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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Teri Kojetin says

    I love paper planners and am always trying new ones. Pen and paper bring me joy. There’s just something special about writing something down.

  2. Cheryl says

    I totally identify with this devotional. There’s something about being able to actually feel the paper, rather than looking at a screen. I love going back and revisiting my old planners. It gives me the opportunity to reflect, see where God has answered prayers, as well as to plan ahead.

  3. Kristen says

    I love this article! I also love paper planners and my favorite purple pens! My favorite part of back to school shopping was buying my pencils and notebooks! This planner looks wonderful! Thanks for creating it!

  4. Lenora White says

    I am a lover of paper planners. I have being a note takers for years. I keep a journal and enjoy looking back on my thoughts from the past. It is my way of tracking growth in my life. Give me a paper planner over any electronic devices. Definitely old school for me.

  5. thenancyrd@yahoo.com says

    Love, love, love my planners! Like you, I have kept mine through the years. I enjoy looking back and seeing what was happening in my life years ago. Yes, last years was a little more blank than usual but I kept it up. Thank you for the chance to win one of your planners, it looks lovely.

  6. Lori Grade says

    I’m a lover of planners, and this one really intrigues me! I like to idea of a planet that helps foster change and growth!

  7. Michelle Waldo says

    A good ol fashion paper planner…yes, yes and YES!! You’re speaking my love language & after the last 14 months, new habits are much needed.

  8. Andree Hidalgo says

    I’m a 50-year old (because maybe age impacts how much I enjoy this??) paper/pencil/pen planner too! I’m also a teacher and still refuse to do digital/computer-based planning for my lessons–the old school planning on paper to focus my objectives, plans and assessments are more time-consuming, according to co-workers, but it gives me much more satisfaction anyway. There is joy in the smell, look, mobility and authenticity of paper, writing in my cursive handwriting, and jotting in added thoughts, changes and/or insights to my daily personal planner too. I also enjoy the cathartic nature of crossing off items as they’re completed, enjoyed, etc. (this may make me sound a bit crazy too!). HA!

    My mother purchases a Joni Eareckson Tada planner for me each Christmas, but I sure enjoy any/every planner to help me focus in the way I benefit from most. And who wouldn’t love/thrive from the Christ-like direction given in the bonus “courageous daily habits” you write of in this planner??!

    Thank you for sharing your love of written words in planners, Anna. It sounds like quite a sisterhood! 🙂

    • Lyn says

      Andree….. This is so like me. I have always preferred the feel of pen and paper when my thoughts flow! Perhaps that is because I was an art teacher, with a minor in English( for the love of reading and writing).
      I wrote a book about my Father a couple of years ago, Ivdid finally switch to my computer for practical reasons for that, and surprisingly found that I could also be creative with writing on it as well. But given a choice… give me a real favorite pen and the feel of paper !! ( yes… we are old school ‼️).

  9. Beverly Bogus says

    Paper Planners have kept me on track/organized from buying loans on Wall Street to being a widow with twin sons at 18 months old. God was the only one who did not abandon me but physically I had to do it all
    so paper planners work!

  10. says

    As a teacher, my life is organized by my big, 3 year calendar. I would love to have a planner with scripture and always need to be cultivating new courageous habits. Great article!

  11. Ann Woleben says

    I retired two years ago after 41 years as a teacher. Planners were a very necessary part of my career. I kept a planner at school for lesson plans and events as well as a personal planner at home. It was one way to manage work and family. When I retired, my mother was in the end stage of dementia. My home planner was now filled with doctor’s appointments for her and with a schedule for her private duty caregivers when I could not be with her. Mom died just months before the pandemic, and because of the pandemic, for the first time in 41 years I had no reason to use a planner. It was a strange feeling to look at mostly blank spaces on our home planner. My very organized life suddenly became way too free. For the first time in over a year, my planner is beginning to reflect a few more appointments and events. Daily quiet time with God is not written in each square, but it is written in my heart and remains to be a habit I cherish. I also read the (in) courage posts everyday – most inspiring. Thank you.

  12. Rita says

    I love your post! I thought I was the only person using a planner these days. I’m a senior and my kid’s are always kidding me about using my planner. I’ve got them going back at least 10 year’s. For me it’s almost like a diary. I can go back and reminisce of cherished memories, and younger days.
    The next time someone makes fun of me I’ll just smile, and remember you’re post.

  13. says

    Ohhhh, thank you!

    I thought I was the only one who noticed and felt this way about a $35 calendar during a pandemic!

    As a Teacher, and single mother of 4, our lives have functioned best because of a calendar. As simple (and possibly silly) as it seems, it has kept our whole family grounded in the middle of many uncertainties. Often times, my kids will head to the calendar on our wall, updated by me from my personal calendar, as a compass for the days and weeks ahead.

    In my younger years, I used to despise routine, schedules, and predictability. I was naive in thinking others were missing out on the “unknowns” of life. I’ve come to prefer the “known!”
    I now realize that knowledge is power, and preparedness is good!

    Thank you for this lovely, relatable devotional. We know that God’s timing is best, and He needs no calendar, but I’m certain that my flesh works best when I can use one!


    Heather K.

  14. Linda Null says

    This devotional hit home with me as I’ve always preferred using physical planners versus on-line. The actual act of physically writing in a planner seems to make the appointment, goal, or idea “stick” to my memory better and helps me feel more confident in my accomplishing what I’ve committed to. The planner I presently use is from Gracelaced and includes scriptures, too, reminding me that GOD is always with me, helping me accomplish both the easy and hard tasks.

  15. says

    I do love paper too. It’s far more real to me than outlook at work or google for kids school. The paper reveals what’s important to me and all that God calls me to in my daily life and in the bigger plan of my calling. It represents a good plan – whether it works out or not!

  16. Madeline says

    I am a paper and pencil kind of woman. (I also only read “real” books!) And planners are a must. I write down even the most mundane activity- do the laundry, pay bills, take out trash- anything to make the days look fuller. And of course, every birthday with a note weeks in advance to buy a card. Retirement and widowhood has just changed the types of activities I pencil in. Yea for planners and all of you who get it!

  17. says

    Planners are essential to my every day life. I keep my whole family’s life documented in its pages. Thank God for whoever designed the first appointment book!

  18. Kelley Baringer says

    The habit of tracking my days gives me balance, stability, and hope in possibilities–for example, if I accomplished/overcame something before with God’s help, then I can do it again with His help.

  19. Laura says

    I am a teacher and MUST have a paper planner on my desk!! We use Google calendar to share meetings, ect. but I have to have it written down on my desk where I can see it every day so I don’t forget. I don’t use anything fancy but need those squares to keep track of my school life. I would love to bring the (in)courage encouragement into my workplace! I often read the devotions at work to help me get through some stressful days. Thank you for this opportunity!

  20. Diane Burns says

    The best part about a paper planner is definitely the ability to mark things off once they are accomplished. That little check mark gives me much joy. I can’t explain it, but I have always loved marking things off when complete.

  21. Kelley Baringer says

    Tracking my days in handwriting helps me remember.
    Somehow my writing down little planning notes and big God things helps ingrain them into my recall, even into my spirit. Seeing Him bring my written plans and dreams about gives me joy and hope in possibilities. I accomplished/overcame before with His help, and I can do it again.

  22. Gail Mattox says

    I would like your planner, I hope I am selected, the reason why, I am widow, a empty nester, retired and on a fixed income. This will help me get back on track, it has been a lonely 14 months for me, I get depressed sometimes because of the loneliness. So hope I can win a copy.

  23. Gail says

    Me too! I started bullet journaling last year and I love it. I keep a journal for my thoughts and prayers, scriptures and things I want to remember, and a dot grid journal for planning.

  24. Debbie Lewis says

    I truly love paper planners and the record of what I have to do and what I’ve done! This planner with courageous habits looks perfect. I need a place to record those new habits and be reminded of them. Winning a copy would be great! Everything in the courageous series has had such a positive impact on my life! I know this planner would also.

  25. Melissa Spencer says

    I also love using a physical paper planner! My husband is always urging me to switch to an electronic planner but I refuse. I want to hold my planner in my hands. I also noticed how empty my planner looked last year but I never stopped using it. Along with tracking my appointments, I track habits such as exercise, intermittent eating, water intake, and daily steps taken. I also write important prayer requests and make lists of things I need to buy. I also pick a one word theme for each year. This year I picked “grateful” so I started adding weekly quotes about being grateful in my planner. They are good reminders. I also got off social media this year and used the extra time I have to read books so I started listing the books I finished reading in my planner.

  26. Robin Sims says

    I am relatively new to the planner game and even journaling but I have been dabbling with them over the last few years looking for the perfect planner for me.

  27. Maureen says

    I love paper planners and I think this would be very inspirational. Thanks for all the inspiration you provide.

  28. Belinda Sanders says

    Have many a planner and start off great —- then, well must say —- I stop and put it away! I would like to get a planner, be consistent, and look for ways I was courageous that day, week, or month —- or all of these! Thank you for this devotional —- it was motivational!!

    In Christ,
    Belinda Sanders

  29. Joan Moore says

    Could not survive without a “paper planner”!!! I use it to keep important dates, etc. and it also serves as a ” journal”. ❤️
    I love going back and seeing what was going on a year or two ago. Call me old fashioned, but I will always use a paper planner. Thank you for the chance to win your lovely planner.

  30. Stephanie says

    I love having a calendar in my phone for convenience, but I RELY on my paper planner to help keep things in my brain. The act of writing down appointments, activities, to-do lists, prayer requests, meal plans, etc. keeps me grounded and focused each week. This is a habit worth having! Having encouraging Scripture included is such a bonus! I’ll check out Day Spring planners for sure.

  31. says

    I have used a paper planner for many years. A coupe of months ago I started adding inspirational quotes, scripture passages and thing I am grateful for in the planner.

  32. Cindy Clayton says

    I love this! I’m not someone who has used a planner in my life but I feel the call to start. I want to cultivate a God-centered life. Beginning to physically write down what my days hold feels like a great element for godly living. Thanks for a great nudge in that direction!

  33. Judy Goad says

    I am an old school, give me the paper planner kind of gal. I love holding the planner in my hands and writing down appointments, special events, and even memories. I have learned though, to write everything down in pencil, you never know when things will change and I want to be flexible and open to what ever the new adventure God has in store for me.

    I do use a Google calendar too, but I print it and then make notes on it, in pencil of course!

  34. Melody P. says

    Thanks to Anna for this post. I can relate to what she shared about not using my paper planner/calendar during much of 2020. Besides what was cancelled due to the pandemic restrictions, my broken ankle and slow recovery kept me even more housebound. It’s been wonderful to resume opportunity to interact with others and keep track on a planner/calendar.

  35. Paula says

    I love, love, love paper planners. There is something so satisfying about writing down the hopes and tasks for the day .. even when they have to be rescheduled or slid off to another day. I too put away my planner during the pandemic (mine are always just plain old composition notebooks, often leftover from one of my children’s classes), and it left me feeling bereft. Finally got it back out about a month ago and started planning again. Small steps every day with God’s guidance and “normal” life has begun to come back into my life and our home.

  36. Jackie Jenkins says

    For many years, I kept planners with me at all time. I wrote in them the daily tasks, appointments, etc. that kept my life in some order. I also wrote thoughts that sometimes kept me focused on my faith which brought courage in very hard times. When I was forced to retire early due to health reasons, I gave up the paper planner thinking I didn’t need it any longer and could rely on my online calendar. I miss the comments and thoughts and the place that I can write down prayers and scripture. I think I need to begin again to use paper planners and not expect the same experience online.

  37. Jessica Hamilton says

    I love planners. Definitely a fanatic. I switch my planners constantly and will love to tell all my family and friends about your planner.

    Jessica H

  38. Elaine Pool says

    I used to love paper planners, but in my job, it became too hard to keep up with it, going from school to school, so I switched to Outlook on the computer. My daughter, on the other hand, still loves planners, which makes Christmas a little easier every year 🙂

  39. Maureen Eaton says

    I have been a planner-fan for decades! This one seems like it would be a helpful tool for spiritual growth!

  40. says

    I love planners! Using a planner helps me to make the best use of my time. It helps me to not overload my days, and makes me evaluate the things that are most important. This planner looks wonderful, and I would love to have a copy so that I can share about it with others.

  41. Lori says

    I can relate to this devotion because I am also a planner….BUT I also thought of my college student daughter who lives by her hand written planner. I see how challenging it is for her to keep track of work, tests, assignments as she works towards becoming a nurse while never forgetting birthdays/anniversaries and other special days. If I were to win this book, I would give it to her (even though I would love it too), because it would give her the visual encouragement she needs to keep pushing through those hard days of tests, papers due while caring for her residents while she works as a CNA to fulfill her dream (and calling) to become a nurse. She gives so much to everyone, I would love to give this to her to fill her cup.

  42. Donna says

    I am 68 yrs old and since high school have used a daily planner…I also am a real live hold-in-your-hands book person! Being tech-challenged, I prefer having a paper planner to refer and look at every day. It keeps me focused, balanced with my day-to-day and weekly plans and goals. I miss when I do not have a scripture reference to refer to or memorize. Wouldn’t want to be without a planner sitting at my desk…such a help and resourceful habit!

  43. Britta says

    I love my paper planners! I love writing down what I need to do each day and then checking them off as I go.

  44. Sarah says

    I am somewhat new to planner life but I started at the beginning of the pandemic. It helps me a lot to check things off and be able to see just how much I have gotten accomplished!

  45. carolyn says

    I love paper planners because quite simply, if I don ‘t write it down, I forget it! This applies to what I want to do as well as what I want to remember! Thank you for the awesome give-away.

  46. Dianne Godwin says

    I am a planner junky, for sure. They change based upon my current life season, but I would be so lost without one. I would love to get my hands on one of your new planners!

  47. Laura Shallenberger says

    I LOVE paper planners. I still use my IPhone and IPad syncing calendars to “travel” with daily, since they are portable and my phone is always with me. However, having my paper planner is part of my “sanity routine”. My husband made fun of me during the pandemic because I still did my Monday AM routine of “planning” my week in my paper planner. It was a faster process then, no doubt, but it gave me a sense of normalcy, comfort, joy and hope. There is just something very cathartic about using my favorite pen to write in my planner my weekly plans/appointments, weekly memory verse, habit tracker, weekly goals, meal log, and even some BIG goals/dreams to inspire me to keep on keeping on. This new planner looks very interesting. I would love to give it a try!

  48. Evangeline says

    I have used a paper planner for many years and am very much a “book-in-hand” woman! God has blessed me with 84 years, and I have used many different planners. I am very excited about the new Courageous Habits Planner!

  49. Heidi says

    I love paper planners! I use one every day at work as a secretary. I would love to try this new planner. Thanks for giving us so many opportunities to win. More importantly, thanks for encouraging us every day with God’s Word.

  50. Kerry B. says

    I try all kinds of planners. the last few years have been ones that also include habits but more general. one that is already set up for different areas of spiritual growth sounds great as I like the courageous studies I’ve done so far.

  51. says

    I know many of us need help. I am really having a challenging time since we moved out of state and left out church of 36 years, friends, family .So basically we were starting from scratch.

    Its good to now get an opportunity to know the other side of the family. However, it has been harder to get plugged in , than I ever dreamed.

    Also went from big city to small town.

  52. Susie Gorham says

    I learned to love a planner when I taught seven subjects in elementary school; color coding it was even more helpful for me since I have a slight form of dyslexia which I didn’t even know I had until I started post-graduate work. Wow! Now we’re selling our home in California and moving back to my home, Michigan and there’s so much to do! Most days I feel overwhelmed as soon as I get out of bed. But through my quiet time, God always, always, always provides just the right verse and words of encouragement to see me through the day. Just one day at a time. Just a day!

  53. Carla says

    I am a planner girl. I have used some form of planner since grade school. I think this planner is awesome and would keep me on track with my daily habits. Love it!

  54. Cheryl Jowerrs says

    I’m glad to know there are others who enjoy real paper and ink over the computer screen. Daily planners add joy to the day! 🙂

  55. Jennifer R. says

    I have had planners be my Life since I was very young (like around middle school, and I’m over 40 now). Honestly even then I had a Major fear of losing my memory & I felt I might need to look back to remind myself of my life. So I always wrote down things, it’s a habit that I actually got More back into with the pandemic. My brain was such a mess & being more detailed helped me organize my thoughts & self. I’d be so grateful for something that also expanded my relationship with God as well ♡

  56. Becca says

    There’s nothing better then a paper planner, a set of amazing pens and my Bible to add special verses of encouragement to my days/weeks.

  57. Robin in New Jersey says

    I love pen and paper. Always have, always will. Today is my 61st birthday! 61 on 6/1/21

  58. Stacie says

    This devotional really resonates with me…I find my happy place with planners & writing things down, so I am always looking for new ones! It got really hard for awhile to cross out so many things from my paper planner when things first started shutting down, but I did the same thing & started filling it in again even for the virtual things that my family did. Writing for me is cathartic, so I am always happiest when I can write, whether it’s in my journal, in my planner or on my to do list!

  59. Briana Breneman says

    I always use a paper planner – I don’t want to be tied to my phone for more than I have to be

  60. says

    Yes! I love paper planners – especially pretty ones! I love paper journals too! These little books make me smile, I love opening up a new fresh page, along with the feeling of renewal it brings. Thank you for sharing. Here’s hoping 🙂

  61. Andrea L. Callender says

    Thank You for your words of encouragement. I love paper planners. I love planning one day at a time.

  62. Sharon Gakin says

    Never for a moment has God been without a plan. If we aim to live in the image of God, we, too, must plan. Satan always plans chaos. We fight that chaos by seeking God’s leading in our plans. I love to plan, and imagine what might be. These are the gifts of freedom and hope.

  63. Annelise says

    I love writing in a paper planner but have had to temper my type A to-do list frenzy. Now it helps me keep track of meals and appts but I’ve learned that just because I have a planner and write in it, doesn’t mean I will have the magical bandwidth to do all I’ve planned. I had a similar pandemic planner shoved in a drawer experience and am clawing my way back to rhythms and routines after a new baby and a move.

  64. says

    Paper planners are my favorite! They help keep me sane. Even after trying digital planners I always tend to go back to my paper planner. There’s something about writing it down that helps my brain remember.

  65. Sarah Koch says

    These words are so encouraging. Your “act of trust and defiance” so resonated with me. I don’t normally stick with a planner in any form for very long, however, as I try to pivot back to normal with 2 littles in this season it’s clear to me my habits have gone out the window and something facilitating structure would help. Thank you.

  66. Kristi says

    I love using a paper planner as a way to organize my thoughts and goals and also to look back in to track where I’ve been and the progress I’ve made. While I do keep lists on my phone, there’s nothing like my paper planner to help me feel most organized.

  67. Mary Ellen Clements says

    I definitely love a paper planner! I always keep one on my desk and sometimes in my purse as well. Yes, a good deal of 2020 is pretty empty, but hopefully we are getting back to more activities to plan for. Thanks for the opportunity to win a neat, new planner. May God continue to richly bless you.

  68. Cindy Parisi says

    I have used a calendar like a diary since I was a teenager. I feel the same way about keeping a paper calendar like I feel about holding a book. Love it. And this planner would be so nice to have. Than you.

  69. Pam says

    I’m definitely a paper-in-hand nerd! Some may think it’s old school, but I love it! I love to hold books in my hand and turn their pages. I love monthly paper calendars where I can add color and highlight! Looking forward to filling one out again after the last year of cancellations we have had!

  70. Portia O says

    I love pen to paper and why I have two planners: one for work and one for personal use. The personal use I put all my bible studies on it, time to rest, working out, quite time and doctors appointments. The one for work is full of meetings, trainings and doctors appointments. The one I am using now also have a space to reflect the week and I just wish it had bible verses in it. This is the best way to keep myself organized.

  71. KendraThiel says

    I love planners! The actual act of writing helps me cement something in my mind and makes it more permanent.

  72. Christine says

    I love using a paper planner. It gives me satisfaction to “check” off my tasks each day. I also use it to write a thought from my daily Bible reading, take notes from church, and set weekly and monthly goals. I would love this planner.

  73. Jenn Hicks says

    I’m a homeschool momma and a photographer who loves photo projects so both digital and paper planning help me a lot. I usually make my own but would like to give this planner a try too. I really like the idea of cultivating Godly habits every month in my planner.

  74. Erika Hiland says

    I really like to use a paper planner. My other favorite thing it is use different color pens or felt tip markers for each person in the family. It helps to keep things organized. I like seeing it all at a glance. On the phone it just isn’t as real.

  75. Stefanie Farmer says

    Paper planners just go give me a visual of what I need to do. I like to write, so writing things down in a planner help keep me on point.

  76. Christie Kang says

    Paper planners are the best! I need and love to physically write things down on paper!

  77. Beth Williams says


    I love paper anything. Use computers at work & just love seeing things in pen & paper. Computers can have glitches & lose all your information. Plus you have to back it all up. Planners are great for busy people. I sometimes use planners to take notes at church. Great post.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Beth Williams says


      Habit means a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up. We should all cultivate good habits. That can be accomplished with our God-given courage & a deep seated commitment to change or start something new. That will make our days, weeks & even years seem more meaningful & joyous.


  78. Stephanie says

    I love my paper planner!! Although my iPhone calendar has its uses, I don’t ever think I’ll give up a paper planner.

  79. Alicia says

    I’ve tried and tried digital planners but I always come back to paper. They are so much more personal and easy to make in to a unique piece of art that glorifies God with life events! Love my paper planners! And I’m ALWAYS trying new ones until I find perfection.

  80. Lisa Huff says

    I keep info on an electronic calendar, but I rely on a paper calendar. Not only for appts, but birthdays, anniversaries, notes, scriptures that come to mind while I’m out and about, karate info. Things sometimes fall off my phone calendar, I can always rely on my paper calendar for things not to disappear when I need to look back and find them.

  81. Angela Uribe says

    Since I was in Elementary school that I’ve loved paper planners. My husband says it’s like an addiction but it helps me channel my emotions, wether I’m happy or sad, I put them into words in my planner. Besides, it helps me track my kids’ activities and when reviewing some old planners I remembered stuff we did together and cherish happy family moments. Now, as a new christian, paper planners help me to take notes when reading my (in)courage bible and doing the devotionals. And you can decorate them with lots of stickers and be creative!!

  82. Lauren Jensen says

    Paper and pen, I need to hold them in my hands and turn them around and around to practice being present with what is. And to be intentional for what I hope for.

  83. Mindy says

    Paper planners are my go-to!! I only use google calendar for work events and even some of those make it on my personal paper planner. Can’t live without them.

  84. says

    Oh, truth be told- writing the vision and making it plain; that tangible work is so powerful! LOVE writing with God on all things, planning from the heart and pursuing it with Him! It’s a partnership! pen and paper is powerful!

  85. Barbara Swarthout says

    I love using a paper planner. It keeps me organized and I also keep track of my finances too.

  86. Joanna L. Kearns says

    I absolutely love paper planners great for environment. Would love to win!

  87. says

    My husband gets upset with me because I refuse to give up paper. I can’t schedule things on the spot if I don’t have my planner, but that gives me time to wait, think, and make sure it will work I love paper planners because I can see the overview. I need to leave margin in my life, and seeing an overview of the week on my paper planner gives me that. (Granted, sometimes I can’t read what I’ve written, but I know I’ve got something planned—and eventually God gives me the grace to complete it.

  88. Amanda Sullivan says

    I also reintroduce a paper planner in 2021 along with daily journaling. These practices have helped me focus on what’s important and stay true to God’s dream for my life and serving others. Your planner looks awesome!

  89. Rhonda Briggs says

    I love paper planners. I write daily and organizing my day on paper relaxes me. And I love pretty pens:)
    This planner looks like one I’d love to try!

  90. Janie says

    I LOVE a day planner that I can spread open in front of me and see the month and the week all at once. I love extra space for notes and doodling. Most of all I love for my day planner to be filled with verses, whether they come printed in it or personally written in it

  91. Aimee Roth says

    After reading this awesome devotional, the Courageous Habits Planner has my name written all over it! I’ve never used a bound planner before, let alone with blessed scripture and other wonderful features. It’s been years of filling in the squares of a wall calendar laid out flat on my desk. It’s time for a change!! It would be so exciting to win this planner – to be inspired and filled spiritually along my everyday journey. If I don’t win this giveaway, I plan on buying one. Thank you for this opportunity and to the (In)courage family for sharing your daily devotionals – they have been life changing for me!!

  92. Linda Helms says

    When I am intentional about writing things down in a planner or even a journal, it is more like accountability for me. I need to start this again

  93. Mandy Pratt says

    I am obsessed with planning but to be able to do it with the incouraging word – that’s even better!! How awesome are these y’all!!

  94. Barbara Jo Warner says

    I have used paper planners for years. It’s not just for appointments, but for dinners, money spent, household and Bible Verse of the day. I use the main calendar for all the appointments and plans and the daily pages to jot down things to do or what I’ve done. Writing encourages memory, not do with on-line. Even my grocery list is added, coupons and I stick my bills to pay and cards to send in my planner!! I call my planner my brain!!

  95. Tiffany Burnett says

    Paper planners help me feel organized, put together + on track! There is something so satisfying about being able to check off a task on my to-do list or being able to visually see everything I have going on throughout the week. In ways they’ve been ebenezers for me because I’ve been able to page through old planners to see what the Lord has accomplished + reflect on sweet and hard seasons.

  96. Rebecca says

    Paper planners are way better and hold you accountable. The event in your planner is physically there so you can’t make up excuses even though we have technology to remind us technology is not always reliable. And I love your messages.

  97. Sarah Metz says

    I am a paper planner girl all the way. There is just something about writing it down…

  98. Nicole says

    I just bought the (in)courage bible. I was raised in the faith as a Child but Seven years ago I lost my father and I became disconnected. Something told me that I needed to read the Bible which I’ve never done. Thanks you for helping understand his words in a more Laymans term way.

  99. N. DiDonato says

    Having a paper planner is perfect for ppl like me who need to write things down and journal. -{visual ppl} It’s even better to have something that adds positivity and inspiration. I am getting back into the faith. I would love to win this!

  100. AMBER Stephens Rowan says

    Holding a planner allows me to hand write and then have the pleasure of crossing a line through once accomplished. I can also reflect upon and maintain my responsibilities with ease using a paper planner. Finding the joy of writing down my goals, prayers, and plans bring me comfort in a crazy world that surrounds us. I would appreciate the opportunity to have a new planner as I begin my 23rd year of teaching. So my life needs some organization with 6 kids, coparenting, teaching as well as living my own purpose driven life.

  101. Mary Alice Mast says

    A paper planner helps me keep my ducks (somewhat) in a row and prioritize the little but important things.

  102. Monique H says

    Paper planners help me to be more goal focused. Writing things down help me to remember what needs to be done. It is encouraging to look back and see the completed tasks. It will be awesome to have the added spiritual guidance of the DaySpring planner to develop more courageous habits. This will help with my spiritual growth.

  103. says

    Loving the idea of using the planner for growth! I had always used mine for the mundane and routine purpose of ‘keeping me on track.’ But now I’m encourage to re-pupose my grind through it and to be able to use it as a ‘rearview mirror’ reminder of how God grows me through each day. Would love to have this one!

  104. Kristi M says

    I love paper planners as they help keep my whole life organized. I am in my mid 50’s and have never been able to change over to everything electronic. I am new to this site and it came at a very needed time in my life. I would love to continue to grow in calm, peace and joy while using this positive reinforcement.

  105. Jennifer Page says

    Nothing can replace a good old fashioned paper planner. I get satisfaction after crossing off events and lists. Not to mention, the digital calendars overwhelm me with notifications. I enjoy writing daily across the pages, something special about it.

  106. Ashley A Fields says

    I love paper planners. I like to use them both to keep track of things and to be creative. I have a ton of stickers and a multitude of different colored pens that I like to use to express myself creatively although admittedly, a blank canvas can be a little intimidating at first!

  107. Tammy says

    Love, LOVE that others share my same need to ORGANIZE. Have carried and maintained a “planner” throughout the past 3 decades.. some years better kept than others… but the years of juggling personal schedule, kid’s schedules, church, work, etc etc always carried the need to have it written down & before me.

    Seasons. Change. Responsibilities. Vacations. Appointments. Celebrations. Special days. ♥️

    Thank you!