May God be gracious to us and bless us;
may he make his face shine upon us Selah
so that your way may be known on earth,
your salvation among all nations.
Let the peoples praise you, God;
let all the peoples praise you.
Let the nations rejoice and shout for joy,
for you judge the peoples with fairness
and lead the nations on earth.
Let the peoples praise you, God,
let all the peoples praise you.
The earth has produced its harvest;
God, our God, blesses us.
God will bless us,
and all the ends of the earth will fear him.
Psalm 67 (CSB)
In Exodus 33:20, God allows Moses to enter into His presence but tells him, “You cannot see my face, for humans cannot see me and live.” In light of that verse, the blessing at the beginning of this psalm is that we not only get to be in the presence of God but we also have the privilege of having His face turned toward us. He doesn’t turn His back on us when things are not right in the world. Instead, He bends low and enters into the mess, and He is gracious.
The word Selah comes after that sentence to indicate a pause. Selah is an invitation to take a breath and soak in what was just read. Today, let’s look to God who guides us in the unknown and who leads us. Pause and rest in that truth.
This summer, we’re journeying through the book of Psalms. Join us!
Click here to purchase your Summer (in) the Psalms 40-Day Devotional Journal for just $7.99! This beautiful journal, only available on Amazon, includes forty days of reading selections from Psalms, twenty full devotions from the (in)courage Devotional Bible, and daily reflection questions with lined pages for recording your answers. This journal is an all-inclusive, one stop shop for your summer (in) the Psalms journey!
We’re loving our Summer (in) the Psalms with you.
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[bctt tweet=”Today, let’s look to God who guides us in the unknown and who leads us. Pause and rest in that truth.” username=”incourage”]
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Have a blessed Sabbath all! I encourage you to tune in for the weekly discussion (on Thursday) of the Psalms. I’ve found it to be a breath of fresh air in an otherwise monotonous week. The Psalms are good medicine for times like these! Thanks (in)courage!
Bev xx
In Courage,
I have three friends going through various severe trials. I find it comforting to know that our God doesn’t turn his back on us/them. He cares enough to hear our pleas/cries for help & bends low to engage Himself in our messes. Asking God to bless & guide my friends in their trials. May He bring about a solution/end to their suffering. May they be able to take deep breaths & soak up all the goodness of God.
Asking Jesus to be gracious to them and bless them; may he make his face shine upon them
We are a blessed people. We have a gracious God who guides us on our paths into the unknown. Pause & rest in that knowledge. Enjoy the day everyone.
Blessings 🙂
He doesn’t turn His back on us when things are not right in the world. Instead, He bends low and enters into the mess, and He is gracious.
May the Lord face shine upon us all. It reminds me of a song you get it on YouTube by Graham Kendrick. It is “Shine Jesus Shine” words so true for today and us saved and not saved. What we saved especially want Jesus to do in our world. Especially at this time. When we are going through all we are going through and all over the world. Plus we want what the words of this song say for our world today and every day. Thank you so much incourage for such a wonderful word. I have not join the psalms because You have to buy the book. I don’t know if Amazon here were I live were they use the £ sign. I had bad experience with them once. It was not my fault at all. So I never ordered from them again. That is why I not joined. But I say the psalms would be excellent. I do love you all and I do pray for you Dawn Ferguson-Little N.Ireland.