The discouragement was so deep within me, I could hardly stand it.
My province was going into lockdown. Again. I knew this was coming, but the discouragement hit me harder this time. I’m not sure why. Just last month, I wrote on how this pandemic won’t last forever, and suddenly I was having a very hard time believing the words I’d once written.
It wasn’t just the impending lockdown. I’d said yes to too many things and felt like I had too much on my plate. I was overwhelmed and at the end of my rope. I’d gone to bed with a stress headache and woken up with a clenched jaw. (I know, I sound like a blast to hang out with.)
I needed a change of pace and a change of scenery, and because I couldn’t stop the lockdown or magically complete any of my current projects, I settled for the one thing I could control: getting my mail. When I opened my slot in the apartment lobby, there was a little brown box waiting for me.
I didn’t think I’d ordered anything recently, but maybe I’d forgotten about something. I took the box out from the mail slot and held it in my hands, noticing the name on the return label.
It was from a friend of mine. She lives almost two thousand miles from me, and I wasn’t expecting anything from her.
Immediately, a smile formed on my lips. I shook the surprise package, and it felt like glass. What could this be? I used my keys to rip the package open before even going back upstairs.
I opened the cardboard and gasped.
My friend had sent me four bottles of Trader Joe’s Everything But The Bagel seasoning.
“What?!” I said out loud to no one.
I picked up one of the priceless bottles, bringing it to my nose and inhaling the scent, smelling the notes of onion and garlic and salt. I couldn’t believe it.
I live in Canada, and I’d lamented to my American friend months ago — quite dramatically — wondering if I would ever be able to cross the border and go to Trader Joe’s to buy this seasoning again.
I stared at the box in my hands with those four bottles inside of it. Tears threatened in my eyes. It was just a couple bottles of seasoning and yet they said so much to me: I see you. I hear you. I love you. I’m thinking of you.
My friend’s small act of kindness wasn’t small to me. It was huge. She didn’t remove the pandemic or the lockdown or even the projects from my plate, but she made me feel seen and known and loved.
I think God often uses our small acts of kindness in that way — to turn someone’s day or season into a reminder of God’s faithfulness. I’m reminded of how Jesus took the loaves of fish and bread — someone’s small, meager offering — and transformed it into plenty. He happens to take our little and turn it into a lot. His math doesn’t always make sense to me, but I know for certain that He honors our small offerings.
I don’t know if God whispered to my friend in her California Trader Joe’s to buy seasoning for this Canadian girl, or if my friend was just being her kind and wonderful self, but I know for certain that God multiplied her offering. Her small kindness compounded into a thousand reminders for me: of the friendship I have with her, of the faithfulness of God, of how I am seen, known, loved, held, remembered, and cherished.
Sometimes God’s faithfulness looks like loaves and fishes, multiplied into dinner for thousands. But sometimes it just looks like four bottles of Trader Joe’s Everything But The Bagel seasoning.
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Thank you for your words of encouragement this morning!! I could just hear you saying these things…especially…”I know, I sound like a blast to hang out with”! Hahaha, I know you were being serious-but it tickled my funny bone this morning! Ahh humour!! Good times!!
Thank you for that important reminder to reach out in whatever way we can where we are at. I always appreciate your writings and heart for the Lord! Keep on keeping on my fellow Canadian-sister! I will add you to my prayer list each week. May God grant you the peace and strength to lean on Him in this journey of life, no matter what it looks like-He is Sovereign, He’s got this and He has got you!
Thank you so much, Lydia! Glad this brought you a laugh today 🙂 and thank you for praying for me!
Oh how beautiful and TRUE these words are. He takes our meager gifts and mulitplys them. And we can all look back with a smile and misty eyes as to when He has done this for each of us. This reminded me of last year. My mom was in a care facility and Rehab. I couldn’t heal her physical ailments I couldn’t put weight back on her. But I saw what I could do and that was to love her and meet her where she was. Often bringing her boxes of cookies or chocolates car pretty treasure that she could enjoy. The ability to love people really as a grand gift from God
Dawn – I love how you tangibly loved your mom through cookies and chocolates. Loving people really is a gift from God… what beautiful perspective. Thank you!
I can relate to the deep within discouragement, I don’t have a community of friends because I don’t believe myself to be worthy of hanging out with. But it hurts to feel alone in all this … But I loved how showing kindness and love can make a difference in someone else’s life. I’ll look for the opportunity to make others seen and cared for, sending you hugs Aliza! I admire your resilience
Flor, you are worthy, and you are loved just as you are. Let that sink deeply into your heart, and know that you will be a wonderful blessing to those you show kindness to.
Much love to you today, Flor. I’m praying right now that God brings sweet friends and community into your life. Sometimes I can feel that way too. Often, when those feelings come up, I remind myself how Jesus is my Friend, which gives me the freedom to then befriend others. Praying for you, Flor!
I sure feel your pain and discouragement, Aliza. This third lockdown weighs so heavily and makes us despair of ever returning to any kind of normal. I’m most concerned for my single son who lives alone and has been working from home for more than a year now – no real opportunities to socialize or meet new people.
God help us to remember to reach out to others however we can with encouragement and acts of kindness!
Subi – it must be very hard for your son. I pray he can find community online, or through walks with friends, or phone calls. It is a tough time for sure. But you’re right — God, please help us to remember to reach out to people with encouragement. <3 Thanks, Subi!
Hi Subi!
I have a single son as well that has been working from home. I a know how isolated he is and it concerns me too. He does come to our house most nights for dinner so I’m thankful he has us but work was really most of hos socializing. I pray that things get back on track soon but I know Gods got us and our sons! Have a great day
I just mailed a plastic container of sugar free cookies and skinny popcorn to my brother who is an insulin diabetic. It is Indiana University Day, so the container had a red lid decorated with IU emblems. The postage cost more than what was inside, but it was worth it since he is my only sibling and we are both seniors with diabetes. We were on the IU campus at the same time. It was a little thing, but there is nothing better than something to season our mouths. God also has a small voice that is louder than the noise of the world. Thanks for your writing today because we are all missing fellowship and friendship since Covid arrived over a year ago. God hasn’t changed and keep his love close to your heart and pass it on.
Connie, I love that! I bet that meant the world to him.
I loved this post! Sometimes, and let’s face it, MANY time, it is just the little thing. This is a great reminder to reach out today. And then slow down and be present to see the little things in our lives. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you, Kristen!
Aliza, your words speak such truth! A tiny gift or a thoughtful card or note can be just the perfect cure for the “gloomies”! My family and friends are so great at this and I am so grateful.
The “gloomies” – ha what a great phrase. I’m soooo glad your family and friends are good at this. 🙂
You had me at the title of this post; I just had to read it to see what it was about! And then I noticed you mentioned your “province”, and I was drawn in more, as I’m a Canadian who married and has lived in New England for over thirty years now with my husband and young adult sons (who are getting closer to moving out). I could also relate to how such a small, seemingly insignificant gift would mean so much. One of the things we look forward to each year when visiting our family in Canada is purchasing several grocery bags of our favorite snacks and non-perishable grocery items that I cannot get in the US.
This pandemic has been the hardest time of my life, not just because of the ways that it’s truly hit all of us and hijacked our normal lives, but because we lost my Mom to cancer this past December. My sister and I (who also lives in the US; much closer in NY state, but it might as well be a million miles away with the border closed tightly!), missed her whole entire last year with us and especially were not able to be with her in her final moments. We were finally allowed a short visit (mostly under quarantine) to visit our lonely Dad and attend a small funeral, but it’s been so painful.
So I’m learning more and more to cherish the little things: friends and family reaching out to encourage and help my Dad in his time of grief and transition, folks in our church and home group praying and just being there when it’s hard, people whom my parents impacted over many years offering practical help and emotional support. And sometimes it’s just a little card, a text message or a comment on Facebook letting us know they care. Or a little gift that means more than they will ever understand.
God bless you as you weather this storm and Lord give wisdom to our leaders as they make decisions in this difficult time. I’m so thankful God is faithful and not one bit surprised by this season. And may we also be bearers of little gifts that bless, encourage and bring life to those around us.
This is really encouraging and reminds me of countless times God has stepped into my life in unexpected ways. Like a whole sand dollar floating to me on the waves in BC after I had asked Him for one to show my children. Right now my husband is very unwell and in hospital during Covid and Ontario lockdown. No, he doesn’t have Covid. My daughter is in the US so I will be sending this story to her. They love Trader Joes!
My daughter is in Nashua NH and is Canadian as well. Married to a wonderful American. I am sorry you lost your mom during this time.
K. Ann Guinn,
Sweet sister so sorry for the loss of our mom. More so of the time you couldn’t have with her. Prayers for this pandemic to lessen enough to allow travel. Asking God to help your lonely dad cope with the loss of both his wife & time with his children. May God send His peace & comfort to you all. Abba Father, Please end this pandemic quickly. Allow people to travel & be with each other-especially at the end of life. Help K. & her family as they deal with the loss of mom & time to be with her & dad at the end. Help dad cope & grieve the loss of his wife & adjust being alone now.
Blessings 🙂
What Canadian treats are your favourite, K Ann? I’d love to know, and I’d love to send you some. Can you send me an email?… I’d love to get a few goodies into your mailbox. <3
There is something so special about the feeling you have when you receive a care package in the mail. Thank you, Aliza, for putting words to it and framing it with truth as God’s love manifesting to us through our connection with others. Your post lifted my spirits today. Hang in there, it won’t always be challenging in this way.
Much love to you, Katy! You’re right – it won’t always be challenging in this way. <3
I loved this. I live in So. California and shop at Trader Joe’s often. This spoke to my heart about the importance of friendships and encouraging one another.
Thank you Linda!
What a beautiful reminder of how acts of kindness are a blessing to others, thank you for sharing your heartfelt post this morning Aliza….
Blessings to all,
Thank you so much, Penny!
I love this. It’s not Trader Joe’s but I have that seasoning in my pantry currently and I agree, it is totally addicting!! Thank you for the reminders that we are seen even when we feel invisible and that a kind gesture goes a long way. It doesn’t have to be something grand and sweeping. Sometimes the small kindnesses mean more than the grand gestures do anyway.
It is totally addicting! I put it on everything haha. And you’re right… I think sometimes those small kindnesses mean more than grand gestures!
God is so gracious and creative to remind us that He sees us and cares for us in a thousand unexpected ways. 🙂 I love you, friend!
Love you, Becky! So grateful for our friendship.
I loved this & have experienced it myself. Our God, so loving and so intimately involved in our lives, sends perfectly timed, perfect gifts to restore our souls. Reminders that He sees, He knows and He uses the people in our lives to deliver gifts from Heaven.♥
Amen, Leslie. God is so kind and faithful.
There were times I felt down & a little depressed. God sees us in those times & knows just what we need. One time I won a book & some ornaments. Other times I get to be part of book launch teams, or win cup & gift cards. They aren’t much in & of themselves. God’s way showing us how much we are loved & seen by Him. Just getting those little trinkets perks me up & puts a smile on my face. Knowing how that made me feel I in turn want to do that for others. Periodically I will surprise friends & co workers with home made food. This week I’m making a chicken pot pie for their anniversary. Might even make a small desert. It’s the encourager in me that wants people to be happy if even for a short while! Prayers this pandemic can lessen quickly so we can get back out & see our tribe!!
Blessings 🙂
You are such a blessing, Beth! Much love to you.
Loved this!!! And yes, God’s faithfulness very often looks like the simple things that make us smile! Thank you for making me smile today:)
I’m so sorry for the ongoing COVID problems you are experiencing in Canada. I just got a guard to prevent me from clenching my jaw — I wonder how many others are weary, stressed out, and clenching?? Isn’t it just like the Holy Spirit to move in the heart of a friend or loved one to send us a life-preserver?! Life-preservers come in many shapes and sizes and yes, sometimes they look like Trader Joe’s seasoning. Your post makes me think for whom I can be God’s earthly hands and feet to send a little lovin’ and a lifeline. Wonderful post!
Bev xx
Love this so practical and thoughtful piece. It encourages the rest of us to remember what others in this time might love to have. The Holy Spirit nudges us in a quiet way so we have to be careful to say, “yes.” I want to be that someone who blesses others with kindness.
Thank you.
I love this. And I fully believe that God uses us in small things. When I recognized last June the pandemic was not going anywhere soon, I was so sad. Our Pastor preached about the woman at the well and a long cool drink. As I was wallowing in a sea of self pity, my friend called and was on the way to Sonic–and what could she bring me. I treasure that foam cup and it inspires me to “go and do likewise” Thanks for sharing
God is so good to us, wherever and whenever we are, so give thanks in everything for what He has done and given to us.
WOW!! This is simply amazing when something like this happens unexpectedly. and the kind of joy that fills your heart. you know it for sure that this is God. well! this has happened to me a few times but the joy remains even today in my heart. I keep blessing the person even today for the small act of kindness. it matters a lot. Thanks a lot. it was a great encouragement. love you guys spreading the word.
One of the “Moms” in our Titus 2 group was a widow for a number of years & although remarried she has a heart for the widows & widowers in our congregation. She organized our group to send cards & small tokens to assigned names. I am astounded at the reaction of thanks expressed when a card or magnet or tea towel gets sent! Such little tokens but in God’s economy tangible love notes to the lonely especially in lockdown!
PS Looking for great greeting card messages check out I’m no way associated to them but an addicted customer!
Thank you for this timely post…& your Instagram story to showcase it!
I needed to hear/read these words today!
Aliza, this post really encouraged me today..thank you for writing it.