Based on my family history, it’s no surprise I look for natural options and ways to eliminate our exposure to synthetic toxins whenever I can. My mother’s life was marked by poor health caused by medical procedures that filled her body with dangerous chemicals and the medications required to help her deal with the results.
For years she required a cane to walk and lived in debilitating pain, which controlled her life and prevented her from doing things I take for granted every day. I watched the slow deterioration of her health from my childhood until she passed away at 58 years old.
She never met my youngest daughter or her great-grandchildren. Other than my husband, my mother was my best friend, and her passing left a large hole in my life.
Nothing about my mother’s health was natural. I saw what a life dependent on medication and medical intervention looked like; it was tragic. When my husband and I took childbirth classes during my first pregnancy, I broke out in a cold sweat and made a quick exit the week we talked about pain medication. I got sick in the hallway because I couldn’t make it to the bathroom on time. I was more worried about pain medication than pain.
For years I lived with headaches and thyroid problems and took prescription and often over-the-counter medication daily. In 2015 I turned to essential oils at a time when I was stressed, my hormones were out of whack, I wasn’t sleeping well, and I was dealing with unexplained pain. I had recently entered the world of book publishing. Two of our boys were about to get married. I was thrown into new roles and responsibilities as the mother-of-the-groom (times two), and my stress level was off the charts. The phrase “stress kills” popped into my head a lot, which wasn’t a good sign.
One evening, at the end of another stressful day, I decided if there was any chance essential oils could help, then I was willing to give them a try. I’m so thankful I did! The combination of therapeutic-grade essential oils and a wonderful chiropractor changed my life.
Encouraged by my family’s positive experiences with essential oils, I began to study them and how they affect the human body. The research is fascinating. God is an intelligent designer. He not only created us but also provided these tools to help us live happier, healthier, and more abundant lives.
In the past, people spent more time outdoors and in contact with plants and the oils the plants produced. God provided them for our use and benefit. Why would He design us in such a way that we could only function properly with the assistance of man-made products and inventions?
It just doesn’t make sense.
Although I initially turned to essential oils for help with pain and stress, I discovered many additional uses, including:
- chemical-free alternatives for cleaning and for health and beauty products
- replacements for over-the-counter medicines
- potent and easy-to-store herbs and spices for cooking options for flavoring water
- ingredients in DIY gifts, such as bath salts and sugar scrubs
- help with calming a child
- perfume
- immune system boosters
- a natural air freshener in a diffuser
- sleep improvement and relaxation aid
- things to refresh my spirit
I designed It All Began in a Garden as a guide to fifty essential oils and their uses. Not only do they possess the power to positively affect the body, but they can also promote peace of mind, transform mood, or enable focus of thoughts and energy. As we explore each oil, I pray you’ll see ways it can benefit you, whether you are an experienced user or discovering this world of possibilities.
You will be amazed by the hidden benefits of the plants that surround us! I hope the stories in this book open your eyes to God’s provision in new, exciting ways and always point you toward the Great Physician.
Essential oils are rapidly growing in popularity due to their many physical and emotional health benefits. What the world has forgotten is these natural remedies have been around since the beginning and were given to us by God for our greater well-being.
This practical and informative guide featuring beautiful photography from Dawn Camp introduces you to 50 essential oils and their vast array of uses, including pain and stress relief, aiding in weight loss, increasing focus and memory, and much more! You will discover easy DIY recipes for homemade scrubs, balms, and lotion bars, and inspiration and encouragement from Dawn throughout.
Rediscover the good things God created and nurture your physical and spiritual health with this one-of-a-kind resource.
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I grow my own lavender and make lavender essential oil. I have trouble with insomnia and getting to sleep. I’ve made a linen spray that I spray on my pillowcase just before bed. Lavender is good for inducing sleep and restfullness. The scent is soothing and it gets me in the right mood for sleep. I need the oil that’s best for weight loss 😉
Bev xx
Hi Dawn, I have just dabbled in oils – have a few go to oils – lavender, lemon, and peppermint for allergies. Deep blue is a huge necessity in our house. I would love to read your book and find out more ways to use oils to enhance my life.
The only one I’ve ever tried is lavender. I love how soothing the scent is when I’m falling asleep. I have several friends who swear by essential oils, but I’ve never really understood what the benefits really are. Looks like Dawn’s book and personal story could answer a lot of questions for me!
My favorite is lavender. But when a cold comes calling I like Eucalyptus too. I’d love to read your book. I too have raised a family of seven and have been on a journey for years to treat naturally.
I have a couple of really good blends that I love to use in my home. Next on my list to try is lavender, because I really love that scent.
Peppermint is a go to for me when a headache comes on. I also use Eucalyptus quite a bit as well. I have a couple of books on essential oils, but think you book would be a great addition to my essential oils library. I’ve come to believe the oils do help us when we are hurting or stressed or just when we need to rest from what we are facing.
I like eucalyptus and orange diffused. I would love to learn more about use of oils for health and wellness. Kathy
God has provided for us from even before we were born Dawn. As he knew all about us. As his word the Bible tell us that. He even knew when we be born. Who our parents would be. What color or eyes would be etc. Where in his beautiful world we live in. So when we stop and think about God has already provided for us even before we were born. That is just amazing thing to stop and think about. Plus thank God for. Especially when he made this beautiful world we live in. We sometimes take that for granted. When we grumble over so little at times. I remember a friend saying to about a song. Called the Grumblers. I think you get it on YouTube. It goes something like this they grumble on “Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and even on Sunday they grumble all week long” It is so true you get people who are followers of God who still are not happy with all that God has given them and they still grumble not matter what. There are other words too the song but I can’t quite remember them. But it a good song it so true. I love Psalm 118 verse 24 it say “This Is The Day The Lord Has Made Let Us Rejoice And Be Glad In It” yes let’s rejoice and be glad in it. As God provided it and gave it to has as another day to be alive in his Beautiful World. God has provided it for us to enjoy. We can be happier by reading in his word the Bible about all the lovely things God has done for us and says about us. As we are Daughter’s of the King the true king that king is Jesus. Plus thank his back in Prayer. Let God know that. When we have roof over our heads food on our tables clothes on our backs clean running water. When there are so many people who don’t have theses things. We should be be praying more for them. On YouTube if you type in theses words “The Father’s Love Letter” it will tell you all that God thinks of you just how Much God Loves you. Even before the beginning of time. Don Moen a great Christian song writer and singer has wrote a lovely song. You get this on YouTube as well it worth listening too. It is “God is good all the time” type that in on YouTube by Don Moen. You hear by the song how good God is. God is Good all the time and all the time God is Good. How true that is. Love today’s reading like all the reading from all you all incourage. Keeping you all in prayer. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xxx
Your book sounds wonderful and informative! I already use a few oils. Peppermint relieves my stomach pains fast. And helps clear my sinuses when I have a sinus headache. I actually dab a little into each nostril. Makes my eyes water but releases congestion to blow my nose usually relieving headache pain! That with a hot washcloth over forehead goes a long way to relief! So I am excited to read your book!!!
Im an avid gardner. Trying even harder this year to provide more for my family during times of food supply shortages and an endless supply of stress. Id love to know more about what I can make from oils and plants that are apart of our natural environment and how to use them to live better.
I like the citrus ones.
Hi Dawn,
I love reading your posts. I could not agree more with you on the essential oils. I am a big fan of them. I suffer from severe migraines and applying lavender and peppermint to my forehead and temples has really helped me when hit by one of these nasty episodes. I also use eucalyptus with the diffuser to clear the air at home and it feels so good.
I will definitely enjoy reading your book and learn more about them!
Lavender is my favorite essential oil. The fragrance is so refreshing. If there was ever a time that we need stress relief, it is now. Even with my total faith in God and His plans for us, I feel the stress from time to time. I was not aware of your book, but I would love to read it and learn more about the therapeutic values of essential oils.
A blend called valor for my back, my husband snoring, and general care!
My favorite oil is peppermint. I started using this years ago for headaches and it works wonders. Second for me is lavender for a sleep aide. I keep these two oils on hand. I have tried a few other oils over the years, but lost interest due to not knowing exactly how to use them. Which is exactly why I would love a copy of your book.
I have heard about essential oils and the many benefits they provide. Your book sounds like a wonderful guide for me to learn more about them.
I love the peppermint. It’s so relaxing and with all the stress in my life it helps me to destress. I also love lemon it’s so refreshing!!
My favorite is lavender. I put a couple of drops on my pillow at night and it helps me relax and go to sleep I love adding it to my bath with Epsom Salts to sooth my muscles and relax. I also use it on insect bites. It helps the itching go away
I’m a pharmacist by trade but prefer natural alternatives to traditional pharmaceuticals. I would love to read this book.
I love any citrus oil, patchouli, and bergamot!
I recently used some oil from hedge apples that a friend gave me to sooth some abrasions I incurred from a fall while running and the oil helped heal my body. Otherwise, I have not used any essential oils but I would love to get your book and learn more about these!
Thank you, Dawn, for this encouraging post. Every night, in my diffuser, I combine Roman Chamomile and Lavender for a beautiful scent and restful night. Helichrysum helps with my osteoarthritis and bergamot and other citrus oils lift my spirit. How grateful I am for these good gifts that God gave us!
Dawn, I love your heart that shines through in this. I too believe God gave us everything we need we just need to open pur eyes and hearts. Congratulations friend, I dont know you well but I am so excited for you!
I love my essential oils, My favorite is the Theives line, we clean with it, difuse it, actually its the only thing we clean with in our house. I can’t wait to read your book.
Essential oils have been a life changer for us. I would be hard pressed to name one favorite, but a couple of blends are necessities in our household: a digestive blend for my tummy and an immune support blend to get us through flu season, as well as the current pandemic. Oregano is a great antibiotic. Lavender will calm my mom’s sundowner anxiety in minutes. Right now I’m diffusing a delightful blend with sweet orange, bergamot, Douglas fir, Roman chamomile and vanilla. So many wonderful uses… and they work!
Straight up eucalyptus oil is my favorite. It helps calm my anxiety. This book looks like a good read.
I love lavender because it helps so much with stress. Thanks for an opportunity to win!
The first oil I ever tried was seems I use it for so many different lavender is my favorite! Lemon and peppermint are also like that I use often.
Nothing like fresh lemon! So uplifting at times when it is hard to otherwise feel lifted up!
I don’t know much about essential oils but would love to read your book and learn about them. I deal with constant pain in my body but have no idea where to begin with the oils.
I love Bergomot but also the citrus oils. My son uses Peppermint and Lavender at night to help him sleep. I would love to learn more and know what your 50 recommended oils are and their uses.
I am learning more about essential oils and use them for bug spray, and as sleep and relaxing aids. They are a clean way to care for me and my home, particularly around pets. My favorite? Probably lemon for cleaning. Lavender for relaxing. And if Vanilla is one, I’m all in for it. . One of my co-workers gave me a small bottle she created for focus, a thoughtful gift for busy work days. God indeed does provide. We get need to get back to His basics. Thanks for this God focused book and the giveaway. Be Blessed!
I was introduced to essential oils by my niece and her husband about 6 years ago. We have transitioned to an almost completely synthetic chemical free home now. I haven’t used an OTC medication in over 2 years. They are truly a gift from God. I have a multitude of favorites but On Guard anything and Patchouli are most used with lavender and frankincense coming in close second!
I would love this book and am trying to live a toxin free life – it’s never to late to change and start. Oh the things we have put in our bodies and our earth. Lord forgive us for not taking care of you what you have entrusted to us. Please help us to become wise and use your creation to heal us, take care of ourselves and earth wisely and live a healthy. joyful life. Open our eyes to your goodness you have created for and given us!
I LOVE Vetiver. It is my go to for grounding and sleep help. I have two sensory children and that is an instant calmer for both of them… especially if they are having any pain. Combined with Lavender, it is an amazing, powerful, healer and calming solution.
I have only used Essential Oils in a limited capacity. Both my husband and I have used the lotions for muscle aches and have gotten some relief with them. Since moving half way across the country, my husband has started researching them to see other benefits since I have trouble from time to time sleeping through the night. I am also trying to lose weight to help manage my diabetes. So many of these problems could be helped if I just knew the right oils to use, so I would greatly benefit from this book.
Peppermint is the one essential oil I use the most, and for a most unusual reason: rodents. As we dealt with the aftermath of Hurricane Michael and praised God for His tender mercies, thoughts of how I would have fared had evacuation been necessary. It was time to replace my 2004 sedan for an SUV. The purchase was made at the end of February (a low-mileage 2013, that exceeded expectations) .
The vehicle ran fine for several months . . . until the Check Engine light came on. A peek under the hood revealed that field rats had chewed the wiring harness! Their habitat had been impacted by the storm, as well. A quick internet search revealed that peppermint oil is a GREAT deterrent to rodents, and drops of essential oil was sprinkled (on solid surfaces) in the engine compartment and wheel wells. It would be great to have a reference manual that contains not only uses, but “recipes” for balms, etc.
I haven’t tried many yet but I am interested in learning more about them for pain and de-stressing! My favorite is Cinnamon.
Hands down my favorite s lavender and Bergemot …combination that puts me to sleep and fills my room with a delightful amora
Lord bless you Dawn with your new book & raising 9 children!!! That’s a huge accomplishment whether in today’s world or when your great grandparents were raising their families.
My youngest & only daughter is getting married next month & we are so excited! I am 66 years old & have never used oils or know much about them. I do suffer from insomnia as well as chronic back pain so maybe there’s something out there in that field to help me? Right now I’ve been going thru steroid shots that have brought on relief for a few months at a time.
I love reading your devotionals & they are definitely encouraging to me during these troubling times. We are strong believers & I’m so thankful to our Lord & His grace because I don’t know how we’d make it thru without His love & guidance.
Lord bless you with your son’s weddings!
If I had to choose only one oil on a desert island, it would have to be Frankincense! Please don’t tell all my others!!
I agree- essential oils can help so many-UNLESS You’re allergic to them, as i just found out our son is- after breaking out in hives on his face and neck. Like everything else, we still need to be cautious when learning about them.
I have only recently begun using essential oils. I love the lavender for my bedroom. I find it very calming and soothing. I use orange diffused or lemongrass in my dining room and kitchen. Not only does it give a good clean scent, it seems to perk us up, energize us. I was very skeptical about essential oils and if they actually worked until I broke down and bought a diffuser and some oils. I am now a believer and I am working on learning more about essential oils.
Would love to learn more about how the oils help with lack of sleep, stress, headaches, backaches as my daughter has all these issues, plus has undergone HER2 Chemo treatments.
This book would be a very useful tool! It’s difficult to narrow down to a favorite oil when there are so many good ones. My favorite oil company is Hopewell and I love their Plague Defense (ie Thieves).
I’ve been curious about essential oils for awhile but thought they might be a gimmick. Yours is the first article I’ve seen bringing God’s design for our health and wellness into the equation!
Whether I win a free copy of your book or not I will definitely set about to research these natural resources- thank you, Dawn, and God bless you!
My favorite is lavender. It works great on rashes and bites. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I have been interested in essential oils since the late 70’s. Thank you for this opportunity.
I love lavender; it reminds me of my childhood and has always been a favorite of mine. Another favorite is frankincense; the fact that it is one of the gifts that the Magi brought to Jesus makes it all the more precious to me. The scent always centers me and brings me clarity and peace.
I have not used any essential oils, but at age 66 it may be time to start!!
I do enjoy the mint family smells.
The book sounds awesome and very educational. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.
Hi, my favorite Essential Oil is Lemon grass and Copiala.I use for Fibromyalgia pain and feet neuropathy. I would love to receive this EO book. Thank you for the opportunity to receive it. God bless.
I enjoy Cedarwood and lavender oil. I love the relaxing fragrance and I diffuse them and put them on the bottoms of my feet at night for a good night’s sleep!
I love using lavender at bedtime. It is very soothing.
I have started using a digestive blend and peppermint. However, I have been skeptical and wondered what the Bible said about their usage. This book sounds like it would be great in learning more about that.
I don’t think the Bible says anything about essential oils themselves – they’re almost exclusively a product of modern technology. However, people in the Bible used what they had: the Good Samaritan uses wine and oil [antiseptic thing plus soothing thing] on the wounds of the man who had been robbed and left for dead.
I guess: if one is using anything as an Alternative To God, it’s bad; if one is using anything out of thankfulness to God, it’s at least presumably not sinful.
Whether it’s safe or not is another question, given 1. how many essential oils are at least partly not what they’re labeled as [there’s no regulation and entirely-third-party batch testing like there is for OTC meds like aspirin! Some do have batch testing by a separate company, but those companies are paid by the oil brand, which may affect results.], and 2. pharmacologically-active natural substances… are still pharmacologically active substances, and that means you can overdose on them or have negative side effects from them especially when they’re concentrated (I mean, arsenic and cyanide are both 100% natural in origin; but a tiny bit of potato leaf isn’t going to harm you, and one apricot kernel isn’t likely to kill you). And then there’s also the question of allergies and sensitivities. I guess: don’t use pharmacologically-active substances that are concentrated *way* beyond what you can readily get in nature without doing some good legwork, since what worked that one time for one person using one batch/brand of oils might be hazardous to another person, or with another batch/brand of oils. (people also have different sized “drops” of oil, which is something to watch out for in recommendations/recipes)
Essential oils can be a great tool! But sometimes they’re a power tool and should only be used after reading the manual and donning at least a pair of safety goggles. 🙂 But unless people use them as idols or an alternative to God (which yeah, I’ve seen, but some people use *anything* that way, from their phone to a favorite collection), I don’t think they fall under any Biblical proscriptions.
Our family has made our own soaps (laundry and bath) in the past, and I always appreciate Lavender in them. I’d love to go deeper into the idea of essential oils, and Dawn’s book looks like a perfect place to start!
Thank you! 🙂
The only oil I’ve ever used is lavender. I am a flight attendant and have heard that putting lavender on the sheets will keep bugs away so I sprinkle lavender on the sheets which also helps me to sleep better. I would love to read your book and learn more about essential oils. Thank you
I too am trying to be more natural i n my approach to life and really enjoy using essential oils and would love to study them more deeply!! Thanks
My favorite essential oil is Thieves!! Love the smell and the cleaning power!
Hi! I’m excited about this book. My favorites are a lavender, sandalwood, and frankencense.
Stress away blend is my favorite. But my go to’s are lavender and peppermint.
I want to learn more about essential oils. I love citrus and peppermint.
I like any essential oil with a citrus element. The orange and lemon are energizing and smell so clean and fresh! I would love to learn more about how to use essential oils in everyday life. It is amazing what we can miss in our busy and hectic lives that God has provided right under our fingertips!
Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this book! Sounds like something I would love & could learn a lot from. My favorite essential oil is Breathe (DoTerra). Love it!
Hello! I have so many favorites! But I love all the citrus oils and use them every day! The benefits are endless and help my spirits always be lifted when needed!!
I love your passion, as it matches mine!! I can’t wait to read more of your good works!! From God’s hands to ours… and passing to the next to be blessed!!
Honestly, lavender is so simple and useful for this season of raising littles! Between that and a good citrus, I’m rocking and rolling 🙂
Since the suicide loss of multiple people in my life body has taken a huge hit. I’ve used lavender to help me sleep and I’m very interested in learning and using more natural things to get thru this life.
My favorite essential oil is Eucalyptus. It always helps to ease the pressure I get from sinus headaches.
I have so many favorites!! I love Panaway!! I have a lot of neck and shoulder pain This really helps. Rutavala for sleep. Frankincense for my skin!! So many more!!!
I am using lavender and cedar wood right now for bedtime. I love lavender. I am also big on lemon and use it in my laundry !
I love essential oils and have many favorites — lemon, lavender, peppermint, peace and calming, ylang ylang, cedarwood, bergamot — I could go on and on.
I love essential oils! I began using them about a year ago. Lavender is my favorite and brings me joy just smelling it. I would love this book ❤️
Northern Lights Black Spruce ❤️
I love the concept of this book!
My ultimate favorite is Frankincense. It seems to be the head-to-toe essential oil for overall health. But the one I use most often is peppermint. For tension headaches, energy, and tummy trouble, it is my go-to oil.
Thank you and God bless!
A friend introduced me to Thieves oil to help when I stay to get a site throat. I was very skeptical but willing to try. It works! I have used it successfully several times. Like my daughter says… even if it’s in your head if it works, that’s all that counts! I would love to hear how other oils can help with other things, especially hormones! That’s the first I’ve heard of that!
I am just learning about essential oils and would love to understand more. I have lavender as I know it helps heal burns on skin.
I am just learning a bit about essential oils from my daughter-in-law. She is trying to help me find some of the right combinations of oils to help with a variety of issues I have. I am a slow learner when it comes to all of this so am very thankful how patient she is with trying to teach and help me.
My favorite would have to be Frankincense. Hail to the king
I was in a bad car accident in 2015……….I was basically scalped, & the drs told my daughter Lisa that I may never have hair again. I was to have plastic surgery later. Lisa immediately started dripping Frankincense on my wounds numerous times a day. This was my first introduction to oils. Within about 7-10 days or so my scalp started to look like skin. I did eventually grow hair. It’s thin, but it’s hair.
Praise The Good Lord
I’m so thankful for Lisa & Frankincense!
I’m just learning about essential oils and your post is inspirational! The only oils I have at this time are peppermint (my fav) and lavender.
I haven’t personally tried any essential oils. One day an RN I work with was having some pain & another RN put something on her shoulder-peppermint I think & her pain left her. Now I am becoming a believer. God did give us all these things to use for our health. Back in olden days people used Hyssop & other oils for cooking, cleaning, etc. They didn’t have any of our modern conveniences or chemicals. A few years ago I went to a women’s conference where a lady talked about essential oils. I was skeptical. Now I’m a believer & would love to get the book.
Blessings 🙂
Peace and Calming is my favorite blend. I am excited to read your book!
I’ve never tried essential oils. But, I live with three chronic illnesses, in addition to depression and anxiety- and I’m open to trying anything that might help especially if it it feels like it’s something God brought into my path. I’m a teacher, grad school student, new aunt (to two), and wife, and I so desperately desire feeling some sense of normalcy in my health so I can be all I want to be for those I love.
I love so many oils for different reasons, but Elemi is my current fav! Feankenscience on the cheap
I haven’t tried many, but I have used up the tea tree and nearly the peppermint. Both food for so many things. I am trying to get back to more natural things so am looking forward to reading the book!
My favorite, by far, is peppermint. During chemotherapy just the scent helped to ease feelings of nausea. As I continue to battle brain cancer it helps immensely with headaches and migraines.
My all time favorite oil is Frankincense. It has changed my skin for the better! I had horrible sun damage and had tried all the conventional products and services. Nothing worked. I started using Young Living Frankincense on my face after cleansing and toning and prior to moisturizing. Noticed a huge difference quickly and it’s just gotten better with time. No one can guess my age now!
I love the combination of lavender and wild orange, it is soothing and at the same time refreshing. I use it in my classroom daily. It keeps me grounded.
I Love so many… Peppermint is one of my fav. I am allergic to cinnamon…however I work in a kitchen…. When fall hits, Cinnamon is everywhere! Peppermint oil saves me!!!
I don’t know how I lived without peppermint. Although lavender is also a favorite.
I love taking a deep breath of Citrus Fresh while at work. I would love to know more about oils and their benefits.
I love taking a deep breath of Citrus Fresh while at work. I would love to know more about oils and their benefits.
Hi, Dawn,
I have just recently started using essential oils and would love to learn more. Peppermint & the Good Night Blend (helps my autistic son relax prior to bed) are my favorites so far.
Hi Dawn! I started using essential oils in 2014, shortly after having our first baby (now we have 4!). She had a diaper trash that was *not* being helped at all by the Desitin the hospital sent home with us. So I read up on other ways to treat diaper rash and found out how to make a balm with lavender oil… the gateway oil! Rash cleared up quickly, and I was sold on oils from then on. I frequently have used peppermint for headaches, lemon in the diffuser to wake me up when I’m dragging or when there’s a funky smell in the air. I’m so excited to read your book!
I dot lavender on my pillow case, and sometimes use it in my bath to help me relax. I also keep peppermint handy at my work desk to “brighten and wake” my brain. Peppermint also helps when I have sinus issues.
I have always been skeptical of the essential oils movement although I have friends you swear by them. I would like to learn more….your book sounds like a good place to start.
Just started dabbling in essential oils. I love eucalyptus but feel so overwhelmed with information on essential oils. I’d love this book.
I love lemon because it cleanses and is so fresh!
I wish that I had a favorite essiential oil scent. I’ve never tried any, and dont know anything about them…or how they can help. I do know that God can use his word and his blessings in many ways. Such as your devotional that I just read.
I’m a work in progress with Gods help. I suffer with insomnia and anxiety. I am under a doctors care. Not a fan of all the prescription drugs, so I don’t let my doctor prescribe them.
I would love to learn more about natural remedies…such as the essiential oils.
Dawn, your book would be a welcomed blessing to me.
Thanks for sharing. I recently started using essential oils too. I think my favorite is Lemon because its so versatile.
My initial delve into essential oils years ago was Lemon grass… I love lavender and peppermint and consider myself a novice
Grapefruit is my favorite! I just wish it would last longer. I also love bergamot.
I love all the citrus scents. Right now our family has been using a blend of cassia and frankincense. Look forward to a book with practical application from a Biblical perspective. I love how God has given us all we need in His creation!
Hi, I was gifted with a diffuser and it came with the lemon scent. I love the scent. I dont have any other oils because I’m not sure what oils are good for what. I would love to be educated on that with your book.