Marshawn Evans Daniels
About the Author

Marshawn Evans Daniels is a reinvention strategist and faith + business mentor equipping women around the world to live bolder. As a serial entrepreneur, TV personality, creator of the Godfidence® movement and founder of SHE Profits®, she helps women turn ideas into income and faith into action. A former Miss...

(in)side DaySpring: things we love
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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
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  1. says

    God was so merciful in giving me a new lease on life when I turned 50. What he has mapped out in my life is more than I could have ever imagined or hoped for. I’d give this book to a friend who is struggling with her identity in Christ right now…she’s doubting where she is and where God wants to take her.
    Bev xx

  2. Alison Kozlow says

    Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insight. I have come through a season of loss and asked God to show me how I can glorify Him and how He wants me to turn my pain into purpose. I feel the call to write but it is so daunting. Thank you for the reminder “There is a mission with your name on it. You must believe bigger to perceive it and seize it.” If God is calling me to it, He will see me through it.

  3. Heidi says

    Wow, how timely. This year has brought significant loss and struggle. I would like to give this to my pastor’s wife because she has encouraged me so much recently.

  4. says

    I absolutely LOVE Marshawn’s book Believe Bigger. I’ve told many women about it. I’m so excited to see this journaling devotional that goes with it!! I would give a copy to a friend.

  5. Lauren Griesmeyer says

    How this really spoke to me Marshawn! I was in a very dark place with no end in sight, and God brought me thru it to a bigger and better place! Its nice when you make it thru! Not fun when you’re going thru it! However! Praise God that He see’s the bigger picture! Really unique post with fresh insights! Thankyou!

  6. Arlena says

    I work in Kitchen. I would love to give it to ALL the ladies I work with. Together is how we are navigating this Season. Amongst are day to day lives. I could not do the work without them. God gave us eachother for NOW! We are STRONGER TOGETHER. We have EXcellent table talk! Gleaning from one another. PRAYER LOTS OF IT!!!! GLORY TO GOD!!!!!!!

  7. says

    What an inspiration you are, Marshawn! Thank you for sharing your story. During a time of struggle and loss in my own life, I experienced God in fresh, intimate ways. And early on he gave me the scripture: “You do not understand what I am doing but later you will understand” (John 13:7). Yes, Jesus addressed those words to His disciples, but the morning I came across that verse, it seemed addressed personally to me and ministered a huge dose of encouragement. Praise God for the restorative power of His Word!

  8. Heidi Roesli says

    Wow! Your words touched my heart as a Mother and Grandmother. My daughter, her husband and 2 young children recently moved to a new area about an hour from their previous home, friends and family. She quit her job to be a stay-at-home Mom. Their son started a new school. All good changes, but definitely life-changing! I would love to have this book for her as an encouragement as she navigates her new life!

  9. Shelly Swift says

    I have ordered my book / journal and waiting patiently for it to arrive. I would love to send one to a friend of mine who recently lost her husband. I feel this devotional may be of great help to her and guide her to her purpose through the pain.

  10. Laura says

    I just have to tell you, you are so beautiful! I am sure you are just as beautiful inside as outside! My daughter has struggled for years but she is finally at a place where she is admitting she needs help and is in counseling. I would love to share this with her to see if it would motivate her to try journaling to express her inner thoughts and feelings and to give her encouragement to keep moving forward as she tries to get her life on the right track for her and her son. Thank you for the opportunity for this giveaway!!

  11. Rose N says

    Wow!! What an inspiration you are! Your words are from someone who has been there. Thanks for writing.
    I would love to share the book with my daughter.

  12. says

    I have read, listened to and LOVE Marshawn’s book “Believe Bigger” and I cannot wait to go through her new devotional “100 Days to Believing Bigger”! If I were to win a copy, I’d buy another one to go with the giveaway copy and give one to each of my two daughter-in-loves! But I’d rather someone else win and I’ll just give my bonus girls one for Christmas!

  13. Leslie Rountree says

    Marshawn, I am so sorry that you had to deal with that horrible time in your life. I had a similar situation, it was the most painful thing I ever went through at the time. God had His hand on me though, looking back on it now, it was the best thing that could have happened to me. He was not a good man for me. I just wanted to reach out to you and to thank you for this (in)courage message. I really needed it. I have been dealing with being stuck in Stage 3 for years and I just learned about Stage 4 gifts that God has opened my eyes to just recently. I am taking your information and thinking bigger and moving forward. I know my purpose now and I’m excited to see what God has in store for me as to my mission!!

  14. Beth Williams says


    God allows disruptions or trials to get our attention. He got mine when my aging dad got geriatric psych & was hospitalized twice. I lived close to him so it was up to me to handle everything & relay his condition & medical information to my sisters. It was hard, yet I loved it. Loved being useful & helping someone. After that trial ended God saw fit to give me a good part-time job at a big hospital as ICU Step Down clerical. I get to interact & help RNs, CNAs, patients & their families. I tell everyone it’s the toughest job you’ll ever love. Watching people get better & go home & knowing you had a small part to play. Also being there when people are grieving. Just giving them a loving touch & a kind word seems to help. Yes trials strengthen us & help us see our true potential.

    Blessings 🙂