She was like a blessing chasing me down, pressing her way through the crowd of women to catch up to me. Though I flowed along in the sea of sisters attending the women’s conference, I was a wave that stood out. I am 5’9, deep brown, with gravity-defying, big, bronze-highlighted locks that surround my head like a crown. She reached out and grabbed me.
“Hi,” she said. “While you were praying in the chapel, God prompted me to tell you something. But you left while I was praying for someone else, so I had to come find you.”
At that point I was a good distance from the chapel, which meant she had run a ways to chase me down. She paused to catch her breath. We stood sideways so as not to impede the flow of women moving from one session to the next. We stood like two pebbles forcing the stream to move around us.
“God wants you to do something big!” she said. I gave her a smile. I felt she was right, in the general sense that God wants us all to do “something.” And “big” is relative.
“Do you know what it is?” she asked. I shook my head, looking up and searching my mind as if I might find the answer in a distant memory.
“No,” I said with authentic cluelessness.
She seemed a little surprised that I didn’t know. She paused in anticipation of the Holy Spirit’s next instruction for me. “Write!” she said. “Do you write?”
“No,” I replied, committed to my confusion. I was sure she had the wrong person.
“Start writing, journaling, and it will come. It will come through your writing.”
I nodded with a slight shrug of indifference and merged back into the flow of women moving from one conference session to the next.
Months later, I noticed that I was journaling more. My journal was a vessel filled to capacity as I poured out prose and poetry. Writing was becoming an exclamation mark accentuating the things that consumed my heart. I’d swell with cares and concerns for the community around me in a way that felt new, strong, and heavy. But what had changed? I was still a wife and mom of three adorable girls. The world had not changed. It was still fractured and suspended in passive hope.
I really hadn’t noticed that there was a theme to my writing because it was so subtle. But when I paused to allow it to speak to me, it shouted with clarity. I recalled the prophetic woman who chased me down to deliver words that seemed empty at the time. But as I noticed a theme emerging, her words exploded with meaning. I realized that what she meant by “big” meant heavy, hard, cumbersome, and significant. I didn’t want to be the Black woman burdened to address our nation’s festering wound of racism.
I yelled at God, “No! I don’t want to do this!”
But His encouraging hand remained on my back, pressing me forward. I realized that I had grown complacent with the level of racism in our communities. Beneath the lukewarm desire for diversity in our nation was a broken foundation — its falling pieces stoking and feeding the embers of a fire that had never been extinguished. We’ve been inhaling the toxic smoke of racism for four hundred years, and we can’t breathe.
I had adjusted to this limited capacity to breathe, and now God was saying, “No more!” It was time to listen and hear God! I was being invited to wholly participate in cultivating and manifesting God’s dream for us.
I knew the work would be excruciating. I told God, “Yes, I’ve studied anti-racism education. I’ve been immersed in helping heal communities and people with racial wounds. I’m a mom in a multiethnic family, and my father was a police officer. But I will not be heard. I will not be seen. Racism has so consumed us with fear and confusion that I will be labeled ‘divisive.’ I will be accused of stoking the embers. I will say, ‘God wants to heal us from racism,’ and they will dismiss my prophetic voice, my experiences, my intellect, my humanity.”
I was right. It happened. I’ve been ignored, discounted, disrespected. I’ve been shouted down by people who say they love God. It hurt — it still hurts. And the trauma lingers.
And now, in what can only be acknowledged as divine disruption, repair and healing are breaking forth through the broken foundations. As African-Americans struggle to breathe and grieve from centuries of indignity, I am in awe of the world-wide effort to listen, to hear our collective gasp for breath, and to hear God.
And while we are listening, please hear these truths:
I am a helper, not divisive.
I am equipped to foster healing; I’m not a leftist.
I am an educator, not a mammy.
I am a beautiful woman loved by an amazing man; I’m not a wench!
I am God’s image-bearer, lighting the path to freedom from our destructive ideologies and practices. My goal is aligned with God’s dream for us to be free!
I used to be complacent. I had no idea that I could make a difference beyond my door. I was wrong. I am exceedingly grateful that God is not satisfied with our inhumanity. Instead, when we listen, we hear God beckoning us to live Jesus’ final prayer — for all of us to be one (John 17:20-23). Let’s not run away. Let’s all allow ourselves to be chosen, chased down, and overtaken by this liberating work.
Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it.
Luke 11:28 (CSB)
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Thank you for being faithful to your calling, sister.
You are beautiful, brave, and precious. Please keep writing. We need the voices of truth-tellers to be enunciated more clearly in this world.
Thank you reading and hearing my voice.
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement!
I’m so glad that the angel at that conference called out your gift of writing. You truly have a gift of the ability to weave words together to not only heal divides, but to glorify God in the process. You have the perfect ingredients – multiethnic family, police officer father, beautiful god-fearing black woman – to bring warring factions together. The “endgame” will not be reached through violence, but through love and obedience to God’s word. You have the tools to do this. Obey your unique calling and others will follow.
Bev xx
Hi Bev!!
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice.
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement!
I will keep listening.
My husband and I (white northerners, both) watched Just Mercy together this weekend, and were breathless. We kept date checking — incomprehensible that so much evil could persist in an era supposedly post-civil-rights-era.
Blessings to you as you follow God’s unique “calling to which you have been called.” Calling implies God’s presence and his action. May you sense his heartbeat.
I am in awe of your words. I want to read more. You were given the gift to speak out about racism and you wrote it so poetically. The world needs to hear your words and know Who they came from. Please continue writing and/or speaking. The world needs to hear a powerful woman (sister) like you.
Hi Tammy!
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice.
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement! I love how God sends loving encouragement through people!
I will keep listening.
My thoughts exactly, Tammy!
Love you, Lucretia. You are all those things you wrote and more. You are a beloved daughter of God and a VITAL member of the body of Christ.
Hi Michele!
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice.
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement!
I will keep listening.
Lucretia, thank you for your courage and your faithful, powerful witness. We need to hear more from you. Please write more. We are listening.
Hi Sharon!
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice.
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement! I love how God sends loving encouragement through people!
I will keep listening and writing.
This is beautiful. I am listening.
Hi Emily!
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice.
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement! I love how God sends loving encouragement through people!
I will keep listening, too!
Thank you for your words and perseverance to make your voice heard just as God has called you to do.
Hi Kerri!
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice.
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement! I love how God sends loving encouragement through people!
Thank you. I am ready to hear more. Keep speaking this poignant truth, so eloquently laced and purposed with love.
Hi Barbara!
Yes! LOVE is the catalyst!
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice.
Beautiful!! God ~ give us eyes to see, ears to hear/listen, minds to learn and gain wisdom, hearts to be humbled and to have compassion, and a mouth to speak in your love and truth. Thank you for this… can’t wait to read more of your writings. May God work in you, through you and with you Lucretia (beautiful name by the way). He is a BIG God and will and can do BIG things… as we trust in Him. Enjoy these two songs… songs of hope!!….. but God
Hi Tamara!
YES! God is BIG!…and has BIG dreams for us!
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice. And thank you for the worship links.
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement! I love how God sends loving encouragement through people!
I will keep listening and writing.
Thanks for writing with Spirit-empowered courage, compassion, and confidence, phenomenal woman of God! I wept and praised God as I read each beat of your tender heart through the words God has given you to share. It is my pleasure and privilege to pray for you, your beautiful family, and the ministry God has entrusted to you. I am grateful for all of the beautifully diverse voices who speak God’s truth and love through the ministry of (in)courage. This is a safe place to connect, to hear one another, to pray with each other, and to praise the Lord with our heartbreaking sobs and jubilant songs—hoping and healing together. I’m praying for that brave soul who listened to the Holy Spirit’s nudging. I pray she can see how her obedience to God has impacted your life and the lives of everyone who reads the messages the Lord has poured out through your faithful obedience. To God be the glory, the honor, and the praise!
Hi Xochitl!
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice. I am happy to know that you connected with me.
Thank you for praying for me!!
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement! I love how God sends loving encouragement through people!
I’m reading Jeremiah right now. The weight of God’s truth can be so heavy, but we need it desperately. Even when we stop our ears, we still need it to be said. And his promises WILL come to pass. I pray that you will have strength and joy to endure, that God’s good comfort would be poured out on your family even right in the middle of the fight, that those who have slandered you, speaking against his heart of righteousness and justice, would repent and believe. Thank you so, so much for your faithfulness, dear sister. I’m listening.
Hi Anna!
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice.
Thank you for praying for me!! YES!!!
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement! I love how God sends loving encouragement through people!
It is my absolute joy to introduce friends to you and your work in this season. How thankful am I that God would allow our paths to cross and connect long before this moment in time? (very!) I have no doubt that God has been preparing you all along, giving you this passion to educate and teach in a way that makes a difference, changes history, and shines glory to Him.
I’m sorry for what it has cost you, for the price you’ve paid and will pay, and I’m grateful for your courage. I’m praying for you and for those who will hear….maybe for the first time.
Hi friend!!!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I listened to your prayer again on Voxer and was revived with laughter.
Thank you for praying for me!!
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement and your love! I am in awe of how God has hooked me up by surrounding me with such loving, kind, and generous sisters like you!
Yes when we listen Jesus speaks. I believe with all my heart God is wanting us as his followers to spend more time in in his word the Bible and Prayer. If we do that ask the Holy Spirit to help us get out his word the Bible what he wants us to get out of what he wants us to get out he will helped us through his Holy Spirit get out of what we just read. Then help us apply it too our lives. As the Bible tells us as Follower of Jesus how to live our lives as we should for him that please him. Being kind loving and caring people. Also people who love people of all walks of life. No matter what skin color they have. Or religion they have. Plus we are praying people and we don’t judge people. We also watch what we say and do. We go the extra mile to help people like Jesus did in his day when he was on earth. We do it all for the love of Jesus because we are the Church to the word out there that is hurting. They that are not saved will hopefully see by our life styles Jesus in us. When we listen to Jesus he can show us who needs our prayers and our help. Jesus will bless us for doing that. We do it all because we love Jesus. Because of what Jesus done for us. Yes look at the way he loves us he went to Calvary for us. He forgave or sins. We can do this for us by listing to him and loving all his people and helping if we can his people in need. Like if we can taking someone a meal or doing some shopping for them or taking them shopping ect. That is showing them the love of Jesus. Thank you again for another excellent reading. Love you all incourage praying for you all. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little
Hi Dawn!
Thank you for praying for me!!
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement! I love how God sends loving encouragement through people!
Shalom to you
This world needs voices to speak out for the oppressed. Those who have lived it & know the stigma attached. Thank you for listening to & obeying God’s calling. You were put here on this Earth for such a time as this. Your voice is essential in helping rid this world of racism. I can’t get over the fact that people still have hatred in their hearts based on what people look like outside. We need to stop looking at the outer side of man & look deep into their hearts. Most people are loving & caring like Jesus. Praying for everyone in these tumultuous times. May we have more people like you who stand up, educate & speak for the oppressed.
Blessings 🙂
Hi Beth!
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice.
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement! I love how God sends loving encouragement through people!
I will keep listening and writing.
Hello Lucretia,
Thank you for listening and following the spirits leading to pour out your heart, and share. Jesus is using you for many of us scattered across the world. I write from Peru. We have had to stop, quarantine has helped this, but also the violence and unrest we see in the news. We have had to reevaluate and listen to the spirit also, re-examining and praying on our knees for forgiveness, and new understanding of who Jesus really wants us to be, how to live and love and serve others.
Hi Janette!
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice. Thank you for pausing to hear God’s heartbeat for restoration. I pray that more will have eyes to see and ears to hear.
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement! I love how God sends loving encouragement through people!
I will keep listening and writing.
“Let’s all allow ourselves to be chosen, chased down, and overtaken by this liberating work.” AMEN, Lucretia–chosen, chased down, and overtaken to sow seeds of love, kindness and unity every chance we get. To be honest, when the COVID-19 restrictions were lifted and we finally left the house on a couple of errands, I wasn’t sure how to respond to the three Black people we encountered. Had the resentment portrayed on the news become hatred in their hearts? Would they prefer that I just kept my distance? But I said hello to the first gentleman, and he greeted me with a smile. And the next couple said hello to me first. I thanked God that not everyone is consumed by the rage playing out elsewhere in our city and across the country. May you be that voice, Lucretia, that aids in healing our wounds, proclaiming truth, and inspiring the unity a great majority of ALL races desire!
Hi Nancy!
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice.
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement!
I will keep listening and writing.
The Lord has given you a gift, I am so glad you have chosen to use what He has supplied. You are a true encouragement with your words. I loved reading what you have written.
I will be looking forward to hear all He is allowing you to write about these times. I will be praying for your strength and endurance and that you will never quit.
HI Faith!
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice.
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement!
I will keep listening and writing.
I am always so blessed by your heart to be obedient to God. Your faithfulness to saying “yes” amazes me. Your obedience even when the road is hard humbles me. The sheer number of people God brings across your path to encourage you- encourages me. Keep up the good fight and be strong. You are always in my prayers.
Hi Penny!
Thank you so much for your prayers!! You know I need ALL OF THEM!…lol
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice.
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement! I love how God sends loving encouragement through so many people!
I will keep listening and writing.
Your calling is SO important! Keep writing and doing all you can. We are all watching from across the globe and stand with you! Praying Gods blessings over you as you participate in his Kingdom work here on earth!
Can I email you? Or can you somehow get in touch with me through my profile? I’m not sure but I’m feeling perhaps the Lords nudging to reach out to you!
Love Jas Wilson
Hi Jas!
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice from across the globe!
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement!
I will keep listening and writing.
You can reach me at
Thank you friend for your faithful work!
Hi Heather!
You’re welcome!
Thank you for reading and hearing my voice.
I sincerely appreciate your words of encouragement!
I will keep listening and writing.
Stand firm and speak your truth Lucretia!
The world need to see and hear you!
Many blessings!!
Needs to see and hear you!
Hi Sandra!
Thank you for your words of encouragement! I love how God sends loving encouragement through people!
I will keep listening and writing.
Thank you so very much for following God’s voice and making your voice heard. Thank you for not being complacent and being willing to stand up for what is right and true. What is happening now is beyond heartbreaking and we grieve for the injustice, pain and suffering that surrounds racism. Writing is definitely a talent He has gifted you with and it has blessed so many with the words you have shared. God’s richest blessings on you and your sweet family.
Hi Susan!
Thank you so much for reading my words and hearing my voice! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement. Pray for me. Pray for us. Together, we will cultivate God’s dream for humanity.
Shalom to you.
Oh wow, Lucretia.
I am in awe of your words, your calling, the impact God has for you to make.
You speak truth laden with grace.
I’m off to share this post with the people in my world.
Bless you!
Hi Linda!
Thank you so much for reading my words and hearing my voice! I sincerely appreciate your encouragement. And thank you for sharing withe friends!!
Together, we will cultivate God’s dream for humanity.
Shalom to you.
Shalom to you.