The Christmas tree still stands happy and bright at our house, the wreath still hangs on the door, and half the neighborhood must feel the same way I do: I’ll get to it, but just not yet.
Most years, I relish the first few days of the new year. I set aside a couple of hours to sit down with my planner, a goal-setting journal, and a cup of coffee. I plug headphones into my ear, closing myself off from the noise of the world (i.e. the living room where my desk is), and I enter into intentional me-and-God-dreaming time.
It’s one of my favorite things to do whenever January rolls around. It helps me envision the coming months so I can live with and on purpose.
But this year is starting off on the same note last year ended with. Instead of a bang, it’s more of a hum, and the thrill of what’s to come is missing.
It’s strange not to feel the excitement, especially when I’m someone who loves starting new things and having vision and a call toward something. I’m usually the person telling other people about living with intentionality and how important it is to have that one word for the year.
And because this is all unusual for me, I’m paying attention. I’m taking note of the emptiness that doesn’t feel sad or weird but peaceful. I’m reframing it and calling it open space. I’m noticing my pace and how slow it is. It’s slow but not behind. It’s right on track, to the same step as God’s. I’m recognizing the shift in my heart for the place God has me in as a work-at-home, suburban mom, whose basic day mostly involves managing other people’s lives, making sure there’s food for dinner and that homework is done. It’s a life I didn’t aspire to or even want in my 20s, but here I am, actually enjoying it and seeing God in it now.
It’s not better or more right or even more glorifying to God one way or the other — whether you’re in a similar season in life or you’re in a season of adventure and risk. Both are ordained by God, and God is everywhere — in every season, at every pace, in every in-between place.
I often wonder about the unwritten parts of Jesus’s life, about the moments when He might’ve felt the ordinary to be ordinary, even though He was God. Did He relish it — this being human, of making His home here on this earth, of dwelling with us? Did He delight in the repetition of the small things, knowing all things? Did He look forward to the day when He would get baptized by John, His cousin, and thus begin His years of ministry?
He was familiar with it all — the mundane and the miraculous, the boring and the busy, the years when one faded into the next and the year when His life would come to an end and He would make eternity a reality for us.
He calls it all good, every part.
Every time I ask God if there’s something I should be looking for — a vision He might be showing me that I’m missing or a yes or no I should be saying or a path I should be taking — He says the same thing back to me:
You’re right where you’re supposed to be.
Even now, with no word for the year or goals or planner in hand, with the Christmas tree still twinkling, oblivious to its time having passed, with no plan for how I should grow or what I should become this year, God says it’s okay — good even, and I’m starting right there.
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Like you, I’ve been clinging to Christmas because Christmas is a sign of hope. I was really mournful taking down the tree this year – moreso than other years. One phrase keeps running through my head…”This world is not my home.” In my 60 years of life on this earth, I’ve never felt that more than right now. I have two options. One, I could just “check out” and wait patiently on the sidelines for the rapture. Or, two, I could get busy about being Christ to others. Now, more than any point in time, Christians need to be mistaken for being Jesus. Who do we want this hurting world to see when they look at us? It’s no longer about my happiness and contentment in this world, it’s about the salvation of others.
Bev xx
love this. too often we are told have goals, don’t waste time, getting going. this permission to dwell in the holy space of now is liberating. thank you for the reminder to just be who God wants us to be intentionally and organically. to be like Jesus in our everyday life.
Yes, the very present moment.
Yes, who will they see? I really hope we can all live more like Jesus each day.
I think we can drive ourselves crazy trying to determine God’s will for our lives. There was a time in my life where I was a wreck, trying to figure out God’s plan for me. Then suddenly it dawned on me that it is God’s plan and God’s will, not my plan or my will . . . and when He wants to move me, He will. Wherever He wants me at any particular moment, THAT is where I am supposed to be.
P.S. My Christmas tree is still up, too. (SMILE!)
Yes, it’s staying in tune with the Spirit to know when He wants us to move! Yay for fellow late Christmas-tree-ers!
“Many are the plans in the mind of a man but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” I had plans, but on December 29th my husband was transferred from the hospital ( a stay of 6 days) to a nursing home facility. This all happened within a short period of time — barely had time to catch my breath. And he won’t be able to return home. How I needed this reminder this morning — I am right where the LORD wants me to be.
Praying for you & your husband to be surrounded by God’s presence even as you are not able to be in each other’s presence. Even in this you are where you are to be. Blessings!
I so appreciate your statement of faith, Carolyn, affirming that even in your circumstances, you are right where the LORD wants you to be. I pray God’s blessings of peace, strength, and wisdom as you navigate the days ahead.
Oh Carolyn, holding you as you grieve this unexpected change. Lord, be near…
Not being able to plan a year ahead as we usually do or think we can, has offered the opportunity to be more present in the moment. To pace with God instead of moving ahead & checking periodically that He is still there. Silly, since He promises to always be there but lockdown & uncertainty has highlighted His presence with us. What a blessing! May we keep that intentionality even if/when life is in a higher gear!
YES! I hope the same for me too when/if life picks up the pace again.
Thank you for this article… I often ask God as well .. Is this where I’m suppose to be? Please Lord lead me, make me move I. The direction I’m suppose to be.. His answer for today is Be Still & Know That I am.
Karen L. Wallace ❤️⚓️✝️
Wow! This really resonated with all of us, and your comments are all spot on for me too. Needed this reminder this morning that we are right where we need to be and we need to be still and be ready for Him to move us. In the meantime, let’s encourage one another in love and enjoy the peace of His presence.
Thank you for your thoughtful words today. This speaks to where my heart and spirit are at.
And, it’s okay to be right where I am. Thank you.
Grace, thank you for your words today. I am right where I am supposed to be. I am NOT happy here. Instead of focusing on that as I have been, I will focus on God and let Him lead me through in his time. Thanks so much for the reminder and encouragement.
Yes, even though here is not a happy place, I’m praying that God’s presence becomes even more near and dear to you.
Dear Grace,
God used you and then others who left comments to touch my heart. Like you, I love that time around the new year when you think about your upcoming plans, and for me, I might be thinking about where the next year’s holidays will be spent, the parties, weddings, a vacation. But this year has been different. Am I where I’m supposed to be? I’ve been on business disruption leave since April. When I’m called back (will I be called back?), should I be going back, or does God want me somewhere else? What if I’m supposed to be somewhere else? I’ve wondered and prayed. Am I missing something? But guess what? God has me right where he wants me to be. I’m in a time out with this gift of time (that was a big paradigm shift for me) and have been able to spend so much more time with Him who loves me so much. So, I will continue to trust the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding, but in all my ways I will acknowledge him and he will make my paths straight (Prov. 3:5-6).
God bless you and keep you, and everyone who reads your post.
Amen… so many of us are asking similar questions, and I’m so glad this resonates with you.
Thank you Grace for the gentle words and reminder…”You’re right where you’re supposed to be”
I loved this and it was so timely!
Thank you so much!! I needed this today and for this year.
Hello, I would love to accept the place I’m in right now. However, I’m not feeling it right now. Since February, I have dealt with a very serious health issue and then came COVID-19. My Church theme this year “I‘ve Got The Power”. Ephesians 3 is our base scripture. I’m praying to internalize this in a meaningful way. My plan for working in my field of Special Education until retirement in 2022 has been altered. I end my night with prayer declaring the next day will be great. It just doesn’t last.
Prayers for God to show you His will for this time. May God help you internalize “I’ve got the Power” in a personal way. Asking God to help you find your joy in life during these trying times. May you feel His presence & loving arms around you always!
Lord, meet Charlene in this hard and painful place she is right now. I pray that Your presence would be gentle toward her and that the power of Christ would give her strength for the day, for the hour, for the moments when she feels lost, alone, scared, disappointed, and angry. You welcome it all. Embrace her in Your love, God. Amen.
I love this, Grace. You set a wonderful example of allowing God to set the pace.
Thank you, Molly!
I really needed to read this right now. I am very lost on what my next move should be as far as jobs. I am 62 years old, and my remote job ended at the end of the year. I don’t have a plan. I don’t feel excited about anything. My mom is recovering from a broken hip in a nursing home, and I’m distracted. I can’t even sit still long enough to read my Bible. I have no joy or motivation. But maybe God wants me here right now. He knows why but I don’t.
I hear the restlessness in your words, Betty. I pray that God will meet you there. I go through waves of depression (especially this past year), so I resonate with you when you say you have no motivation and joy. In these moments, I take comfort that before Jesus rose again, He died and stayed in that darkness for three days. God is here in the dark, in the lack of motivation, in the lack of desire for anything. He’s with you.
Whenever I think about my “purpose ” in life, I used to think it meant doing something big. But I have come to realize my true purpose is to have faith in God. It’s that simple. No pressure, no exceptions, whether self imposed or other’s trying to push their’s on to me. That is the peace and joy from God. To just be with Him and focus one day at a time.
This too was my struggle Maura. Thinking I had to do something big. Now it is time for just being with God. His presence gives joy and peace that can’t be found anywhere else. Thank you Grace for this perspective
Same, I felt that pressure for so long in my life. Maura, I agree — it’s so simple when we boil it down to being with Him and being like Him.
Your beautiful words are encouraging and incredibly timely, Grace.
Just a couple hours earlier, I was studying my Christmas tree in our living room and decided, “I’m not taking it down yet,” not realizing I said the words aloud.
“What did you say?” my hubby, who was dressing for work, called from the bedroom.
“Nothing. It’s not important,” I replied, realizing he was in a hurry.
It was important, but there was no way I could explain my desire to leave the tree up this year. Only last night, he’d asked about taking it down.
Of course, the colorful twinkling lights are brightening the darkness of these uncertain days. But, it’s the message of Christmas, of Immanuel -God with us, that gives me
renewed hope. Hope that someday soon our world will not be so chaotic and confusing, and I will sense God at work again.
Sensing God at work has been difficult lately. Watching on FaceTime as my elderly father died slowly of cruel Covid last November, along with lamenting over the violent division within our country has left my faith tattered.
Although being married for almost two decades, I realized my practical hubby wouldn’t understand what any of this has to do with the Christmas tree. But you do, Grace, and your poignant words watered my parched soul.
Thank you so much for this Spirit-led post.
Wish I could give you a big hug, Christina!
This is very comforting. I, too, am a planner and like details and this year feels uncertain and ominous. But knowing God is with me brings me hope.
So thankful God meets us right where we are.
Christmas was very melancholy for me last year. It just didn’t feel like Christmas to me. The year was topsy-turvy with lots of upheaval, panic & many changes. No matter what happened last year good or bad God is still in control. He has you in the palm of His hands. Don’t fret or worry-rest in the knowledge that God has placed you right where you are. The best thing we can do now is shed more of Jesus light & love.
Blessings 🙂
Yes. Thanks, Beth!
I appreciate your insights, Grace! Early on during this time of isolation, the first blessing of open space I recognzied: the luxury of extra-long quiet times! 2021 may provide other challenges, but whatever they may be, there WILL be blessings from our Heavenly Father. He always takes care of his own (Nahum 1:7)!
Hello, thank you for your post that spoke to me. The title especially. I wanted to share the word the Lord gave me for the year: recovery. I didn’t expect this word, it came unexpectedly, that is I didn’t expect it when the Lord “flashed” it in my mind, but recognized it as such. He has a way of making sure we understand when He speaks. It makes sense to me that 2021 would be a year of recovery because it certainly will take a full year to recover from a year of COVID. Just for the vaccine alone to be administered, it will take much of 2021. With this word received in early December came hope as it carried with itself the meaning of a return to a normalcy that has been lost. Anyway, a nice word to meditate on. Also, healing comes to mind with this word, and hope again springs forth. May we be of good cheers as we wait upon the Almighty God to help us recover. Such a fitting word. I must say every word the Lord had given me over the years has proven true. Thank you for your words that rang true as I read them. Blessings,
I love that word, Carole. I think it resonates with so many of us!
This hit home for me! It amazes me how the Lord always gives us a message of hope and truth at just the right time. Today out of all days you posted this very message, when I needed to hear this most. I don’t believe in coincidence. God is a master planner! I’m right where I’m suppose to be!
P.S. My Christmas tree is still up too. It’s decorated with the same ornaments I’ve had for a few years, but for some reason, our tree has never looked more beautiful.
His timing is truly perfect!
Great post! I love the line “you’re right where you’re supposed to be”…. I’ve struggled with feeling that I don’t have a “God” purpose; that I’m not doing something for Him. I was very deeply involved in a Christian program for many years that ended pretty abruptly. I felt like I lost my God job. It’s taken me a while to realize that some things are for a season. I love the life I have now and feel that it’s “right where I’m supposed to be” – I’ve watched my grandboy for almost two years and have helped my elderly mother since she moved back 4 years ago. Since COVID these two things have become extremely important. I’m so glad my grandboy wasn’t in a day care situation that had to be resolved (both parents have been working through it all) and that I’m able to see my mother a few times a week to help with meals, etc. God truly has a plan and I pray for His hand upon me on a daily basis.
Oh, and my Christmas tree is still up, too! I know I’ll have to take it down soon but it’s so nice to be able to sit and enjoy it without any holiday pressure!
Our lives have become significantly smaller since COVID, and I too have appreciated the smallness of it — of taking care of parents, taking care of my children, and finding God in the mundane. I understand all the more that He is everywhere and in all things. And I’ll be keeping ours up for a little bit longer too — just to enjoy the twinkle lights. 🙂
I absolutely agree and I absolutely love this article. THANK YOU! It let’s me know that I am not all alone in thinking what a way for 2020 to end and for 2021 to began. Differences and yet similarities in a somewhat unsettling way in that the old year ended in confusion and the new year began in confusion. But one thing that I do know is that my God is still in control. And that brings me a great amount of peace. Wishing you more “settleness” in 2021.