About the Author

At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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(in)side DaySpring:
things we love
& you will too!
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  1. (in)courage friends,
    I’ve seen and experienced how God can, for lack of better words, blow my mind. He can literally make our world start spinning in the opposite direction. I’ve seen Him move mountains and I know that He can do it again. Holding on to hope and dreams…
    Sunday blessings,
    Bev xx

  2. In Courage,

    William Cowper said “God works in mysterious ways His wonders His wonders to perform”. No one knows how or when God will move in our lives. This one thing we know God loves us to much to leave us alone in our sins. He will do just about anything to get our attention back on Him & His wondrous love & care. Holding out a lighted candle of Hope that we along with God can heal our nation & come back to Him.

    Blessings 🙂

  3. I too have seen and been witness to God working in my life. Things happened, opportunities opened, prayers answered BuT only in his timing.

    Again prayerfully I wait. God is here and is with us. His power is immeasurable and his love is bottomless. He says Take heart for I am with you. Lean in, tell him your fears, your gratitude, your sorrow – He wants us to be in relationship with Him.

  4. God Love is deeper than we can even think or ask. We have too have the same love that Jesus would want us to have. That is the love that loves everyone. I know that hard especially if someone has annoyed us. Or if we see someone getting away with something we know is wrong. Theses things can make us very angry. But we are to do what Jesus would want to do especially if saved. I know it hard. As have been there Myself. I wanted to say something once. God said no Dawn. Just keep quite. Pray for them. You say too yourself how can you love them still when they are still doing wrong. Then God said because they are not saved. What you say will make no difference too them. But you have too keep on loving them. I found it hard. But I did it. Through time they saw what they were doing was wrong and stopped. So God answered my prayers. As if I said anything to them it would have caused as row. I would have got no where. Also Jesus says we are too love all his people even the unsaved. No matter who they are. No matter what skin colour they have. Like he did when on earth. Like the kids song. I know. Jesus Loves all the children of the world Red and Yellow Black and White. I like that kids song as it reminds me to do that. Love today’s reading xxx