walking. I am SO VERY excited! Thank you!!!
The best!! Thanks for starting your day with us, we’re honored <3
This is exciting!
So excited for the Podcast! Thank you!
Oh yay! This is very exciting! I subscribed first thing this morning! Can’t wait for season 1!
Also, can someone tell me what site this is using to pull this picture? this is SOOO old, i would love to change it, but it does it all on it’s own.
Amanda, your picture pulls in from Gravatar. So visit their website to update your profile pic! 🙂
This is so exciting!! I can’t wait to listen! I love reading the daily emails and doing the bible studies. This is an added bonus!
Looking forward to adding this to my FAVORITE podcasts!
Yippee!!! I’m so excited! I love everything about (in)courage and am so happy to add y’all to my podcast library! I am excited to bring y’all into my living room for more girl time!
I am very excited to see this happening as we have just gone through Courageous Joy book which has been a blessing to myself and others as I’ve shared with them ! Thank you inCourage team!!!
So exciting!!!!
I am so glad to have this happening! I love to listen to spiritual podcasts while I work to help me keep my eye on Christ all day long. I have already subscribed and am eagerly waiting for new content.
Exciting times ahead! Can’t wait to hear the voices that go along with the daily reading.
I am so excited for the podcast! It is a great way to keep me focused on Christ.
Interested in the podcast
Awesome! Looking forward to listening to you 🙂
I’m excited to listen to the new podcasts!
I am so excited about this and need this blessing so much!!! God is Good All the Time!!!
I am excited about the new podcast. I have been inspired and refreshed and (in)couraged by so many of the women. I have hundreds of saved articles. It’s sometimes hard to read them all. It will be wonderful to hear them in their own voices and feel like I can “join in.” Thank you
What a great idea! Excited for you, (in)courage!
Looking forward to listening to sisters in Christ share their lives and ministries. With life getting busier and busier I excited to be able to walk the dogs and be in- couraged.
I’m so excited for the podcast! I love reading the daily posts! They are always so encouraging!
I am really excited about your new podcast and can’t wait to download it. I love reading all the posts here and they touch me in so many ways – some very unexpected – so I know hearing the voices behind those comments will continue to touch me and help me move forward in my faith journey.
Not much of a podcast listener but will definitely tune into this one.
I love your products and FB posts. So excited to listen to the first podcast! Congratulations!
I’m so excited for this!!!! Can’t wait to listen xoxo
So awesome!!!
I love listening to podcasts on my runs and was needing a new show, so this came at the perfect time! Super excited!
This is great news! Thanks for your encouragement and giving me courage as a sister in Christ!
First. Thank you sooooo much for your articles but your devotions and the videos motivate me. The podcast will be great in my car but the videos help lots❤️
I’m always searching for a good podcast so I’m really excited to hear this news!
Super excited!!!
Would love to have this package!
This is exciting as I loved the Courageous Joy study! I have never done a podcast so I hope I have it figured out
I’m very excited to HEAR about this ! Right on time too.
Super excited to listen! Love all the new incourage offerings! Bible studies and podcast all in one year! Yippee!
Woohoo! We’re kind of exhausted. Ha! BUT also energized by the work God’s doing in this place. Thanks for being here, Allison!
Very excited about the new podcast!
Excited for new podcast. I begin each day by reading the devotional.
Whoo hoo! So excited!!
I am so excited about this! I love listening to podcasts as I clean the house and go on walks. And of course I love incourage!
I am so excited about the podcast! Looking forward to listening to the episodes and being encouraged!
I am excited for the podcast partly because I enjoy the daily posts and expect the podcast to be just as wonderful but also to be able to play a podcast when my kids are home and not have to worry if something inappropriate will be said. And knowing that what is being said will be encouraging to both me and my girls!
Looking forward to listening!
Yay! I’m so excited about the Incourage Podcast! I love your Devotionals and Bible Studies!
So excited just followed and ready to join the living room I am a newbie and excited to learn
I’ve enjoyed reading every article every day from your posts, and this is going to be an added encouragement from the (in)courage Podcast.
Thanks a million,
Angie Honor-Schulze
There are times when the spoken word is a balm for the soul or helps to emphasize what we are hearing. I am so excited to be able to add this podcast to my favorites. As I transition back to work and a 90-minute commute each way, this will definitely help to make the drive a joy!
This is so exciting, I can’t wait to be apart
Oh myyyyyyyy…
(in) courage articles has been a tremendous blessing to me. Y’all are part of my journey to womanhood
And with a great delight I anticipate the podcast
I was just looking for a new podcast to listen to! Can’t wait to have something uplifting and safe for kids ears to listen to on my drives.
This is so incredibly exciting! I can’t wait to listen along while at work!
Yay! I am so excited about a podcast from (in)courage! One of my favorite groups!!!
This is AWESOME!! I love podcasts and am subscribing today for this. You bring me such peace joy with your daily devotions, products etc. this is just one more to enjoy
Excited for the podcast! I love listening to faith based podcasts during my exercises at night.
I am super excited to hear the podcasts!! Thank you for all your work to bring this to us!
I LOVE podcasts and I LOVE (in)courage! I cant wait to listen!
What a great resource… I will definitely be sharing!
Oh wow! I read incourage literally every day and even though I don’t normally comment, there are so many days that I get something so helpful from what someone wrote. I’m only 19, but I can still relate to so much of what is said. Thank you!
Madison! You are SO welcome here and we’re thrilled to have you. Thank you for being such a faithful reader and friend of (in)courage!
The incourage community have gotten me through the worst season of my life (divorce and single-parenting). Books, devotions, conversations – and now a podcast! Every time I read a devotion, God speaks to me! Truly blessed by this ministry! Congratulations!
Very exciting! Looking forward to listening in.
Looking forward to listening on my drive to work every morning – I’m sure it will be a great way to start the day!
So excited about this podcast! I loved the way it was presented like a living room. I have been so blessed by (in)courage and am so looking forward to having another way to stay connected to the community. And the message focusing on joy -whew! Timely is an understatement. Thanks for doing this! Subscribing now!
I am very excited for this podcast! Listening to christian women whom I trust is so uplifting and such a blessing.
Holy Moly, how awesome is this!!! (in)courage has been such an integral part of my life for a while now so I am super stoked about a PODCAST. I’ve already texted several of my friends and family to let them know about this opportunity for more and deeper community of God serving, loving and struggling woman who long to grow deeper in their faith! I cannot wait and pssst I cracked up on the TADA portion of the message LOL. Thanks and thanks for the opportunity to win a giveaway to, not necessary but so very much appreciated! In Christ, Lisa
This is fantastic news that I have been hoping for…I am a big fan of podcasts and a big fan of (in)courage, so it was something that I was naturally hoping would happen! I’m really looking forward to what they bring and can’t wait to download it right now!!!
nice to have the podcast option!
Im so excited about this!!! Im sharing it with all my sisters in Christ! Such a huge blessing!
We have needed an (in)courage podcast! Thank you for starting this!
I love (in)courage and am thrilled you’re doing a podcast. Looking forward to adding such a real, positive and hopeful podcast to my library.
Looking forward to it! I usually listen to podcasts during my daily early morning walk. Nice to have this option 🙂
Really happy and excited to see this ministry growing and thriving! Well done:)
I’m excited and looking forward to hearing some (in)couraging words from the speakers/writers.
This is going to be so amazing! I’m a “visual” learner, but hearing from individuals share their perspectives, emotions, struggles, laughter…this is what makes life “real”.
THANK YOU, (in)courage!
Can’t wait. So excited to hear now there will be a Podcast. Great news.
I’m so excited for this!
So excited for this! I’ve been apart of the courageous series Bible study launch team and this is the icing on the cake!
I need courageous joy!
How awesome! YAY! Congrats! Can’t Wait!
This is actually really timely because I have been looking for a faith-based podcast that connects with me. To see this pop up after searching yesterday and not finding any that spoke to me is such a blessing. I can’t wait for the first episode to become available on Thursday and to hear the voices of people that I’ve only read!
I am so excited!!! Cannot wait to listen on my way back and forth to a weekly chiropractor appointment 45 minutes away!
Yay! I love podcasts! I just went & subscribed!
(Not commenting to enter drawing. Please let someone else have those items if the machine selects me. I have the Take Heart devo & prefer another color theme for planners etc.)
This is exciting news. Looking forward to listening.
I love listening to podcasts and am excited for this one! I’ve already subscribed!
Can’t wait!!
LOVE this! What a great next step for the (in)courage community. Looking forward to the theme of season one!
This is so exciting! 😀
How exciting! Looking forward to listening!!
I love the way you have a variety of voices that share many different topics that are so relatable. So I am really excited for the podcast!
How exciting!!
What a great way to create community and minister hope!
For such a time as this! I’m excited to listen to the (In) courage podcasts!
(in)courage is my Scriptural encouragement for everyday living: trustworthy, uplifting and refreshing! The podcast will be a new resource of joy and truth!
So excited for the (in)courage podcast! And what a fantastic giveaway!
I am looking forward to podcast. It is nice to hear stories about how others deal with their problems and I know God always listens
I am so very excited about this! Each morning I walk about 3 miles. It’s a great way to get exercise, clear my mind, listen to music and get in a good podcast. Each day I listen to a different podcast so now I have (in)courage to add to the list! Thank you!
Great giveaway.
Yay this is so exciting! Can’t wait to listen!!
Thank you. Looking forward to sharing life with you. God bless you abundantly!!!
Love your content and encouragement. So thankful I came across your ministry.
I love listening to podcasts on my commute to and from work. Thank you.
Soooo excited to see this come to fruition….nothing like gathering with you all on the ‘couch’. Your voices are Needed!! Thank you!
So excited to hear about the new Podcast!! The ability to be with the (In)courage community while I am on the move will be amazing! Thank You!
I am so excited for this! I really enjoy the bible studies and this will be a great way for an extra dose of encouragement on my way to work!
Rejoice and Rejoice ..
All sisters in Christ.
Thank you very much.
Great news! I have enjoyed the daily devotional & the new Bible studies. A great way to keep pouring His truth into my day!
I am so glad to hear there will now be a podcast! This makes listening anywhere so much easier. I have already subscribed and look forward to Thursday’s!!
Can’t wait to start listening!
Well, this is exciting to be listening to the podcast from the beginning.
I am so happy to stumble upon this podcast! Newly retired and want to learn and grow with the lord!
Looking forward to your podcast. I too have lived with courageous joy during my recent bout with cancer. I lost my one kidney to cancer in 2017. I lived on dialysis for almost 3 years, had my transplant postponed because of covid and finally received my transplant in June of 2020. God was faithful during my journey, encouraging me with His Word, songs of worship, friendships, and my kidney donor who waited during the delays with equal amounts of courage. The story God is writing in my life is nothing short of amazing.
I am really looking forward looking forward to listening to this. (in)Courage always has the best stuff. I feel like a kid in a toy store looking at what you offer and want it all.
Congrats! That sounds so fun!
I have subscribed and am so utterly excited to have this podcast in my lineup. <3
I am excited about the new (in)Courage podcast!
Yay! So exciting for you all and ME!!!Yours will be the first podcast I listen to now that I’m off for the summer!! I’m sure there will be so many great topics and people sharing on the podcasts! Cannot wait! Counting down the “minutes”….
I am so excited to hear from real women who love Jesus but don’t have everything together.
I love to listen to podcasts when I walk and drive. I look forward to a new choice in podcast listening. A faith based and inspirational podcast sounds like a great summer time listen.
So excited to tune in for the podcast on Thursday’s!!
I am excited to listen and be a part of this community! I love being with women of faith and how he guided myself and others!
I get your daily devotional and love it! I am so looking for to be able to listen to the podcast. I am so excited for this Faith based podcast by the women of (in)courage! Thank you all!
I’m so excited for the new podcast. Can’t wait to hear what all the ladies have to say.
I’m very excited for the new podcast!!
Looking forward to a new podcast that will help me grow my relationship with Christ, as well as becoming part of a new “community.”
Hey! So! Super excited that God has raised up and is raising up women and amplifying their voices for such a time as this to encourage so many people! May this podcast be fruitful and multiply for His kingdom! Amen!!
Can’t wait, so excited to listen to these incouraging words.
I just found incourage a few weeks ago and I make it a part of my morning every day now. I truly love this space! Having said that I’ve never actually listened to a podcast… Crazy, I know! But I am going to have to subscribe and check this one out for sure!
I just can’t wait to hear your podcast. Super excited to see God’s hand moving through the Incourage community. Courageous Simplicity, Courageous Joy have been such a blessing and now a podcast… wow! Thank you ladies, can’t wait to see what God has in store.
This is sooo exciting!
I love to walk and listen to Christian podcasts … it reminds me that Jesus is walking with me. I’m happy to add this to my podcast library!
Super excited for this podcast! I truly love, and enjoy the Incourage Team!
I am very blessed by all your articles! I thank God for you and speaking into our lives in such a profound way. I will enjoy your podcast!
I’m (in)joying your daily written devotions, and soooo excited for your podcast launch! I’m rather new to podcast world, but am finding inspiration and support through this medium that can (in)courage me as I go about my daily tasks! ❤️ Can’t wait for tomorrow to experience the first of many podcasts from you!
I’m (in)joying your daily written devotions, and soooo excited for your podcast launch! I’m rather new to podcast world, but am finding inspiration and support through this medium that can (in)courage me as I go about my daily tasks! ❤️ Can’t wait for tomorrow to experience the first of many podcasts from you!
I love podcasts! I’m so excited to listen!
Yay! This is going to be my new favorite podcast for sure!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE InCourage!! Congratulations!! Big hugs
So looking forward to the podcast- more Jesus, more JOY! Love incourage, such an encouragement to me
So excited for (in)courage and the launch of the podcast!
This is so exciting!!! I can be in the living room (or car or office) with my (in)courage sisters!!!!!
I feel so welcomed! Thank you.
This new podcast is awesome! I’m looking forward to this new blessing!
Can’t wait for the podcast! I love the (in) courage community!
This is so exciting! Can’t wait!
Congratulations, I’m so excited.
I absolutely LOVE (in)courage and am a podcast lover. this is so exciting and I can’t wait to share it with my friends
What a great idea! This is so exciting! Thanks for creating a podcast for all of us.
Yay! Excited to hear about the (in)courage Podcast! 🙂
What a special gift set! I would want one for me and tangle with another for who to give away to!
The winner will be one lucky person indeed!
In Courage,
Cue the confetti for sure!!! 🙂 I’ve been a proud reader from the beginning. I’ve walked with you through all the changes. It is so nice to have a variety of writers from many diverse backgrounds. Now the wonderful podcast WHOOT WHOOT!! Can’t wait to listen to the podcast. That will make it much easier for me. I love listening to podcasts while doing other things. Happy for you all!! May God continue to bless you all as you do His work & will!!
Blessings 🙂
So excited for this podcast. I just got the bible and I’m enjoying the reading plans. My email is
Ahh I’m so excited to hear about this podcast!!! I cannot wait to listen to this tomorrow!!! I would love to enjoy these goodies as I study more about the love and life of Jesus!!
Great beat ! I wish to apprentice while you amend your web site, how can i subscribe
for a blog site? The account helped me a acceptable deal.
I had been a little bit acquainted of this your broadcast provided bright clear
I have been following for about 2 months and love what I have been reading. Sharing with my friends to sign up too. So a podcast is awesome. Learning to trust women and share the love of Jesus.
This is so amazing, I was just talking about the Courageous Joy study and the (in) Courage community in a gathering this evening. I’m so excited for the podcast, to silence the noise and listen to some
Encouragement! God bless you all, congratulations, ready to listen in!
Super excited! What a great idea! I can’t wait to hear all of your voices.
This is so exciting! I’ve looked for podcasts and was hoping you had one but I didn’t find but look here now you do! Just love it because God knew the desires of my heart.
Thank you for making it possible.
Just another way to enjoy the great content from (in)courage
So excited and thankful for this podcast. Always need more courage and joy, especially in this re-entry world. Thanks
I am sooooooo excited! I have been waiting for this! Your conversations during the Courageous studies have been great and I can’t wait for a regular podcast. And JOY is a great place to start. Congratulations!
Wahoo I’m so excited for (in) courage podcast the word getting across the world ~ We are suppose to spread the Gospel of Good News!!! I enjoy my time with “Courageous Joy” study sessions, devotionals in the morning and through out my day! Reading and Listening and Mediating on Lord’s word; especially in the am the word ++ coffee, what more can anyone want… Jesus’ and (In) Courage! Yahweh. GBY. ✨✝️☕️
Looking forward to one more way to be (in)spired by the (in)courage team! Grateful for the work y’all do.
This is exciting news. Congratulations.
Excited to add to my podcast favorites
This is so great! I am so happy to hear you on the podcast!
Loved listening to the incourage joy podcast.
How exciting to branch out in another way to bless woman in their faith walk.
I have your incourage Bible which is an awesome Bible.
I faithfully read your your articles on the website.
Your ministry is such a blessing to me and help me grow as a Christian woman.
I look forward to listening to your upcoming podcasts.
God Bless you in your new endeavor to share Gods word and your experiences to bless others.
Congratulations!! I loved the Courageous Simplicity study and am ready to start the Courageous joy one next!
Thank you for this! I’m trying to find ways to dive deeper into God’s word and this is so perfect.
Can’t wait to listen in!
Can’t wait to listen! I’m always looking for good encouraging and challenging podcasts to listen to as I navigate some major faith crossroads. Thanks for a great podcast, and a great giveaway!
So exciting!
How fun!! I’m just getting into podcasts and I’m loving the new Courageous biblestudy series!! Can’t wait to listen in!
I absolutely love that you guys started a podcast. It will definitely be on my top list to watch you guys are amazing
I am so excited for this! Joy is my word for the year and I’ve been looking for more studies and podcasts around that!
What a great addition to my podcast subscriptions!! I’m looking forward to being “In-couraged” by my sisters.
I have been a follower for many years and I’m so excited about the podcast! And if you are looking for new voices to add, I would love to be one of them.
Thank you! I’ve been yearning to spend more time with God and this sounds like a wonderful way to build a community amidst the craziness of everyday life. ❤️