About the Author

Kaitlyn is a Virtual Assistant, book launch manager, and storyteller who writes about discovering God's goodness in the ordinary and faithfulness in the difficult. She loves good books, deep conversations, and iced vanilla lattes. Kaitlyn is the author of Even If Not: Living, Loving, and Learning in the in Between.

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  1. Kaitlyn,
    God is famous for using the small to meet the greater need. He continually reminds me He can meet every need. I worried, in 2020, how the Christian non-profit I head up would be able to financially meet our goals so we could continue to provide a school for orphaned and impoverished children and sewing classes for at-risk young women, but God showed up in a huge way through the awesome people who didn’t hunker down and turn inward, but instead reached out to bless others. God is the orchestrator of the inconceivable. I love how He showed up when you least expected it to bless you. Joining you in praising Him.
    Bev xx

  2. Such beautiful words of encouragement you have shared! Thank you! Meager to Abundance in Christ’s hands! I’m already picturing sharing this with my 3-4th grade Sunday school class as well as some co-workers! Thank you again.

    • Kaitlyn, The Lord had me in this story of the feeding of 5,000 men the other week over and over again. The miracle of His abundance out of our ‘not enough’ even begins before the hunger pains start and I had never paid attention until now. The crowd gathered around Jesus during His attempt to get the disciples somewhere alone to rest because their ministry had had them so busy. Even in an exhaustive state, they were invited to be part of this miracle. It seems God will use us even when we feel that we have nothing to offer indeed and I can relate to that. Thank you for this reminder.

  3. Thank you so much for this wonderful encouragement. It is just what I needed this morning!

  4. Thank you for sharing, we are enough! “may we be women who believe we have something to offer and then share what we have, no matter how small” my favorite part!

  5. What I love about knowing Jesus gives us “abundantly more” is that it is always exactly what we need in that moment. I have been known to take this phrase to heart and believe it means something bigger and better. I am learning (thank you, God) that my “more” may look nothing like I imagined, but it is exactly what I need. Thank you for this reminder, Kaitlyn!

  6. Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise His Holy name! Thank you for sharing your overflow. Continue to bless me with your insightful words and God’s word so I may be a blessing to others. Fill my cup Lord until it overflows.

  7. Thank you, Kaitlyn! This is such an inspiring story! You encourage me to keep giving, even if it doesn’t seem like enough. May you be blessed with much love, when you just need a little.

  8. Kaitlyn
    God is so good all the time to supply all our needs. Thank you for sharing the provision that God supplied you with. Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise him in the morning Praise him in the noon time. Praise him, Praise him, Praise him when the sun goes down.
    Love and Prayers

  9. I am so glad to hear how God is providing for you, Kaitlyn, as someone who gives so much to others! This was a joy to read and a reminder why someone acted so surprised when I gifted them something. I actually was offended that they were SO over the top about it. But then someone reminded me that they realized what a huge sacrifice it was but I didn’t say that and didn’t want it said. I simply wanted to give to someone I loved. Thanks for this timely reminder.

  10. It is so amazing how Jesus used a we boys lunch box to feed 5000 people that day not counting the children that would have been there that day. With five loaves and two fish. We ourselves can see we can trust Jesus no matter what little we have to make it stretch. To even go help someone in need. It doesn’t have to be with food. As we can all get so busy as women so caught up in our day. We don’t think about helping others. We have to stop sometimes and think out to ourselves who could I go help today? If that is you? I was like that at one time. Busy in my own world. I didn’t take the time to think to help anyone else. Like Jesus fed 5000 people that day with a we boys lunch. Jesus was thinking and helping to feed the hungry people that day that had probably come to here Jesus speak. So we have to get like Jesus say as women and ask Jesus to help us make time out of busy schedule if we can. To even help one person. Even if it a Neighbour or Family Member that could do with our help. Even if it just popping in to say I am going to shops would you like me to get you anything. Or just making them a cup of tea. When lockdown is over in your area. Or just having a chat with them. No matter what it is. You if able to do it will feel so much better. As Jesus did things on earth to help people. I now help and do things for my Dad when he at work. As he is on his own. He glad of my help. As something’s he can’t because of his age can’t do that well for himself. Like get him coal for his fire as he even though has oil heat. Still likes the fire. I put on washes for him things like that. So we all have something to offer if we can. I do it on Jesus. My Dad not saved. I glad when I do things like this. I am so glad to be doing it for my Dad and not think of me. I know in my heart Jesus is pleased with me. I feel better for doing. Love today’s reading. Thank you Kaitlyn for it. Thank you incourage. Keeping you all in prayer. Dawn Ferguson-Little XXX

  11. Thank you Kaitlyn…. I pray… “we be women who believe we have something to offer and then share what we have, no matter how small, trusting that the Giver of all will satisfy and multiply”.

  12. My pastor/husband and I have experienced the same–God’s provision in ways we never could have imagined, through the generosity and blessing of his people. One of the most surprising: a new car. The giver told us to go to a certain dealer and pick out what we wanted. “And get leather seats!” she instructed. (Talk about abundance!) Praise God for such thoughtful, gracious people as this woman, who positively impact those around them.

  13. Thank you for today’s blog, and also the one about good things growing in dark places, They are both so encouraging. I do recall some years ago, being amazed, and acutely aware of God’s providence, when some difficult circumstance came about, and we received a cheque just at the right time, from a source we had never expected, and which we recognised had to have been put into motion months before our need showed itself. Incredible, and yet not with God. In smaller ways, that’s happened again and again, God knows our needs before we do, and goes ahead of us. I hope to contact you via the email address on your blog, and wonder if you would be interested in a (free) offer I would like to make to you, I live in Australia.
    God bless,

  14. Kaitlyn,

    I always say God puts the right people in our lives for a season & reason. I remember a few years back our pastor’s wife’s mom was in some financial trouble. Our church banded together to help her out. Not only did we gather a large amount of food for her-we also gave her store gift cards. We gave our pastor & his wife store gift cards also. She was overwhelmed at our generosity. Truly love being a part of something like that. I know that my little combined with others can make a big impact. God can certainly use our little & make much of it.

    Blessings 🙂

  15. Dear Kaitlyn,,
    I feel that God has given me something to offer to other women especially, and tried to contact you with no success. (I am 81 and hopeless with the internet in many respects). I recently published my book of Christian poems with Westbow Press, and recd. 10 numbered bookstubs as part of the package deal. I thought you may be interested in using this (1 off free download to your website or computer) and you may use any of the poems freely if you wish to share any of them. Although the usual copyright notices are printed within, I have said people may use them to help someone without copyright concerns. My book is called “Living & Learning-Poems of Purpose” (so titled many years ago) by Camilla Diann – my nom-de-plume. If you would like, please contact me via my email and let me know an address I can post the bookstub to, for you, and/or the other lovely Christian ladies at incourage.) camilla.hubbard@bigpond.com