“I don’t do down time very well.” How often have I thought or spoken these words? Although I know it’s important, I often have trouble embracing my need for rest. I pressure myself to check items off a never-ending to-do list and allow myself to believe the lie that rest equates to laziness.
We’ve pushed past the one year mark of the pandemic, but the news continues to bring me anxiety and sorrow: violence, vaccines, and my family’s unique struggles. Lately, however, I’ve realized rest can help me cope with stresses, both slight and substantial.
In Matthew 11:18, Jesus tells us, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Rest is a gift He offers to the weary.
I’m welcoming it into my life in three key areas, bringing rest to my body, spirit, and soul:
First, I’m embracing rest for my body by delighting in God’s creation. My parents loved plants, and I remember their favorite nursery and the fascination of walking through its warm, humid greenhouses as a child. Our home was filled with the beauty of God’s creation — from the rosy red geraniums my mother added to our window boxes each spring to the majestic ponytail palm in our front window to the graceful weeping willow that stood in the back of our yard.
Now I delight day-by-day as spring awakens the plants and trees in the yard of our new home — flowering pear, cherry, and dogwood trees, hardy lavender, creeping succulents, and a beautiful Japanese red maple.
I pull out old, worn field guides, join online plant identification groups, and text photos to my plant-savvy oldest son searching for answers to my questions: Are these budding bushes rhododendron or azaleas? What are the dozens of new shoots pushing up through the soil around our deck? Is this straggly little Charlie Brown tree actually something special?
For years I believed I could write about and photograph plants but not grow them. I joked about how I couldn’t keep plants alive. Inspired by the Spring chapter in Myquillyn Smith’s book Welcome Home and the way my oldest daughter found comfort through tending plants while isolating last year, I’m filling our home and yard with new life: trailing ivy, shade-loving hostas, fragrant rosemary, vibrant purple hydrangeas, an eye-catching variety commonly called a hope plant, and a quirky little ponytail palm that reminds me of home. I’ve catalogued them in an app that tells me where to place them and when to water them. I don’t want to kill my plants from either too much or too little love.
Appreciating and tending to God’s creation requires me to slow down and engage my sense of sight, smell, and touch. This is rest for my body.
Second, I’m embracing rest for my spirit through reading. I used to end every day with at least thirty minutes of quiet time with a book; it was the perfect wind-down to my day. Over the years, I’m sad to say I’ve allowed catching up on email and social media accounts to edge out that special time.
At the beginning of the pandemic, I bought my first Kindle. It’s one of my favorite COVID purchases. Most nights I prop extra pillows behind me in bed and escape into occupied France during WWII, the heart of the Russian Revolution, sleuthing along with the detective in a whodunit or an occasional romantic comedy.
I pair my Bible study and devotional time with breakfast, so I bookend my day with the written word. I believe reading builds empathy, and we all could use more of that. Through reading, I’m finding rest for my spirit.
Last, I’m embracing rest for my soul as I pray and release. I used to say yes too often until I was buried by all the tasks I’d agreed to perform. When I learned to delegate, it allowed me to release responsibilities I didn’t need to carry and invited others to share the burden with me.
Worries will weigh you down, but prayer will provide life-changing peace if you unshackle your troubles and hand them over to God. Then, trust Him to handle the outcome. Pray and release: this is rest for our souls.
As Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
In 2019 I became a widow and in 2020 I became a high risk senior needing to isolate. Sleep has been elusive even though my faith is the only thing that makes sense these days. So thank you for writing about this vital need for all of the type A personalities that put sleep on the end of the priority list. After a good nights sleep, Joy comes in the Morning.
Love your comment ❤
Yes, those of us who put rest last still need it. And the verse about joy coming in the morning was my mother’s favorite. 🙂
Thank u for this, spot on…
I also thank God for this, I feel comforted by this article, rest for the weary…..I’m letting it happen…
My mom loved geraniums…I receive all of it! Prescious words
Carol, I pray you embrace the comfort of rest!
Why is it we feel the need to constantly strive & keep going? Must we say yes to each “good” activity? My pastor’s wife is like this. Always had something to do. Each night was filled with some place/meeting or activity. Never staying home for any length of time. She would complain about it. We kept telling her it was alright to say no. Lysa Terkeurst says in her book The Best Yes “Saying yes to every activity won’t make you wonder woman. It will make you a worn out woman.” You won’t have anything left to give others. Think about this even Jesus took time to rest in His Earthly ministry. If He needed it then how much more do we?
I often need rest. Rest from the noises of my job & life. I make time each week for Bible study, exercise & just watching TV. Make sure there is time for quiet in all of that. Walking outside is best as I can see God’s beauty all around me. Since I love to cook-I often do some of that while listening to Christian music & praising God.
Blessings 🙂
Beth, it sounds like you’ve achieved a nice balance, and thank you for the reminder that even Jesus took time to rest!
This is lovely, Dawn! Reading has become a bigger part of my life recently, too. And more focused Bible study. Enjoy your plantings!
Thank you, Irene! Reading and Bible study are such valuable quiet time.
Thank-you Dawn for your inspiration this morning.
Blessings to all,
You’re welcome, Penny! Have a great day!
Hi Dawn. Getting outside and viewing nature, working in my flower gardens, and taking walks and noticing the plants along the way are all areas I love to relax and recharge. It was gardening, over two decades ago, that got me through the toughest trial. I didn’t think I was a gardener. Hadn’t even planted or taken care of plants before then. But I started by rescuing 10 roses and planting them in pots on my deck. The next spring, my husband had dug me a huge flower bed and I ordered and planted 50 roses. And then I started sprinkling seeds between them. All those hours digging and dead heading and watering calmed my soul. helped me process my pain. And helped pull me from a dark hole. In the garden I felt close to God and could also talk to him. I hope gardening brings you joy and rest.
Theresa, thank you so much for your comment. I’m glad gardening is something we can learn if we put our minds to it. When you mentioned sprinkling seeds, it made me think of the book Miss Rumphius, which I just read to my grandchildren. 🙂
Dawn, such a lovely post and reminder that rest is not a bad four letter word. I always spend first thing in morning for prayer, but during pandemic,I have been doing daily writing in a prayer journal.I will write what I’m anxious about,give it to God. And try really hard not to take the anxious thoughts back throughout the day. I can also look back to see how God helped me through it when I rested or decreased and he acted. Whether it was to comfort me, show me who I could comfort,or help me see another way. Writing has allowed me to spend more time resting my soul and knowing the Lord is with me in this time. Praying you stay well and safe ❤
What a beautiful reminder that rest takes many forms and a variety is needed to lead a balance life. I like the idea of rest for body, soul, and spirit. Thanks for your inspiration.
I know it’s not the point of this post, but what’s the name of the plant/gardening app? It sounds like one I could use!