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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. In Courage,

    For years I was one of those who attended church. I did youth choir, youth group, hand bells, etc. But never truly knew God. Didn’t know about having a relationship with him. It wasn’t till years later after I got married that I heard about a relationship with God. Then it took a huge trial to get the information from my head to my heart. Now I pray dangerous prayers like God search me, break me & send me. Also at times pray to Abba Father. I feel like he’s a daddy to us all & will hear our prayers. God surely works in mysterious & unfathomable ways. He parted the Red Sea so Jews could walk on dry ground. He also had Gideon & 300 men defeated the Midianites with just trumpets, jars & lanterns. Take time during this lock down & get to know the God of the universe. He’s waiting to converse with you & show you His love.

    Blessings 🙂

  2. Thanks..something told me to read this today. I have been feeling distanced from God since I’m a 1st time mom.
    Requesting for God’s wisdom as we bring him up. Thankfully He is always listening at the other end

    • Hey There, I had my first son when I was age 30 & he has been a blessing from God. He was a missionary for 15 years in Africa & is currently youth pastor at their church. I pray you keep your son before the Lord always. I was scared having a new baby; but God has always been there. God bless!

  3. “If you’re feeling far or blocked from Him, ask for the Spirit to give you wisdom to understand. Then have eyes to see and ears to hear what He shows you.”

    I’m spending 5 days in a lovely cottage at the beach as a personal and business retreat. Saturday was the one year anniversary of my mother’s home going. I have felt like an orphan for the past year. God is showing me that I haven’t been an orphan since I accepted Him! He never leaves me but I sometimes (read often) run to him with requests and petitions and then hurry away without listening to His voice and seeing His work in my life. Thank you for this encouragement. It truly was a God wink.