I’m on the phone with my friend, and she’s crying. “I’m sorry,” she apologizes. “But I’m so angry.” (Anybody else felt that emotion in recent weeks?) But before I reply, my friend gets quiet. “No, actually I’m afraid.”
Indeed, our whip-sawed emotions have been through the wringer. Dare I even mention the word “pandemic” – aware that more than a few are weary of hearing about it?
Still, my friend is afraid. Her close relatives are hospital workers. “Two nieces and a cousin – all on the front lines.” But when my friend asks people to please stay home, to not rush to open their states and businesses – so hospitals aren’t overrun with more infected people – my friend gets called names. “‘Snowflake’,” she tells me. “But also worse.”
And wearing a mask? “Not in my town,” she says. “A mask means you’re a traitor. Most people don’t believe the death reports. One woman told me everybody who dies now is ‘counted as covid’ – including a man whose wife shot him during an argument.” My friend laughs at the absurdity of the situation.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave.
And then those locusts?
“What? Locusts?” my husband frowns, confused when I mention yet another problem. I show him news photos of “hundreds of billions” of locusts swarming now in East Africa, “threatening crops and livelihoods,” according to the BBC.
And how is that a problem of humility, you might ask? I’m struggling, indeed, to bring this all together, but we’ll start with this:
When I . . . command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people . . .
2 Chronicles 7:13 (NIV)
Yes, that’s God speaking. King Solomon is listening. He’d asked God what people could do if they sin. And no, I’m not saying the Lord sent the locusts or the coronavirus – especially not as punishment for one sin or another.
As a metaphor for bad times, however, God’s answer to Solomon is worthy of our attention. Thus, it pleads, in straightforward words, that during trying times:
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)
God is speaking, indeed: First, get humble. But what does He mean to “humble ourselves”?
It’s a question most of us, if we’re honest, can answer. C.S. Lewis simplifies it this way, “Humility is not thinking less of [ourselves]; it’s thinking of [ourselves] less.” In that way, then, “humbling ourselves” is all those things many of us often don’t do – ceasing from arguing, getting quiet before God (Psalm 62:1 NLT) and before one another.
Reflecting on such things and desperate, as you are, for healing in our land – and across our world – I challenged myself to list ways I can be humble:
- Get quiet before God.
- Seek the Lord’s face – that is, His presence.
- Abide in Him, tarrying in His way.
- Listen.
- Confess my sin to God and to others.
- Cease to judge.
- Be gracious.
- Forgive.
- Be lowly.
Or, as my late mother would say, “Girl, hush.” Then quiet, on our faces before God, we hear His remarkable voice:
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:28-29 (NIV)
Yes, being humble makes us more like Jesus — the Healer of our land and of us. At His feet, we rest in His beautiful presence — praying, turning from our wicked, ornery, resentful, tiresome, judging, hypocritical ways. Then, the sound and fury of this pandemic? He heals it. And as people work together, not against one another, He heals us.
My friend and I, discussing this, agree to stop feeding our fears and anger by turning humbly to the Lord and getting out of His way.
What follows after? Our hearts change — the soil of our spiritual land cleansed. And are we surprised? Our Father is right about how to stop plagues and locusts that afflict our territory. Get humble. Then, as we yield, He moves the mountain.
[bctt tweet=”Being humble makes us more like Jesus — the Healer of our land and of us. -@PatriciaRaybon:” username=”incourage”]
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You hit the nail smack on its head. Casting Crowns has a song in which the lyrics query, “What if His people prayed instead of asking Oprah what to do?” I know it’s tongue in cheek sort of. But what if we looked away from the spotlight, away from politicians or government having all the answers? What if we sought God’s court instead of the court of public opinion? Scripture says that God loves a humble and contrite heart. Repentance and obedience to a God who knows what’s best for us is the only way we’re going to get where we want and need to go. I think we could all stand to eat some “humble pie,” myself included! Excellent post!
Bev xx
Humble pie! Oh Bev. I’m first on the list to need that meal. How did we all get so self-glorifying, disobedient, boastful, gloating, and God-denying. I’m guilty of it all. If this pandemic doesn’t drive it out of me — out of us — what will? And yet? God is merciful and forgiving. As we run to Him today, falling on our faces, humble and repentant, may He hear our cries and heal our land. Bev, thank you for affirming that remedy! With His peace today!
You are spot on in this post. This country & world needs to come back to God. We’ve strayed away for far to long. We, Christians, need to get humble & start praying hard & long to God. Asking Him for wisdom & knowledge to handle our own day to day lives. I don’t listen to the news much-tired of all the virus talk & stats. I simply take a walk & talk it over with God. Only God can heal our land & us. No government or company mandate can do this. I believe that for such a time as this we were placed on this earth to show this sinful world the light of Jesus. We need to bow our heads & pray now more than ever. Been doing “Dangerous Prayers” by Craig Groeschel & praying “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Asking God to cleanse me first so prayers will go unhindered to the throne of God. Also been asking Him to “Send me”. Use me any way He can & will.
Blessings 🙂
Amen, Beth! “Search me, O God — and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” All believers could heed to lift that prayer today, surely myself included. For, indeed, only God can heal our land — and us. Blessings as you humbly light a path so others can find Him. Yes, humbly at His feet we bow. On this day, indeed, I’m kneeling there with you!
The best post I’ve read yet addressing current issues. Bravo, and thank you, Patricia!
Oh, wonderful April. To God be all the glory. May He hear our humble cries and heal us!
Thank you sooooooo much Patricia,
I’m working through a series of events with a friends who has deeply wounded me and my family this past week, and I have sensed the Lord urging us to pursue forgiveness over justifying our hurt and anger. I believe you have added just the insight we needed for this day, to humble (or think less of) ourselves and our rights to be heard and instead we’ll cover our friend with love and forgiveness. I’m gathering your list below as if they are tools to organize in my toolbox and going before the Lord. Bless you!
Get quiet before God.
Seek the Lord’s face – that is, His presence.
Abide in Him, tarrying in His way.
Confess my sin to God and to others.
Cease to judge.
Be gracious.
Be lowly.
Oh, dear Lora. God’s great blessings on your forgiveness journey. Isn’t the Lord amazing — to use a humble essay on humility to draw you to His healing path of forgiveness! As you seek Him to forgive the hurt person who hurt you, may you and your entire family encounter and know His healing power and grace. Oh, what a humbling and healing walk. I’m rejoicing with you in advance for all that He will do! Lifting you with love!
Oh such a timely word, Patricia. So wise. And it is hard to be meek (another way to say being humble), midst all the noise and arguing over this pandemic….especially when we start talking about rights. Often when we refer to our “rights,” we don’t do so from a posture of humility, but we demand them. In the end, I believe it’s only Jesus who has the right to our lives, and our lives are in His hands . . . through a pandemic, through anything we face. If I bow before Him in humility and His right to rule not just this virus, but my very life, I’ll be at peace, and I’ll be in a heart posture to pray. Thank you so much for sharing this insight.
PS I wonder if I might humbly ask the in-courage team to consider putting the major part of the blog in bold lettering. I find it very difficult to read the lighter typeface. I realize that lines are bolded to make them stand out for emphasis, but maybe instead those highlighted lines could be put in caps, in red, indented from both margins, or *something.* It’s just a thought, but it would really help making this wonderful blog more readable. 🙂
So well said, beautiful Lynn. Only Jesus has the right to our lives. “If I bow before Him in humility and His right to rule not just this virus, but my very life, I’ll be at peace, and I’ll be in a heart posture to pray.” Thank you for displaying your beautiful heart posture in so much that you do. Indeed, the storms of life are raging during these times, but humbly at His feet may we bow. Our healing awaits us there. Thank you for affirming this path back to God! (And P.S. — I’ll share your concerns about the lighter typeface!) Much love today!
I too have trouble reading the fine print used. In fact I gave away my (in)courage Bible because I just couldn’t read it easily. I do the best I can but wonder how many give up trying to read? So much to miss.. I have to start my day here, and read all comments as well! I need my heart focused. I need spiritually humbled and challenged!
Debbie, I’m so sorry the fine print is a problem for you, too. I’ll share your concerns with the editors! In the meantime, thank you for sticking with this community. May you be inspired each day by the daily readings and comments — and may the fine-print problem be addressed! Many blessings today!
Good morning Patricia, thank you for the reminder of humility today, for I know this is the only way to win my child back after my acid tongue inflicted harm into her soul yesterday. I know time is short and Jesus is working on helping me win her heart for his kingdom despite my many failures. Have a blessed day dear sister ❤️
Oh, dear Maggie, God hears your regret and He will go before you in this situation and heal. How do I know? I’ve committed the same transgressions against my beautiful daughters. Yet, humbly, the Lord has helped them to see my wrongs as bumbling attempts to lead them to Him — trying to do His work for Him. So, my real job? To love my daughters. Indeed, to trust Him — and to love them. Love them well — with kindness and confidence that love is God’s way. Yes, for all our days. It’s a humbling walk and God is faithful to bless it! Praying your encouragement, indeed. With His love and hope!
Amen and amen~
Indeed, dear Ann! Amen and amen! God be praised!
I enjoy your posts so much. When I see your picture my heart leaps because I know it’s going to be good! This one You share with us is no exception and so timely. I have been working to memorize 2 Chron 7:14 during this time. I am “older” so my memory is not what it used to be but I keep at it. I believe this is the key to revival that we so desperately need. Thank you for sharing this important post. Lord, please bring revival and heal our land.
Your title, Will. Being Humble Heal Us? Like you said yes. It will heal us in so many ways. It will heal our relationship with God, those around us, and more. Thanks for this post. I think my best definition I head about what being humble is, is knowing who God is and who you are- and the role of each.
Amen, Theresa. So well said. Isn’t it amazing how humility teaches us the vital lesson, as you say, of “knowing who God is and who you are — and the role of each.” Blessings on you for sharing that here today. May God lead His people to know and walk in this crucial difference! With deep thanks for your wisdom!
Amen, dear Barbara! May our merciful God hear our humble prayers. We’re praying, indeed, Oh Lord, for revival — and for our healing — yes, in us and in our land. (And, Barbara, just as I prayed your words, I heard birds outside my window chirping and singing in affirmation!) Praise God for sending a humble reminder that, in our distress, He hears our cries and He answers. Indeed, Barbara, may He bring to your mind His words of comfort and promise — even if you have to look up the words (as I so often do, too)! Blessings on you, indeed, on this healing journey. May God keep leading! With His peace and love!
What a beautifully written post, thank-you so much for sharing, and for reminding us in order to be more humble we need to put God, and others before us. No sooner had I read this, and failed.
Blessings to all,
Blessings on you, Penny — and thank you so much. The work of humility is humbling, indeed. (No other word for it!) I’m grateful you enjoyed the post. May we all keep kneeling low as we aim high. All for Christ! With His joy and peace, Patricia
Thank you, Patricia, for the practical list of ways we can practice humility. I’m copying it and keeping it in my daily devotional book for reference. Couldn’t agree with you more that 2 Chronicles 7:14 needs emphasis again, and it begins with humility.
Nancy, thank you for the idea. I hadn’t thought to copy the list and refer to it — daily. Doing that now, too. This pandemic is a game changer, but I choose, like you, to believe God’s Word — that our humility can hasten the Lord’s healing. May He bless us to obey. Kind thanks and peace.
What a powerful word. Thank you. I work as a clinical social worker in a medical clinic in mental health. and worry abounds loud in this world. Humble is a beautiful quiet word and it surely lets me hear and know God is bigger than all of this… God bless you your family and the country and world
Blessings on you, Diane. You display a beautiful and healing spirit, and I’m grateful you took a moment to share here today. May God bless more of us to walk in your quiet and assuring way. Kindly with thanks!
Thank you for sharing God word. We have been called on to Pray for our country. Our alarm goes off at 7:14 AM and PM. to. Pray 2 Chronicles 7:14
God be praised, Jeanie and Charles. Your faithful intercession is moving mountains. God’s great blessings on your leadership and witness. With grateful thanks!