I start watching Christmas movies in October. While finishing my kids’ Halloween costumes, eating their candy, and planning my Thanksgiving menu, holiday movies are on in the background.
I also start rockin’ around the (musical) Christmas tree with Christmas music in September.
You know what else? In November, I have my first red cup drink at Starbucks. It’s usually a skim one-pump chestnut praline latte, and I love every calorie-laden sip.
We put up our tree before Thanksgiving too. It’s pre-lit, so we enjoy the glow without decorations for a while, and then the day after Thanksgiving, we trim it! It goes up early and stays up late — well into February.
I hear a thousand of you inhaling sharply.
I also believe I may hear a thousand of you clapping. I know I’m not actually alone in my stretch-out-the-celebrations-as-long-as-possible style.
If you know me, you know I love me some holiday season-ing. (Yes, I made it a verb.) I’ve written two holiday books and countless social posts about holiday-ing with my family. We try to go all in with our whole hearts, and we try to squeeze every drop of joy out of each one. Throw in my kids’ Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter-time birthdays, and our family festivity motto is “Celebrate big!”.
It seems that sometimes when people express their holiday joy outside of December, they’re met with scoffs and scowls and general Scrooge-iness, and I always wonder why. I understand letting each holiday breathe on its own, giving each its own space and time to be enjoyed, but what in the world warrants actual anger at someone simply enjoying a holiday or celebration that brings them deep joy? Can’t ‘tis the season mean just that — this is an entire season full of opportunities for celebrating?
The God we celebrate and praise created each of us with unique hearts and likes and things that bring us joy, and I’m pretty sure He wants us to lean into them. Irenaeus’s famous quote, “The glory of God is man fully alive,” resonates with my year-round, Christmas-loving heart because loving and celebrating holidays both big and small is part of who He made me to be. I hope it brings Him glory when I lean into that, operating in who I am by His design.
Friend, when it comes to celebrations, you do you. It doesn’t matter one bit when you jump into the holidays. October? November? Christmas Eve? Not at all? Whatever works for you! All Thanksgiving all the time? Okay! Put up the tree tonight or keep it tucked away til Christmas Eve? Game on! Have a holiday movie marathon and cookie swap in November? Go for it! You get to celebrate in the way that’s most meaningful for you, and no one gets to tell you there’s a better or different or right way to do that.
Just over a year ago, my family celebrated my mom’s twentieth year of being breast cancer free.
We celebrated every one of the gifted-to-us days from the last twenty years with pink everything, loud laughter, tearful stories, and being together. The week before our party, I attended the funeral of a friend who punched metastatic breast cancer in the face for eight years, right up until the end. Hundreds of us gathered to celebrate her life through our tears. With such a different kind of celebration so fresh in my mind, the celebration for my mom was even deeper and more meaningful than I’d expected it to be.
We have today, which means we have a chance to celebrate.
So do it. Celebrate — whatever you want, whenever you want. Put up all the Christmas decorations your house can hold. Eat the cake. Keep your tree up into February. Lean into celebration whenever you can because there is extraordinary in every single one of our plain old everydays, and each one of them deserves to be celebrated.
Whatever brings you joy and God glory, do that — during the holidays and all your days.
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Thank you, the holidays are hard for me because my better half is at the feet of Jesus. So thank you for your encouraging was today.
Oh Gail, grieved for you and praying your heart feels enveloped in love especially this holiday season.
You are spot on saying that God made each of us unique. It shouldn’t matter how, what or why we celebrate. God celebrates every time a sinner repents & comes back to Him. My hubby & I don’t care much for holidays. Maybe cause we work medical & often work holidays. Both our parents are gone now-although his step mom still living. This year is even tougher on people. Covid has taken its toll mentally, physically & emotionally on so many people. We need to celebrate & have some fun music on to help get us over those feelings. Asking God to help us celebrate the birth of Jesus. To remember that He left the splendor of Heaven to come to broken Earth to save us from our sins. Listen to “Leaving Heaven” by Matthew West & “It’s About the Cross” by Go Fish. These songs speak loudly to my heart about the true meaning of Christmas. Have a blessed & happy Christmas.
Blessings 🙂
I love “It’s about the Cross” by Go Fish! Thanks Beth!
Thank you, Anna! Your post reminds me of Byrd Baylor’s book, “I’m in charge of celebrations.” The LORD has given us many reasons to celebrate. Let us, each one in her unique way, celebrate every day!!
Yes and amen, Carolyn! May we celebrate freely.
Thanks for a wonderful post! Christmas is a peaceful time in our hearts. Enjoy yourself and be thankful for the reason of this season! Thanks Anna!
Love this so much. Such good encouragement and inspiration. I’m going to put this into practice starting today❤️❣️❣️
Thank you so much! Your writing is so cheerful and uplifting I appreciate you for it. I can hear the joy in your written words. So happy for your Mom❤️
Cree, thank you for your comment! It was indeed SUCH a gift to celebrate her anniversary last year!
I will be thinking of you when I listen to comments in February regarding my Christmas wreath that will not come down until Valentine’s Day! And while holidays are not the same since I became a widow 2 years ago, and I need to push myself to embrace the season, once I actually open the boxes of Christmas decorations, I remember why I need to do this. Good for you Anna for taking the time to embrace the “season”.
Madeline, I love thinking about a Valentine’s Day tree! How fun is that?! And why not, right? May you be able to embrace this season, and may your heart feel a quiet joy even in a new season.
“The God we celebrate and praise created each of us with unique hearts and likes and things that bring us joy, and I’m pretty sure He wants us to lean into them” – This. I love it and completely agree. “We have today, which means we have a chance to celebrate” – Amen. Thank you for this post ❤
Thanks for being here, Wemi!
Thank you so much for this post. This year has been hard for so many of us. I didn’t even want to put up my tree or decorate since this year it’s just me but God had a different plan. I’m happy to say that I’m now surrounded by a beautiful Christmas tree with all the trimmings and decorations everywhere including a dancing Christmas Snoopy. March is usually when I take everything down but I’m
in no hurry and that egg nog cake is ready to be baked. Merry Christmas as we celebrate our King Jesus and await his return.
A dancing Snoopy!! We have one of those two, and he’s a favorite with my kiddos (and with me)! Also egg nog cake sounds delicious. I have a recipe for egg nog bread that I make each year, but cake! Yum.
AMEN and AMEN!!!!
Let the celebrations begin!!
Thank you for such an encouraging post.
What a joy it was to read your message today! Congrats to your mom on TWENTY years – so awesome! I just rounded year 4….and celebrating is always worth it!
Oh Heather — congratulations to YOU! Celebrating your anniversary today; here’s to twenty+ more!
What a wonderful idea and such good advice. It makes you wonder why we have limited ourselves all these years. Thank you for sharing your views. Have a very Merry Christmas
Do you really celebrate Halloween? I thought it was a Pagan festival fraught with hellish and evil implications and that Christians weren’t supposed to engage? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not criticising you. I organised a Halloween party once a long time ago, but then got wise about it and stopped short in my tracks. Do let me know your thoughts. I love your way of celebrating Christmas and the love, joy and peace of God (Fruits of the Holy Spirit) are in our heart always.
Anna, I agree with you. In the OT, we see God establish lengthy times of celebration in the festivals and so on. I think we need celebration and it’s a good challenge to consider what that means for each of us. The more we can cultivate a spirit of celebration/ thanksgiving, celebrating all that God is and has done for us, the better off we will be. Especially in the midst of challenging times of worldly turmoil. We need to remember. I honour your celebratory spirit. It doesn’t need to look the same for each of us – I believe it’s about the heart and our mindset. We all may express our gratefulness differently; that’s not only okay but to be expected. It’s all good when it comes from a thankful heart.
Anna, thank you for a message so simple and yet so profoundly beautiful. I will aim to do just that – celebrate joyfully in whatever way I wish to, and without regard to what I think I ‘should”do! Merry Christmas!
May we eradicate ‘should’ from our vocabulary, yeah? Thanks for being here, Christina!
I absolutely love this! I have kept my tree up through February and put Valentines on it for many years. I get teased about it but it brings me joy, especially in the cold and sometimes dark days of winter in upstate New York. Embrace your inner child and all that God made you to be!
Hi Anna,
This was such a breath of “fresh air” to read. This year, everyone needs that Joy in celebrating, making this season their own. I reaaly loved your final line; so beautiful!
Thank you.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Shalom, Sandy
Amen!!! I am the same way with Christmas I celebrate and decorate when I want to and for as long as I choose!!
This so touched my heart! I dearly love the Christmas season and all the joy and hope it represents! God bless you this Christmas
Late in saying how much I loved this. We are kindred spirits. 😉 A very Merry Christmas to you & yours! ♥