About the Author

Becky is an author, speaker, Bible teacher, mom of three loud boys, and the Community and Editorial Manager for (in)courage. She loves writing about anxiety, motherhood, and the kindness of God. Long naps, shady trails, and a good book make her really happy.

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  1. Becky,
    2020 stripped us bare and left us raw. For me, 2020 whittled down life to the bare necessities. I’ve been reminded of a quote by Corrie Ten Boom who spent years in a Nazi concentration camp. She said, “You never know Christ is all you need until Christ is all you have.” Right now, the only certainty I have is Christ and His love, goodness, and mercy. I know I can’t put my hope in idols like happiness, outcomes, or results. Truly, if I have Christ, I have all I need and His grace is sufficient to get me through whatever comes in 2021. I love the comfort found in John 14:18: I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you. Thanks for this beautiful reminder that God goes before us, He’s behind us, and He hems us in. If our hope is in Him then we need not be afraid.
    Bev xx

    • Bev, I love that quote from Corrie ten Boom. I’ve been so impacted by her writing too. You put into words what so many of us are feeling and experiencing. When everything is stripped away, Jesus will remain. Truly truly, He is all we need.

  2. Thank you, Becky. I so needed this. I worry about our country, my grandkids, our family and some of my friendships. It’s been a wake up call. We need God, prayer and love.

  3. Thank you Becky! It’s comforting to know that We are all feeling some sort of lost and loss and it’s in those times when we have to hold on to our hope and faith in god that all will be ok. We are all in this together so it’s good to have support near and far.

  4. I appreciate these words of encouragement and the reminder to anchor ourselves in Jesus and the truth of His word! Looking expectantly for all God will reveal this year!

    • Thank you, Dorina! You help me and our (in) community keep our eyes on Jesus! So thankful for your voice and stories, wisdom and friendship you share in this space.

  5. Blessed be the name of the Lord!
    Begin each day with an attitude of gratitude and our good God will grant you His peace.
    He will supply all your needs, and He will guide you to pray for others-those in most need of His grace and mercy.

  6. I so appreciate your tender heart. Yes, 2020 was a difficult, humbling, on-my-knees kind of year. 2021 has already brought some pain our family is working through as well. But, God. I’m clinging to the truth that our Father sees all that’s going on in our lives, and none of it takes Him by surprise. He loves us through every painful, difficult situation and strengthens us to walk through each moment of every day.

  7. God is good and faithful. He will never fail or abandon me. I am not alone and He is fighting for me ❤️ Also thinking of Jeremiah 29:11. Sending love and hugs!

  8. Becky,

    2020 was a super hard year for most people. We dealt with so many issues & had our lives turned upside down. Through all this one verse kept coming to mind Psalm 23:4 Yea though I walk Through the valley of shadow of death I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy road & staff they comfort me. He will guide our steps on the path He has set for each of us. There is nothing or no one we face that we can’t handle with God. We should have faith like David when facing Goliath. That giant up there isn’t to big to hit that giant is to big to miss. you just remember this that the God who invented Giants is big enough to whip them all.

    Blessings 🙂

  9. Becky,
    2021, for me, will be a time of reminding myself that God is in control and that the awfulness of 2020 was and is in his perfect plan. Sometimes it has been hard to remember that.

    2020 has taught me to really cherish what I had before Covid and hope we have again soon. I never thought I would see a time when I could not attend my church and have missed it SO MUCH.

    I did not lose anyone to this terrible pandemic. My heart goes out to the ones who have.

    Most of my family has been gone for some time now. I have my husband, friends and my church family. They are my community and I miss being able to gather to share hugs, events, hugs, food, hugs, prayers, and more hugs. I hope I never take attending church and being with friends for granted again.