Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy
and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Hebrews 4:16 (NIV)
Here’s the promise for today: God will help me in my time of need.
The smallest, simplest of prayers we can pray right now is Help, God. Our cry for help doesn’t fall on deaf ears and a hardened heart. It falls in front of the gentle presence of God, who aches and grieves with us. Just as He answered the Israelites’ cries for deliverance, help, and provision, He is the same now as He was then. God wants to meet us in our time of need, so let’s come to Him daily asking for help because He is sure to answer.
[bctt tweet=”Here’s the promise for today: God will help me in my time of need. #promiseoverpanic” username=”incourage”]
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I would not want to go through the trials in our lives without the Lord, and I cannot imagine what that would be like. With every uncertainty and difficulty, I am thankful for the comfort and strength we can find in God.
I have known people who have lost loved ones them not saved. That very sad the whole family thinks they will get to see their love one heaven again. I know that not true. I have prayed for them. I have not been able to tell them about salvation. Their need to get saved. Or row go up with them. They say don’t preach to me. Keep your religion too yourself. They know I am saved. I they are blinded. I am saddened for them. The family left behind they will not see their loved one again. I pray for the family left behind that they will see Jesus in me. Want what I have. That is Jesus for themselves. So they know they will see Jesus when they leave earth. I am also taking about ny family as well. As I the only one saved in my family. I want nothing from them in this life just to see them wone for kindom of God. Like me. They are not without help. At least when I see my friends who loose family members who are saved and they are saved. Yes they are sad to loose their loved ones on this side of earth. But they are not with the help of knowing they because they are saved will see their loved one again when their time up on earth. In Glory with Jesus they have that too look forward too. They have the help of Jesus to pray too get through the hard days of missing their loved one on earth. But at the same time rejoying they will see them again one day in Glory. That helps to know they have Jesus near to help them smile again knowing this. So we are not without help no matter what problems we face. Especially if saved as we have Jesus Prayer and his word the Bible to help us get through it and we can do it with his help and by standing on the Promises in his word he Bible as well. Love todays reading as well. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xxx
In Courage,
Jesus said that we would have trials & tribulations here. He also said “take heart for I have overcome the world.” In these trying times one of the best things we can do is fill our hearts & minds with God’s word. Keep reading the Bible, working on Bible study, listening to Christian or gospel music. Stay off social media & the news. Only go there for pertinent information. Don’t let the news media drive you into a panic. Remember God’s got this! Corona Virus was not a surprise to Him. He will see us through this dark valley. We need not fear for His rod & staff comfort us. Trust & lean on God more now than ever.
Praying for all who are in lock down-especially those with small children. May He send you the strength & endurance to handle all the extra chores like teaching & working from home.
Blessings 🙂