but our adequacy is from God.
2 Corinthians 3:5 (CSB)
I don’t remember the first time I didn’t measure up. But I do remember the first time I stopped measuring. I was a freshman in college, rooming with my twin sister. I called my mom on the phone and said, “Mom, did you know I’m petite?”
She laughed at my crazy question and said, “Of course, honey. You’re 5’2”. That’s petite by most standards. Why are you asking?”
I replied, “But Mom, I’m the big twin. I had no idea I was petite!”
This new realization was remarkable to me. I had spent my entire childhood being compared to my twin sister. We were born five minutes apart, and I towered over her 4’10” frame. I was shocked when someone referred to me as petite. But that’s because I was measuring myself by the wrong perspective. And that’s what comparison does: it skews our view of ourselves and we begin to believe the lie that says we aren’t pretty enough or smart enough or stylish enough or skinny enough or tall enough or young enough or whatever enough.
We can never be all those things and certainly not at the same time. But that’s okay. We don’t have to be enough. Because Jesus is. All the time. And even better, through Christ, we are enough. He takes our inadequacies and unrighteousness and exchanges it for His perfection. When we don’t measure up, He does. And that is enough for all of us.
Whisper a prayer of thanks — that Jesus takes all our “not enough-ness” and He makes up for everything.
Written by (in)courage alum Kristen Welch for A Moment to Breathe: a 365-Day (in)courage Devotional
This is an excerpt from A Moment to Breathe: a 365-Day (in)courage Devotional Journal, which is available at DaySpring for only $10 right now! Such a great deal!
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In Courage,
For years I felt “Not enough” Being born with two punctured ear drums made life hard. Three surgeries later the right ear fixed, but the left one wasn’t. Had to take speech pathology classes all through HS. not being able to hear good made me shy. Thus I didn’t have many friends. I always felt like everyone else’s life was moving forward while I felt stagnant. Even my sisters seemed to be moving on & enjoying life. I was constantly comparing my life to others. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I felt I belonged. God sent me some trials that helped me see my worth. I felt important & useful. Now I have a job that requires much thinking & caring. God took my inadequacies & has shown me how I can use them for His glory. I know a little sign language. I do sign language to music for my church. In the end I thank God for my drawbacks. That is what He used to build & grow me to the person I am today.
Blessings 🙂
thank you for this! i am in a season where i am learning me and am gradually releasing the measuring stick that has been my constant companion. i am learning who i am in Christ and that the comparisons i’ve long harbored have undermined his craftsmanship and minimized both Him and me. over a year ago, my pastor’s wife told me i am enough. it didn’t make sense then, but it is now starting to sink in. i am enough! and what i’m not…God is!