Now a woman suffering from bleeding for twelve years had endured much under many doctors. She had spent everything she had and was not helped at all. On the contrary, she became worse. Having heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his clothing. For she said, “If I just touch his clothes, I’ll be made well.” Instantly her flow of blood ceased, and she sensed in her body that she was healed of her affliction.
At once Jesus realized in himself that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and said, “Who touched my clothes?”
His disciples said to him, “You see the crowd pressing against you, and yet you say, ‘Who touched me?’”
But he was looking around to see who had done this. The woman, with fear and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell down before him, and told him the whole truth. “Daughter,” he said to her, “your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be healed from your affliction.”
Mark 5:25-34 (CSB)
Twelve YEARS. For twelve years this woman had suffered, bleeding without relief. Because women were considered unclean during their menstrual cycles during ancient times, it’s likely she had spent those years not just weak and possibly in pain, but shunned and isolated, with no one willing to touch her or come near. Desperation had sent her to doctor after doctor through the years, but not one had been able to help her. Instead, we’re told, her condition had gotten worse.
Though we don’t know what treatment this woman had been given in her pursuit of healing, we know that she had “endured much” and was sicker than ever before. The treatment for her affliction may have actually been just as harmful as her illness itself, and yet her desperation pushed her to continue seeking out a remedy. By the time she heard about Jesus she was likely weak, discouraged, and afraid. But this didn’t stop her from trying one more time.
Used to being unseen, unwanted, and untouchable, the woman did not approach Jesus. She did not look Him in the eye and ask for help. She did not cry out in her pain, begging for help. A leader and teacher like Him knew full well He could not come near someone unclean, so she probably assumed.
Instead of inviting Him near her, she kept to the shadows, walking behind Him and reaching out, merely touching His clothing for help, and probably hoping He would not notice. In that moment she found the strength to hope again, to reach for the help she so dreadfully needed, and to believe that healing might still be possible. That hope led her to the Savior and Healer, the only One who could give her true relief.
Her hope — and maybe her healing — gave the woman courage. When Jesus felt power leave Him, He asked who had touched Him. The woman did not hide or run away, though she may have wanted to out of habit. Instead, she fell on her knees before her Healer and Savior and confessed. She didn’t know how He would react or what He would do to her, but she had integrity and respect for the One who had finally cured her disease. What a relief it must have been when Jesus looked at her and simply said, “Daughter, your faith has saved you.”
Perhaps you, too, are suffering an affliction that keeps you isolated and seems incurable. Perhaps you have struggled with something for years — physical or emotional or spiritual or relational — seeking help around every corner but finding no relief at all. Maybe you’ve been fighting a battle for so long that you’ve traded your determination and desperation for resignation and resentment. Don’t give up hope, friend! Don’t settle for distance between you and the Lord; don’t begin believing that isolation is all there is for you.
The beauty of the bleeding woman’s story is that it illustrates how ready Jesus is to heal us. He doesn’t require us to make a formal request; He doesn’t demand that we make payments or promises. He simply wants us to reach out to Him with hope. If we reach out to Him, like the woman of this story reached for His clothing, He will respond. His reaction to our faith and need is reflexive; our faith in His ability to step in activates a loving response from Him every time. He may not heal us in the timing or in the way that we assume is best, but He will not ignore us. He will not leave us bleeding in the road. He will respond to us with grace and peace and help when we need it most.
After years of suffering, after spending everything she had, after being disappointed over and over, this woman still had hope. She still believed that the man she’d heard of, the one teaching and performing miracles, could help her. She still had enough faith to brave a crowd, a reprimand, and another letdown. And this time, it was worth it. Her hope for healing led to her faith in the Healer, and she found freedom from all her afflictions that day. May we be as bold in our belief and as hopeful in our pursuit of help and care from the Lord.
Thank you for this reminder that God will never ignore us or leave us “bleeding on the road” when we bring our requests to Him. I needed the reminder, as I’m seeking His help with struggles and temptations that have plagued me for years, that He responds with mercy and grace rather than anger and condemnation. How wonderful to know that He is gentle and kind even when He doesn’t answer like I imagined or wished He would.
Thank you for sharing this. So timely, both in my personal life and in our world, where so many are silently suffering.
I have struggled with PTSD and autoimmune disease, and all that that entails physically, mentally, emotionally, for 25 years. The burden is heavy, and is made even more so because of the toll it takes on my children and my husband. They suffer silently, if not bravely as well. People don’t understand; they have no idea the depth of pain and discouragement that is a regular part of our family’s daily lives.
JESUS understands. He is all-knowing and merciful and unconditionally all-loving. This is my saving Grace and I am eternally grateful for His unwavering Love.
I remember years ago suffering very heavy periods as woman. It caused me to have seizures. Before my period and during it. Plus after it. One day I was not well. Out of the blue. I took a seizure out of nowhere. It scared my Husband. He didn’t know what was happening to me. My Mum was alive at the time. They both were scared. Then every month when I was due my period or before it. Mum then and my Husband would live in not knowing what to expect. From I get up. To I go to bed at night. As with my seizures. I get no warning. I could be talking to you one minute the next out of nowhere take a seizure. It was offal. Because my period was due. Or I had it or it was nearly finished. It was very very heavy. I had to have hysterectomy. To see would it cure the problem. I didn’t want kids. Not that I didn’t love kids. As I was Registered Childminder for 19 years. Love my Niece’s and Nephews. But no not brave enough to give birth. I admire you women that do give birth. I can relate to the women in the Bible with the issue of blood for 12 years. Mine was not as long. But I lost weight and was not well. I trusted Jesus all the way through everything. Plus when Jesus had me see what Doctors he had to say too me all those years ago. Before I was put on the waiting list for my hysterectomy. When it came to me having my hysterectomy on 23rd of October three years ago. I was not scared. I knew it was the best thing for me. Something told me. I knew it would be the only way to stop my seizures. I even used to have them in my sleep and during the day. I got this saying before my operation. Don’t worry about tomorrow God is already there. That is so true. That saying is so true for all of us especially in this Covid 19 pandemic we are in all over the world. God was all ready there for me to do with my operation. I went through it with no problems. Because I also had so many people praying for me as well. I am hear today because Jesus took me through it with an act of courageous simplicity. I knew Jesus guided the secretions hands doing the operation. Plus I only had one we tiny small seizure since. I trusting Jesus that I will have no more. Like the women with the issue of blood for 12 years or more she knew to trust Jesus by touching and pushing through the crowd to get to touch the heam of his clothes to get her healing. I keep trusting Jesus every day for my healing and keeping my eyes on him. Reading his word the Bible and Prayer every day also. I know Jesus will take care of me. Jesus will do the same for you all reading this. Like Jesus did when I was going through my operation and before I got the operation. Jesus was with me and my Husband plus my late Mum help them help me and them through the difficult days. When I was not well. During those days I never nor did my Husband we never stopped trusting Jesus. We knew Jesus was helping me and giving us the strength to cope. I thank God I am were am today. It because of Jesus I am so well today. I trusted him all the way. That was an act of courageous simplicity. Thank you incourage for another excellent reading. Keeping you all in prayer. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xxxx
Tank you so so much for this wonderful writing. Been feeling just like this woman for so long. I’ve been so blessed by your website, always the right words just when I need them. I live alone and have 2 upcoming surgeries to face and so afraid. God bless you for your help and encouragement.
I can see the love, care, compassion and complete understanding of our Lord in this incident. He was kind, caring and tactful. He accepted women just as they were. His attitude towards them was even more radical than in modern times. Our Lord Jesus is so wonderful and extraordinary in every way.
When in courage started I remember longing and praying for a friend. Yesterday I felt very alone and cried out to God for a close friend. Today I went to a World Street Eats in a Square in my city. I am always alone when I go to these things. I ended up chatting to two different groups of people, one I invited to church! Later I met three couples I hadn’t seen for ages and I even got a hug! My state has been covid free for about 5 months! I just got home and read this message. God spoke to me when I read,’ Don’t give up, friend. ‘ I saw God’s love in all the people I connected with today. It was emphasised when I read the words above. Iam 72 and have always been single and my two sisters live in other states. Your message wasn’t about healing for me but about not giving up. Thank you!
He really is a friend to the friendless, amongst all others we need Him to be in our lives! He’ll also respond to your prayer for friends, and the right kinds too! I’m a witness, after thinking I’d truly received that “sister” longed for before we were, no more. Some connections can truly hurt. Glad you reconnected to those couples and met some new people. Continue trusting what God can do for you!
The beauty of the bleeding woman’s story is that she showed the world true faith. She had nothing else to lose. Out of money, ill & getting worse, plus shunned by everyone so why not give this a shot. She proves that faith & hope can bring about a cure. She wanted it so much she risked everything just to touch the hem of Jesus’s robe. It proves that Jesus can & will heal you in His way, & time. We must have that kind of faith & hope. Keep on praying day & night. One day God will come with His healing touch to your life. Never give up hope or faith!!
Blessings 🙂