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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
& you will too!
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. In Courage,

    It is high time that we Christians start showing the world more of God’s love. Our world is crying out & looking for love in ALL the wrong places. We need to point them to the one true love that can save & heal their wounded souls. We can do this by generously giving of ourselves, time & money. Perhaps we can turn this nation back to God like it was intended.

    Blessings 🙂

  2. I confess that being a Christian for most of my life does not mean I don’t fail daily. In these troubled days, I am living with two people who are hard to love. Yet, if I can die to self like my Savior did, I will not fail to show the love of Jesus to these poor, negative souls. This is my hardest struggle yet. Lord Jesus, I know you have prepared me for this battle against the evil one. Help me today and every day to die to my dreams and live the life you’ve called me to live.If not me, then who?

  3. Aha moment this morning!! I need to die to myself- my selfish desires, thoughts, actions- so that my love for Jesus and my new husband can live. Newly married and still trying to figure it out!! But not new to Jesus!! His pursuing love amazes me every day!!!

  4. We should love because Jesus first love us. Because we want to share and show his love to world that needs it more than ever at this time. By being the Church to world. By loving people of all walks of life. No matter what skin colour they have. Loving them like Jesus would no matter what. Watching what we say and gossiping about anyone. Even if they are person that has hurt us. Taking them to Jesus in prayer and asking God to help you forgive them. Telling them in a nice way you forgive them. You are Praying for them. Especially if they are not saved. That is showing the love of Jesus to them. You never know what that could do to them. It could make them say sorry for hurting you and maybe see Jesus in you. That the fact you didn’t go gossiping to someone else about how they hurt you. You took them to Jesus and prayed for them and forgive them. Jesus will really honour you for doing this. As what you did is showing the true Love of Jesus. Doing what Jesus would want You to do. You will feel good for doing it. Plus another way of showing Jesus love is phoning someone up. If they can’t get to shops because of the pandemic. You can ask them do they need anything you will if able get it for them and leave at their front door for them. That is showing the love of Jesus to them and being the Church of Jesus. Which we the Followers of Jesus are. The hands and feet of Jesus not the big fancy building. I do it for my Dad during the week. By getting him coal for his fire and logs too. Wash his breakfast dishes and walking his dog. Putting on a wash for him. If needs to go on for him. Then cooking a meal for him once a week. Telling him Dad I love you before I leave. My Dad 80 this month. Not saved. I pray for his Salvation. I do it out of love for my Dad. To help him out. Love today’s reading. Love you all incourage. I pray for you all. Dawn Ferguson-Little

  5. I grew up in a dysfunctional house where love was conditional. I didn’t understand what love really was or how God’s love was different. But every year I realize more and more how much God loves me and how I can pour his love out to those around me. I learn what unconditional love is from him. There is always so much more to learn.