About the Author

Tasha is a Korean American melancholy dreamer, wife to Matt, mom to three wild and wonderful humans. She writes about everyday life and cultural and ethnic identity, and writing has always been the way God has led her towards the hope of shalom. Her first book, Tell Me The Dream...

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  1. I enjoyed reading this, thank you. A couple of things occurred to me while reading: be thankful you had help while “picking up the pieces” and proud that you are raising good children who are there to help. Second, I always find a chard or two from a broken item weeks to months after the clean up. I think they remind me that some of the pieces are always going to come back days, months or years after you thought that you took care of the dilemma.

    • i LOVE your response! it blessed me tremendously. i am grateful for the help i have in picking up the broken glass in my life. and it’s so true what you said about finding pieces from the broken glass down the road when you thought you had gotten it all. i am in that moment as i type. i thought i was healed and cleaned up, but i just stepped on pieces that i didn’t know were still there.

    • Yes, some pieces are always going to come back – this is true. Sometimes it’s so unexpected.

  2. This was really good! A great analogy for our broken hearts and spirits. Thank you for sharing this!

  3. Thank you, Tasha. This is what I need to breathe in this morning. I lost my husband almost four months ago and the loss seems overwhelming at times, but I know God is with me and helping to move me forward. Blessings to you!!!

    • Oh Terri, I am so sorry to hear that. I’m glad you are here in this community, and I hope you know that you are welcome here no matter how overwhelmed you feel. I’m so glad the words this morning met you and ministered to you. Thankful to God.

  4. Amazing I too thought of my loss of my husband but that was 9 years ago this past Monday and it also made me think you must be teaching kindness and compassion to your children in these trying times!! What a wonderful
    Reminder to us all! Thanks for sharing that story.

    • Sharon, I’m sorry for your loss and praying that you’d feel God’s nearness this week. Thank you for those words – oftentimes, it’s truly my children who are teaching me!

  5. This was a teachable moment for your son. You could have said to him “it’s just a glass” and I am going to talk you through the clean up safely. We’ll do it together and the other children have to watch from a distance but can be our cheerleaders.

    • While I think you meant this to be helpful, it came off as telling her what she did in that moment was good but not good enough. Ouch. Not knowing her exact circumstances, it’s likely best to trust she parented in the best possible way for the moment and in*courage one another. It sounds like she’s doing a phenomenal job with compassionate children. I’m sure your heart was in the right place. If I had said something that may have come off in a way unintended, I’d want to know… thus my reply to you today. It is kindly meant.

    • It was actually such a teachable moment for me. I wasn’t going to let him be involved but his offer helped me.

  6. I loved this post. The lost, the hurting, those who question faith – I hear how they grieve your heart, as they do mine. I have closed my heart at times, turned away from the messes, in order to try to escape the pain of others and keep it from creeping inside my own soul. Your imagery helps remind me that it is God’s job to deal with the messes. I can watch, stoop down to pick up one sliver, trust Jesus to take the broken pieces and be responsible for whatever He chooses to do with them.

    • Kimmie, I’m sorry you find yourself in this kind of place. I know how it hurts and how hard the days and minutes can be here. I hope you know you aren’t alone, and I pray God nearness would be tangible to you today.

  7. I love this! I have felt this feeling lately of standing in a room surrounded by broken glass. Thank you for your honesty and encouragement to move forward slowly and not forget to look around us.

    • K Ann, thank you. I’m sorry you feel this very thing right now. I know it’s hard to live in this space – but I hope you know you aren’t alone and that God sends graceful help in unexpected places.

  8. I too, found this to be a perfect start to the day. Several days and weeks, I focus on the mess of broken glass. Thank you for such a great image. Bless you and your family. Sounds like you are an incredible mama.

    • Susan, I’m so glad these words met you this morning. Thank you for your kind words to me – in all honesty, my kids teach me so much more than I ever realized they would!

  9. This was so well written and relatable. All of us have cleaned up broken glass literally and figuratively. And the reminder that God cares about even the little shards in our life is so comforting and encouraging.
    And I too love fries, coffee, and maps and watch travel shows since I haven’t traveled but to one other country.

    • Gay, thank you so much. I’m so happy the words and story met you today. I’m glad we can relate on fries, coffee, maps and travel (I love travel shows too)!

  10. Thank you for this encouraging message today, Tasha! It sounded like you have done a good job teaching your children to be thoughtful and compassionate.

    • I’m glad it encouraged you, Karen. The truth is, my kids have taught me so much and teach me more than I ever realized they would!

  11. So beautifully written and so eloquently expressed! Thanks for sharing.

  12. Thank you for the message for today. Thank you for the honesty, for sharing the space you were in which is common to man and “me.” I appreciate the message and the quiet voice of God who can carry us through. Many blessings to you Momma.

  13. God often works that way–slow but sure clean-up of the shards in our lives, one small area at a time. Not sure why he prefers the process-over-time approach. Perhaps to teach us patience? Must also say I love the way your little ones pitched in to help as they could. They’re learning to be thoughtful and kind! Kudos, Tasha!

  14. Tasha,

    I’m late with my comment 🙁
    This is beautiful, touching, and inspiring. As I read this I felt like I was right there on the kitchen floor with you. I feel like you captured this snapshot in time SO very well. I am going to share this those I love and know they will be blessed.


  15. I was afraid to read this devotional after seeing the title. Afraid of what glass I might have broken that would be revealed for me to add to my cleaning list. After days of walking around this email and a Sunday of simply trying to find my way (including the readings from 2/5 -2/7), I finally opened and read. This was just what God needed for me to see. I realized that too often I have been wound so tight that I can’t see because there is so much broken glass in so many shapes, sizes , and situations that as soon as I feel I’ve gotten most of it lined up, more is there. But you have reminded me that I need to stop, go to my prayer closet, and call on the One who can give me peace and perspective to work through the mess. With Him I can handle all things , one piece of glass at a time. Thank you for the reminder. Blessings to you!