About the Author

Kaitlyn is a Virtual Assistant, book launch manager, and storyteller who writes about discovering God's goodness in the ordinary and faithfulness in the difficult. She loves good books, deep conversations, and iced vanilla lattes. Kaitlyn is the author of Even If Not: Living, Loving, and Learning in the in Between.

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  1. says

    About the time the pandemic began, the Lord turned my heart back to Revelation and the prophetic books of the Bible (roughly 30% of the Bible is prophecy). Amazingly, much of what was prophecied has taken place and one could argue that we are coming down the homestretch. Revelation used to give me the heebie-jeebies, but not anymore. Prophecy in scripture is meant to give the believer hope that this world is not the end and fear and chaos do not get the last word…God does, and His Word is good. We are blessed in the reading of Revelation, even if we don’t grasp all the symbolism. I take heart and this Advent, I especially look forward to Jesus coming again – once and for all! Great post!
    Bev xx

  2. says

    “We get to tell the story in this in-between, on this page marked 2020, confident that the Author is good all the way through.“

    Loved this. Thank you.

  3. says

    Hopeful, wonderful post ! ” Everything sad will come untrue for Light has come”
    reminded me of the verse where God says He will repay us for the years the locusts stole.

    Blessings to Kaitlyn and all my sweet sisters in Christ.

  4. Agnes says

    Wonderful words of encouragemnt and hope in these trying times. Thanks for sharing. God is GREAT and loves us with an everlasting love. How wonderful and glorious!!

  5. Beth Williams says


    Great post!! Sometimes God wants to get our attention. He usually does that by repetition. I will see or hear things several times. A few years ago we had one of my pastor’s professors come down for a 5-part series on Revelation. Like you I came to enjoy rather than dread Revelations. In fact it made me realize what kind of Christian I wanted to be. Definitely not like Laodicea-neither hot nor cold. I have heard preacher state that much of prophecy is coming true. Like Bev I believe we may be in the end times. So much chaos & everyone doing what they want-like in Noah’s day. Praise God He is in control of this spinning universe. We have hope & a future. This Christmas let us remember Love has won & all is being made new.

    Blessings 🙂