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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Thanks for this reminder! I think we all should take a deep breath and reach out for our anchor! Amen!

  2. In Courage,

    When anxious thoughts come at night all you need to do is pray. Talk to God telling Him all your troubles. Then count some of the many blessings He’s given you. Mentally go over all the good you did that day. That should give you some peace & allow sleep to return. It may be harder during this pandemic with so much uncertainty. Staying in the word will help you chase those thoughts away. We must lean harder on God & trust that He has our best interest at heart. Here are some quotes given to us by a patient.
    “It’s scary out there. But when I am afraid I will trust in you Psalm 56:3” “Relax God’s got this covered – And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou Lord hast not forsaken them that seek thee. Psalm 9:10” “Help me remember Lord that nothing is going to happen today that you & I can’t handle together. Trust in the Lord forever. For the Lord, the Lord is the rock eternal.

    Praying those help calm anxious & nervous thoughts.

    Blessings 🙂

  3. Thank you for these precious words.
    When doubts and questions arise, t will say, “My Lord and my God.” These are words of Thomas from John 20:28. Jesus alone can fill me with His love and peace.

  4. We can have anxiety and worry especially in theses times we live in today. That can keep us awake. Wondering how will I meet my bills. Will my if we own our own business in theses times to make end meet or if we get paid by boss will they still be able to pay us a wage. To pay our bills that still need paid like electric food gas for cooking if we use it for. Food for the week. If single Mum how are going to cope all the more if kids Dad has been paid of work as their boss can’t afford to pay them anymore because the way things are at the moment. People then begin to worry then Anxiety keep them aweak at night. More so if not Saved. They beging to ask questions they never asked before. Likr
    How do they pay even the rent. We in theses times. We have especially all the more have to Pray and trust God do what his word the Bible says stand on the Promises in it. It easy to do that if Saved. No point telling that to unsaved person. They say where is your God now. Why did he let this happen. My life is mess. I can’t pay my bills. I can sleep for Anxiety and Worry over it all. You do see where they are coming from. But we still do what it say in God word who are saved. Like in Phil:4 verse 19 says My God Shall Supply All My Needs According To His Riches In Glory According To Christ Jesus. If we Trust God he will meet all our needs not our greeds. So we don’t especially if saved. Need to worry. We can go bed at night and not anxious that the Anxiety and Worry keep us aweak all night. We can sleep in peace know God is with us he will help us. If we do right by him. Put God first in all we do with what we own and our money. Still pray for the unsaved who don’t believe I know it harder for them. When they don’t believe and know God like we do. Be we have to pray they will see God and know they are not alone through this. God is with them. They can reach out to other beliver in God to help them and pray with them on the phone or text them. If so bring them food. If needed if God kids or help them in some small why if they can not let the Anxiety and Worry get to them stop their sleep and make them ill. Love todays reading. Xxx