I look at the list of assignments my daughter has, and I feel overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to get done for the day. Blame it on the pandemic, on working from home, on the kids having a hard time doing school on the computer, but the list is long today because we didn’t get much done the last few days. Each week has brought new changes to the way my children learn from their teachers, turn in work, or get assessed. There are more platforms than I can keep count of, let alone logins and passwords for each one and for each kid. I’m someone who heavily relies on my internet browser to save my passwords, so with everything going on, even the littlest thing feels like too much.
Suffice it to say, I’m struggling. My kids are struggling. Our attitudes have been prickly, our patience on its last drops, and our grief comes out in meanness toward one another and nightmare-filled sleep.
I have dreams about my teeth falling out or the world coming to an end. I dream about a real life day where I get everything on my to-do list done, only to wake up tired with everything still on the list unchecked and looming heavy over my head. The night doesn’t guarantee rest, and it’s not just me.
My son has started screaming at night again. He hides under the blankets because he’s scared of burglars coming to our house — his imagination as wild and apocalyptic as mine. But hiding under the blanket only makes his body overheat, which then brings new nightmares to his little mind.
He cries out in fear then anger that it’s too hot, and too often, I can’t hold back my anger toward him. It’s a vicious cycle, and every night is a game of nightmare roulette. Will we get enough sleep or will we be woken up every couple of hours to shouts of “Mommyyyy!”? My husband and I wonder if this will ever end or if this is our lot in parenting life.
But when sanity holds sway and compassion fills my heart, I cradle my son and wipe away his tears and sweat. I tell him to take deep breaths, and together we breathe in and out — his head against my chest listening to my heart, our bodies in sync with our breaths. I feel his tense body relax, and we enter together into the presence of God. I pray for peace over his body, his mind, and soul. I pray for God to meet him in his dreams — that even there, he would experience God’s strong love for him. I pray for his thoughts to be filled with good, lovely, pure things, and that we’d be able to sleep uninterrupted till the morning.
I lay him down on his bed and flip his pillow to find a cooler side. I rub his back and tell him I love him, that God loves him, and I retreat back to my room with flickering hope that it won’t happen again in a couple of hours.
I lie in bed weary, but my mind turns toward tomorrow. I think about what school will be like, how many more assignments we’ll be behind in, and then I give up — there’s nothing that thinking and worrying can do for me.
I pray the same prayer over myself as I did for my son, and I take deep breaths with my palms open and my eyes closed.
We don’t know when things will start to feel normal, and it may be that things will keep evolving and we’ll have to keep adjusting. But our hope isn’t attached to what was or what will be. Our hope is in the One who’s with us here and now — through sleepless nights and overwhelming days. He, who is unseen, sees us in all our weariness and grief. He holds us and our children close, speaks words of love over us, and tells us to rest in His embrace.
Let these words speak life to you when everything has become too much and rest eludes you: Deep breaths and peace for a new day tomorrow.
[bctt tweet=”Our hope isn’t attached to what was or what will be. Our hope is in the One who’s with us here and now — through sleepless nights and overwhelming days. -@gracepcho:” username=”incourage”]
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I’m kind of surprised at the sense of peace I’ve had in my soul through this pandemic. After all, I do have an anxiety disorder, but I think the answer is that I have been through worse…much worse…and I can look back on the Ebenezer stones I’ve stacked in honor of God’s faithfulness and I can have courage and hope that He will get me through this too. I’ve been learning through all the trials in my life, that I am not to seek results, or outcomes, or my desire for things to return to “normal” (whatever that is), but I am to seek God only. Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and ALL these other things will be added unto you. This verse has taken on profound significance. Having gone through each of these trials has also given me a sense of compassion for those who are suffering that I would have never had, were it not for the suffering I endured. God can and will redeem beauty out of the ashes you see before you. He has to because he is the very essence of love. Keep leaning into Him…
Bev xx
Bev you said it so beautifully!!! God will see us thru this & we need to keep relying on Him. Although with little sleep & so much stress from the extra responsibilities of jobs & helping children can really add up quickly in the overwhelming sense of keeping up. Lord bless you & your family as you navigate a new norm, at least how it is for now.
I keep thinking of the verses that talk about how God will not let the waters sweep over us. Will we have more than we can handle on our own? You betcha! That is what drives us into the loving arms of our Father in order to depend on HIS strength. Lifting you up in prayer, as well, sweet sister, as we navigate our “new normal” for now.
Bev xx
Agreed! We must depend on His strength. Just reading Grace’s story brings a sense of God’s peace. Thank you, and God’s favor and blessings to all in such a time as this.
Yes, Bev! Those Ebenezer stones is what I’m holding onto as well. He has been faithful, He has been with us, and He will continue to do so.
Bev, I’m in agreement with your post. It was more like a message of hope. Thank you!
Wow! What a wonderful post and I feel your pain and exhaustion. And I remember and understand and I pray for peace with you. My children are grown now. And my youngest passed away at only 13 in Feb of last year. I adopted her and she was such a blessing…but I am 2 generations apart from her. And I struggled. At times I wondered if I could endure. But I know God is faithful. And I appreciate your openness. It encourages me. And even though I struggle still sometimes with the reality of life, I will take a deep breath and pray God’s love and grace and mercy over my very imperfect life. Thank you so much and may God bless you and see you through.
Oh, Leanna. Praying for peace as over your heart. Yes, let’s take deep breaths together this morning.
Praying right now, Grace, that your words will find the heart of a woman who needs this kind of glimpse of a real Christian mother living a real banged-up life, starting over every day, and knowing that God is there, holding out that day’s grace.
Thank you, Michele!
I’m so very sorry, Grace. It sounds so difficult for your little boy and for you, and it’s hard to know how to wipe away bad dreams and fearspicture you breathing deeply with him, holding him close, calming his fears, and praying to the Lord, who cradles you both while you cradle him. I’ve not had a lot of adjustment in the sense of being home and staying home, but I can remember when I left a full-time, fascinating career to come home and raise my then infant daughter. I loved her a great deal, and yet struggled enormously with loneliness, the endless repetition of caring for a baby, and being in the confines of my home day after day (I had worked at the airport, where I literally saw upwards of 600-700 people, daily, in my agency). And in her toddler days, sometimes we’d just both sit on the floor and cry, cradling each other. I say this not to draw attention to myself, but to greatly empathize with what you are going through. Im so sorry. It’s pretty staggering to think of what an unseen virus has caused the world over, isn’t it? One pandemic has caused global pandemonium. But you are doing just the right thing: Crying out to the One who is also Unseen, yet oh so real, and right there with you. And this Unseen One created not just this world where the virus attacks, but the whole universe. His power is so much greater, and He will conquer this in His way and in His time. He could do it in a nanosecond, and yet must have a reason for not yet wiping it out. Let Him whisper assurance in your ear, and the promise that He is with you, that He will protect you, and that He will never leave you. Rest assured that this unseen One we call the Lord God will overcome! He really will.
I love what you also wrote Lynn yes God will over come. We have to let him whisper in our ears. Reassurance not the Devil to put doughts and worry in. Keep look on to him his word the Bible and Prayer. Love everything you said Dawn Ferguson-Little Co.Fermanagh N.Ireland xx
You are so kind, Dawn. Thank you. Yes! God is overcoming, and will always overcome! I’m so glad you are clinging to Him and that truth.
You’re from Ireland. I’m part Irish, and am proud of that heritage. We visited Ireland, and loved your beautiful country and the people… so happy and full of life.
Thank you so much for empathizing, Lynn! You understand!
PS Grace, I don’t think there really is any such thing as normal, and maybe that’s a good thing. 🙂
YES! Haha normal is relative.
Can I give you some hope. God love you so much. You might not have heard of Our Daily Bead. I have no kids. I love kids. As I was registered Childminder for 19 years. I just being honest not that brave to give brith. But I have in my sister’s kids beautiful nieces and nephews. Who I loved. I loved all the kids I looked after as my own while their parent’s where at work for the years I was a Childminder. I love my job alot. I praise all you mothers for carrying kids for 9 months and giving birth. You are very brave. I was not that brave. Getting back to my point in today Our Daily Bread reading if you heard if it you get it on line. God does do mericals. God gives you the peace to cope for each new day. It was taking about a man in a nursing home todays Our daily bread reading who had stroke who lost his speech. This group of people went into the nursing home to sing Gospel songs. They noticed the man in wheel chair could not speak. So they went over to him and sang the Song How Great Thy Art to him. Paid him attention. All of sudden. God healed his voice. Maybe not completely. But he blurted out that song and began to sing it. So God is amazing. How since his stroke he couldn’t talk and a merical happened. He was able to sing that song show his love for God. So that spoke to me. That in the mist’s of this Coronavarius that we are all going through we have big mighty God who will be there for us let nothing happen to us. He will be with your Kids and help them get through all this Home Schooling and the pile of work. They have too do each day. Give you as parent the strength to cope. Heal you with patients and not let your kids be stress up. Wondering why all this happening. Give them the piece to cope each day and you their parents. Like that man in the wheel chair who could not speak for deer knows how long until that day he sang that lovely song. How great thow art. It might not have been that clear. But it was merical. He spoke the he it did was on to go unto God. Bet the people in thar nursing home got a big shock to hear him sing. Words come out of his mouth. God had gave him a voice. He was using it praise him. So no matter what lets praise God in theses days. We are alive we are well. God give us peace for each day we don’t need to worry about the Coronavarius. God will help us get through it. As another song says One day a time sweet Jesus. Love todays reading. If God can heal a man that had stoke that did not speak for deer knows how long. He our God will heal and see us through all over the world this Coronavarius. We as his followers just need to pray and trust him for the peace for each day. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little
Thank you, Dawn. I had an Our Daily Bread book once and loved it. I didn’t realize I could be reading them online until I saw your comment. I read that devotional. It was so awesome! God is so good! May God bless you!
Thank you, Dawn!
Beautiful! My husband and I are retired, with no children at home (except our cat, LOL!) but I could immediately relate to this story, and especially the ending – closed eyes, open hands, and absolute trust in God. Thank you, Grace – and all the in-courage authors – for keeping all of us grounded every day, and especially during these crazy days!
Yes, we’re in this together, Susanna!
I loved this Grace. Praying for you today. I never knew how much I needed Jesus until I had my son. I am always telling Him to please just fill in where I lack.
I feel the same way! Lord, be with us!
This spoke volumes to me today, Grace. We are in the last few days of school, but I think this week has been the hardest. And our 15 year old, who was abused for several years before we adopted her, has begun having nightmares and struggling to sleep at night again. So many nights, I have found myself in her room multiple times, praying with her. Psalm 46:10 seems to speak to her right now, so we repeat “Be still and know that I am God” until she is asleep again.
Praying for you and your sweet son.
Oh, Marybeth, praying for you and your daughter as well. Peace over your whole family today.
Praying for you & your family. This pandemic has created more stress & fears especially in our youngsters. Their whole lives are turned upside down & they aren’t sure why. Trying to learn via computer isn’t always easy for everyone. Then there are the daily chores & working from home. Everyone there together all the time-with the noise. It’s easy to feel stressed out. Like Bev I’ve been at peace mostly during this time. That was until about two weeks ago. My hubby got furloughed from his hospital job. He was upset as he’s never been through this in 31+ years of working. Now & then our nerves get a little frayed. I try to keep reminding him to trust God. He has seen us through many trials & will get us through this. You will get your job back with the same shift. Have faith & trust in Him. I know easier said than done. We listen to our pastor on line & that helps. Prayer also is a big uplifter.
Praying for you & others going through the stressors of this virus. May God send peace to all families & bring an end to this soon.
Blessings 🙂
It’s so hard to be doing all this — thank you for praying for us and yes! May all this be over soon!
Praying for you and your family, Grace.
Sending a hug.
Thank you, Francee!
Your evotions are always inspiring and challenging. As I read about your son’s anxiety, I thought of my grandson. He has hyper anxiety. I’m THRILLED to tell you, after mounds of research,his mom found an item that has made a world of difference not only in his life, but in the life of the entire family. Several of her friends have purchased one, used it, and found immediate results. The item is a CALMWEAR SHIRT. It can be bought only from this website (in Australia) Calmwear.net. Although it may seem a bit pricey, it is definitely worth the investment. The other item she uses which helps with sleep time is a weighted blanket (available on Amazon and other places). If you read about them — and pray — and then use them, I believe you will be thrilled with the results.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Thanks for the tip, Sallye!