They will proclaim the power of Your awe-inspiring acts, and I will declare your greatness. They will give a testimony of your great goodness and will joyfully sing of your righteousness.
Psalm 145:6-8 (CSB)
Every month of 2020, we featured the Love Over All theme verse on the first Sunday of the month. We loved everything about Love Over All (read more about it here), and we hope you did too!
December’s theme is Love Celebrates.
Celebrating God’s goodness can come at any time of the year, but how beautiful to celebrate Him during the Christmas season? We see His rich love abundantly displayed through the arrival of Jesus — the first time God is here with His people, fully man and fully God. Jesus was the fulfillment of so many of the promises God had made through His people.
We love reading the Christmas story because it shows the true display of awe and wonder in the people. From shepherds watching over their flocks by night to wise men and more, they delighted in meeting their Savior and King, in the form of a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths lying in a manger. Hope came in an unexpected package, but it was here. And because of this, today we too can celebrate and rejoice in God’s goodness as witnesses to the Hope born before us and still present long after His birthday in Bethlehem. Let’s celebrate this month with full joy and praise for all the amazing things God has done.
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In Courage,
In December we celebrate the fact that Jesus left the splendor of Heaven to come down to broken Earth & save us from our sins. He also died a horrible death on a cross for all of us. Those two acts alone show just how far & wide is God’s love for all human kind. Let’s celebrate joyfully His great goodness. Sing loudly His praises-He deserves our best efforts.
Ditto to Beth’s words, and singing praises for God’s great goodness and His most precious “Gift” to all the world! The “Gift” of His Son, Jesus! There is no desire in my heart for anything this world could ever offer up…the Christ Child that God has sent is the greatest gift of all the greatest gifts ever imaginable! And I know Him!! And He loves me sooo much!! It is just so exciting!!
Amen. Very nicely said. What a wonderful two-fold gift God gave us! He gave us the gift of Jesus who Himself gave us the gift of Salvation through His death on the cross. For this we are indeed ever grateful.