In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.
Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day” and the darkness “night.”
And evening passed and morning came, marking the first day.
Genesis 1:1-5 (NLT)
Perhaps “formless and empty” describe the season you’re in or the year you’ve had. It seems as though nothing good or generative is happening and that you’re stuck in a holding pattern. Or perhaps you can’t see past the darkness that lays heavy on you, one that you haven’t been able to shake for a while.
Then the story of creation may be what you need to hear today. When the Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the waters (water often symbolizing chaos and death in the Bible), movement happened, light came to be, and the first day began.
Our Creator God is the same today as He was then. May His Spirit hover over you, creating beauty, breathing new life, and instilling hope into your soul.
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In Courage,
We could all use a huge dose of hope & new life bred into us. 2020 was a year full of confusion, chaos, & uncertainty. The one constant was God. His spirit was hovering/watching & caring for us the whole time. Praying His Spirit hovers over you, creating beauty, breathing new life, and instilling hope into your soul. May 2021 be a much better year for everyone.
Blessings 🙂
Thank you for word today, just sitting here with my alone with my God and thanking Him for love, and His grace and mercy in everything.
Thank you. These words spoke to my heart this morning.
As I woke up early to meet God, I felt depleted and weary, needing rest. Disappointing circumstances felt heavy on my heart. I whispered, “God, restore me to yourself.” Praise God! His Holy Spirit hovered over me and faithfully breathed new life into me. Thank you for sharing these words.
‘Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness.’… and Two thousand and twenty years ago, He sent His Son to be the Light of the World. He promised the darkness of evil would never extinguish his Light, and it never has.
2020 was a difficult year, thanks to either the ineptness, or evil, or perhaps both, of so-minded men from nations intent on overpowering those who follow the Light. However, 2020 also had much that was good. Despite the waffling acquiescence to arbitrary government by too many who are supposed to be leaders in spreading God’s word, there are many outspoken churchmen who are publicly – often at cost – telling Christians to hold firm, God is with us still.
Needed this today! Thank you!
Defiantly found this to be true and helpful for events in recent days
Needed this bad today, thank you.♥
Oh the power of His word! He spoke Creation into existence. From the hymn A Mighty Fortress…”his (Satan’s) doom is sure; one little word shall fell him.” Jesus only need say enough & Satan is done! In between Creation & Jesus’ victory lap we must cling to His word of instructions for life! How blessed we are!!!
Making all things new. Each day is a new beginning, a chance to be better, to do better.
He is forming us day by day.
The Spirit of God which breathed LIFE into all Creation is ALSO IN US – giving us renewed strength and endurance to face ALL things in HIS mighty name! Thanks be to God for his provision, his amazing grace and the gift of his Son in our lives. AMEN!