O Lord, you have examined my heart
and know everything about me.
You know when I sit down or stand up.
You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
You see me when I travel
and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do.
You know what I am going to say
even before I say it, Lord.
You go before me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too great for me to understand!
Psalm 139:1-6 (NLT)
So many of us have felt lonely during this pandemic and before it as well. And at the core of the loneliness is often the idea that we are not known by someone. Even if we were in a crowd of people or with a group of friends, we can still feel lonely because we may not have a deep relationship with them or the time together didn’t foster the intimacy we ache for.
This where Psalm 139 is a balm.
God knows our hearts and minds. He knows where we are and all of our restlessness to be somewhere else. He knows our thoughts — not to condemn us — so that when we are without words, He still understands. God goes before us, is with us, and assures us of His presence, His blessing on us.
God is our everything. When we are lonely, remember we have a God who knows us intimately and loves us wholeheartedly.
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I can’t imagine a world without God. It is such a comfort that He knows and understands us like no one else can.
Those words in this passage in Psalm are comfort food for the soul this morning!
Thankyou so much for this. I learned most of it years ago, and often recite it to myself in the night when I can’t sleep. I hadn’t known this translation, and love it too. I’m now in hospital for a longish stay, and it’s wonderful to talk through it to Him and feel his presence in the room. It is also the favourite of a friend, a great comfort to her in unimaginable tragedy, when their daughter was killed by their son-in-law, leaving 3 young children. I can’t think of anyone who would not be blessed by this wonderful psalm.
Thank you for this devotional. There is something about being seeing by our Heavenly father that is healing and reassuring in a fallen world. I am so thankful for a beautiful scripture that God not only sees me but he sees me in such an individual and intimate way. God bless you.
I believe, “If we stand together, we stand a chance”. I have a poster of this quote I kept in my office when I worked as family advocate in a high school. Many kids identified with it.
Psalm 139 us a favorite psalm. When I may question what is happening around me, and to me, I like to read this psalm.
In Courage,
I find it amazing that the God of the universe knows me intimately (warts & all) & still wants to have a relationship with me. He is willing to forgive each & every transgression & loved me enough to die my death! He deserves my Complete devotion!!
“He knows where we are and all of our restlessness to be somewhere else.” So where I have been for a while now. It’s so comforting to know that God is with me and will resolve these feelings in His time and His way. Thanks so much for today’s post.
Thank you so much for this very timely post. It really comforted and encouraged me tonight.
Lynne C Granger
I am open to God the Word of God.
Tthank you for this opportunity
What a comfort and a blessing leading to peace. If God is for us it doesn’t matter who’s against us.
This was very encouraging !
What a comfort to know we are known and loved.
It’s so comforting to know without a doubt that the Lord of the universe loves me unconditionally. Nothing can ever separate me from His love for me.
God taught this to my heart and soul.it goes with me every day.
If God had not called me to be his and snatched me from the abyss I would not be here today. And if I had to live without Him I had rather not live.