We all screamed with joy as we watched a plane fly above us. I remember that day so vividly. The sun was bright, almost blinding my eyes, that I had to cup my hand over my forehead. With the other hand, I pointed at the tiny dot high in the sky and told my cousins, “I am going to get to ride that soon!” Actually, I said it in Malayalam, the language of Kerala, India where I was born. My parents had just told us that we would be moving to the USA, and we would have to fly on an airplane to get there. I didn’t know much about America, but I had seen airplanes on television and I was so excited to ride one.
As a seven-year-old, I had no idea what my dream would cost. I would have to give up all my friends at St. Anne’s School, daily playtime with my cousins who lived next door, eating jackfruit and mangoes off the tree, seeing my new pet calf grow up, and much more.
It’s fun to dream and share our plans with others, but sometimes we forget that every new chapter in life, as amazing as it is, comes with a price tag. There are things we must give up in order to experience the fullness of what is ahead for us. And this is true when we decide to follow Jesus. In Luke 9:23, Jesus urges us to count the cost. He makes no compromise when it comes to discipleship: die to yourself, crucify your selfish desires, take up your cross, and follow me daily.
Being a disciple means giving up your life for life. No holding back. No turning back.
Jesus wants every part of our lives to be saturated by His love and to bring Him glory, but that requires sacrifice. Romans 12 teaches us that worship is presenting ourselves as living sacrifices. Paul tells us that this means we no longer follow the patterns of this world but live with a renewed mind that yearns for the perfect will of God. Dying to self isn’t behavior modification or following rules. It is living a life of surrender and obedience out of a deep desire and delight for Jesus. It is daily choosing to lay down our own agendas to follow the Good Shepherd. It is offering every part of our lives to the One who gave it all for us.
When was the last time your following Jesus cost you something or you took a bold step of faith or gave up something for the sake of Christ?
It’s easy to go to church once a week, but it’s hard to read the Word daily or commit to tithing when the future seems uncertain. It’s easy to listen to a sermon on our commute, but it’s hard not to cuss out the crazy guy on the road or gossip about our neighbor. It’s easy to post a verse on social media, but it’s hard to live out its truth in the midst of pain and struggle.
In His grace, He calls us to Himself and wants us to live surrendered in full obedience to Him. Often, we are like the rich young ruler from Matthew 19:16-30, who did all the “right” things but wasn’t willing to give up all things for Jesus. The passage says that he went away disappointed.
Friends, we can have all the things and even do all the “right” things in our own eyes, but if we can’t fully surrender ourselves in obedience to Jesus, we won’t experience the full, abundant life God has for us. When Jesus called His first disciples to follow Him, they left everything to do so. Are we willing to respond likewise?
As we rode on the plane to America, I looked down and saw the big coconut trees that outlined the coast of Kovalam and all the lights that twinkled and danced on the streets of Bombay. All of it seemed so small from up there. The things we have to give up and sacrifice may seem huge at the moment, but when we see it through the lens of God’s love, we will understand that nothing compares to Him. All the beauty, fleeting pleasures, and glamorous moments of this world pale in comparison to living a life walking with Jesus.
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I loved this. Thank you for sharing.
I am so glad it spoke to your heart!
Thank you! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Welcome, Simi! Loved reading your first post, and I look forward to hearing more real life wisdom from your life of connection to our Source. Thank you for sharing your vulnerability with us.
Thank you for reading and being such an encouragement
You wrote, “There are things we must give up in order to experience the fullness of what is ahead for us. And this is true when we decide to follow Jesus.”
You are fanning flames in my soul this morning!! I am fired up!
I am realizing that instead of rejoicing, I have complained about the sacrifices I’ve made! Today, I will meditate on shifting from complaining to rejoicing.
Thank you
Oh friend! Yes!!! Me too!
This is so refreshing, Simi! Thank you. There are some things I need to give up, to take up my cross. And I am ready! Thank you for your encouragement. And welcome to our morning read!
Yes…God has so much more when we are willing to open our clenched fists and receive
What a lovely post. So uplifting and encouraging! Our God is indeed an Awesome God and nothing can compare to living a life with Him! From your picture, your joy radiates, and from your words, your soul sings for God! Blessings always in your love and service to our Father in Heaven.
Thank you!! He is so much better than anything this world can offer!
This really spoke to me as I do have things I need to give up to completely follow Christ. It is so hard so thank you for this encouragement! This was well written and very much needed! I’m so glad you’ve joined this community!!
Thanks so much friend
“Dying to self isn’t behavior modification or following rules. It is living a life of surrender and obedience out of a deep desire and delight for Jesus.” This is so good, friend! I pray God grows each of our desire and delight for Him in significant ways this year. So thrilled to have your words here at (in)courage!
Amen!! Honored to be able to share here!
OH MY GOODNESS Simi this message stopped me in my tracks!
Would I? Could I really? I easily fall into “do all the right things in my eyes…
“we can have all the things and even do all the “right” things in our own eyes, but if we can’t fully surrender ourselves in obedience to Jesus, we won’t experience the full, abundant life God has for us. When Jesus called His first disciples to follow Him, they left everything to do so. Are we willing to respond likewise?” I pray I’m willing to respond…
Same here friend! I can’t imagine being like Peter dropping it all and following Jesus? Yet that is why we identify ourselves us- disciples- so we then we ought to do the same.
This was much needed and timely. Great read!
Thanks for reading !
Simi thanks for this look into your story. Yes the key is looking at things through God’s eyes. Then we see the benefits outweighing the things we are giving up.
Yessss!! Thank YOU!
Dear Simi John, When I read your post about leaving India, I am reminded that country is suffering greatly with this horrible Covid19. It is so difficult to see these people in such despair. This year has been difficult for everyone no matter their age. My friend who is a Bible teacher said to me “What is God trying to tell us this year”? Loss is the hardest part of life, and there has been a lot of loss of life from this virus. Tomorrow is the World’s Day of Prayer, so we all should be remembering what God has done and give him the glory each and every day. But like you say, easier said than done.
Yess! I will be praying for India. It has been incredibly hard to see the images and hear the cries of my people. I appreciate you friend !
welcome to the (in)courage family! i’m grateful you wrote this because it spoke to my spirit. i’m in a time and space where i’m learning what surrender truly means and what it looks like (not easy!). this is a wonderful and simple illustration. i especially love this “Dying to self isn’t behavior modification or following rules. It is living a life of surrender and obedience out of a deep desire and delight for Jesus. It is daily choosing to lay down our own agendas to follow the Good Shepherd.” i often catch myself wondering if i’m doing “this life” right. i can’t change me, but i have to allow God to transform me by changing the way i think. thank you for the reminder that it’s not about me or my will, but about Him through me and His will being done in my life that He may get the glory.
Amen!! It isn’t easy, but it is worth it. It is absolutely a daily moment by moment choice! We need eachother to remind us to keep choosing Jesus !!
“We can have all the things and even do all the “right” things in our own eyes, but if we can’t fully surrender ourselves in obedience to Jesus, we won’t experience the full, abundant life God has for us.” ~ Well, Simi, I think you wrote that just for me. To “fully surrender” is a struggle for me, and I need daily (hourly?) reminders like yours here to keep me on track.
Thank you for this, and thank you for being a part of the (in)family! You are beloved.
Oh, I am right there with you sister! I am so excited to be here! Thank you!!
I had never heard of Kerala until a few years ago when a young priest arrived in our Parish here in Scotland. Fr Peter came to our Diocese as we had a shortage of priests. He arrived in his habit with sandals on his feet in November and was quickly given warm clothing. Your post has reminded me all he gave up to follow Jesus and also to travel thousands of miles to help us follow Jesus through him. He is now back in Kerala but we will never forget him.
Wow! That is pretty cool!
Thank you for sharing Simi, loved your first post & looking forward to reading more in the future. My son-in-law is part Indian. His father came to the US as an adult & married an American woman. It’s fun when Kevin will share different things about India from his travels there with his family. Lord bless you Simi & thank you for sharing from your heart!
Thanks for the encouragement! India is a land of diverse cultures and food. Today I am praying for her!
Oh your brave parent. Oh brave you. Thank you for this. Obedience is what I wrestle with on most days.
Same, friend !!
Simi, this was just packed with goodness!
Just one of my favorite lines…
“There are things we must give up in order to experience the fullness of what is ahead for us.”
Like you giving up a land you love and all her riches, I’ve done something similar for my two kiddos with special needs. The days are long, and my energy short, but that’s exactly the crack through which Jesus sneaks into my heart each day. In the special moments when our daughter with Down syndrome spreads her big smile around the room, gives a belly laugh, and breaks the tension. When our kiddo with crippling anxiety shares the depths of his heart. It’s then that I can almost hear Jesus whisper “See, I do have good plans for you. Ones to prosper you, build you up, and bring you closer to Me.” Just so much beauty rising from ashes of brokenness… 🙂
P.S. – Continuing to pray for India. I’m totally heartbroken at the pandemic devastation there right now. I can’t imagine how heavily that must weigh on your heart.
Aww sweet friend! I love this! Thanks for sharing some of your story….and thank YOU for praying for India!
God asks us to give up worldly things & pleasures. That can be hard at times. Especially in a world that endorses glamour, pretty stuff & having it all. He doesn’t ask us to do anything He isn’t willing to do Himself. He gave us His only son to die a horrible death on the cross. Jesus left the splendor of Heaven to come to broken Earth & willingly went to that cross for us. When seen in the light of all that it isn’t hard to surrender everything to Him for what we get in return. Like you said: All the beauty, fleeting pleasures, and glamorous moments of this world pale in comparison to living a life walking with Jesus.
Blessings 🙂
Amen sister!