About the Author

Tasha is a Korean American melancholy dreamer, wife to Matt, mom to three wild and wonderful humans. She writes about everyday life and cultural and ethnic identity, and writing has always been the way God has led her towards the hope of shalom. Her first book, Tell Me The Dream...

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  1. I know we all can get scared. We all are human. But that is what the Old Devil want us get is scared. Especially in the times we are in. I not a Mum. But I can kind of feel your pain. As Mum your kids expect you to keep them safe. Have all the answers to the questions their minds think of and they ask you. If scared of the bad weather. They expect you their Mum to say to them especially if they wake up in the middle of the night scared. You their Mum to make it all better and re a sure them every thing going to be ok. Inside you as Mother are probably scared yourself. But you don’t want your child to see you are scared. The Old Devil knows you are scared. He the Old Devil thinks he has you were he wants you. You have to be the big brave Mum not show your Child your scared. Let them know everything is ok. It is going be ok. We have to at times like these keep our eye on God. Even if we don’t have kids. And our scared of something ourselves. We have too not let the Old Devil win. Take it to the Lord in prayer and leave it with him. Not let our scared was get the better of us. Remember who it made this world. Start praying to the Saviour our of the world who has all of us in his hands who will never let anything happen to us. Like the kids song I was taught at Sunday School when small. It applies for today. You get it on YouTube. It is :He Got The Whole World In His Hands: God got the whole world including me and you in his hands as well. We can’t even begin to measure the Love God has for us all. But that song is so true. Plus God love us so much he even sent Jesus to die for us. As it says in John 3 verse 16 For God So Love The World He gave His Only Son. We his Followers should do the same Love the world and all people in it like God does and his son Jesus did when on earth. By if we can helping someone in need. Doing it in love on to Jesus. As if saved we are the Church. The Church is not the big fancy building. But the people the saved who go the extra mile to help those who need the help. Plus pray not gossip watch what we say. Doing little things like this is showing the peace and love of Jesus in a world that needs to know Jesus. In a nice way. Love today’s reading. Thank you for it love Dawn Ferguson-Little

  2. Love this, Tasha!
    While I understand Jeremiah 29, some days it is hard to continue to move forward. Some of my life has remained exactly the same, while other parts are stubbornly stagnant….we keep on keeping on as best we can. I wanted to hug your poor little one as the storm frightened him! We recently had a thunderstorm during lunch and my grandson covered his ears and the dog went under the table! When I look at the calendar it’s almost unbelievable have many months have passed. Thankfully my trust is in God to give me wisdom to carry on in these strange times. Blessings to you and yours!

    • Yes, I completely feel that sentence you wrote, “some days it’s just really hard to move forward.” That’s the truth. And honestly, even though God told his people he had a hope and future for then in Jeremiah 29, most of those that heard that never left exile. In a way, they didn’t “move forward,” as they probably would’ve chosen if they could.
      Thank you for your words, and care, Indiane. We are so glad you are part of this community!

  3. Great reminder Tasha! We are not the first of God’s people to live in difficult times.

  4. I love this perspective, Tasha ❤️

    These past few weeks as I’ve been longing for answers, I’ve been meditating on the the verses in Matthew 25: “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”

    It reminds me there’s always something to be done, even in uncertain times like this, if my heart is focused on living in Love!

    • Thank you, Adora!

      I love how you’ve been meditating on Matthew 25. That’s beautiful. And I see you doing these very things in your creativity with music and teaching throughout this time. I know those things have offered a welcome drink to thirsty souls.

  5. Thank-you for your beautiful, heartfelt post, and reminder Tasha not only to trust God at all times, but also to love others as well as He loves us.
    Blessings to all,

  6. Tasha,

    God has us right where He wants us. We may not like the way it is now-pandemic, civil unrest, etc. Even adults can get scared at times. Scared of the what ifs in life. God tells us to go about His work always. Everyday there are people out there hurting, longing to know Jesus. We can sit at home stuck in our worried state or we can go do as God commands. Our church participated in “feed the multitude” every 8 weeks or so before pandemic. Now we’ve partnered with another church & are helping make blessing bags. Families have gotten all kinds of supplies, food, clothing, etc for these bags. Sunday (08/16) we are taking a collection up to buy more items. We’ve also gotten bottled water for them. Something so simple can mean a lot to someone in need. Needs come in good & bad times. Praying that one day all this will be over & we can go back to a semi normal life. In the meantime let’s tend our gardens, cook food. & help others in any way we can.

    Blessings 🙂

    • Beth, I love your perspective and your heart to help in anyway you can. That’s so beautiful and I’m sure good things will grow from the seeds you plant and tend to in this time, despite everything. Thank you for doing that where you are!