I lift my eyes toward the mountains.
Where will my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not allow your foot to slip;
your Protector will not slumber.
Indeed, the Protector of Israel
does not slumber or sleep.
The Lord protects you;
the Lord is a shelter right by your side.
The sun will not strike you by day
or the moon by night.
The Lord will protect you from all harm;
he will protect your life.
The Lord will protect your coming and going
both now and forever.
Psalm 121 (CSB)
When everything seems impossible, when taking the next step seems unbearable, we shout and cry, loudly and silently, asking God to come through, to help. Our prayers don’t go out to a void that can’t reply back to us. Our prayers ascend to the Maker of heaven and earth, and He is ready at all times to hear us, help us, be with us.
How can we pray for you?
Here at (in)courage, one of our greatest privileges is turning to God together in prayer. Let’s hold space for one another in prayer, so leave a prayer request in the comments and then pray for the person who commented before you.
[bctt tweet=”Let’s hold space for one another as we cry out to God. Join the prayer chain over at @incourage!” username=”incourage”]
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I feel like I ask for the same prayer every time BUT can I ask for God to make his plan known for my life? I would like to help people live in peace but moreover I want to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
I also have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes my doctor says it’s reversible with diet, weight loss and exercise…may God help me here and heal me, give me strength to get fit and healthy and overcome this.
I pray God for all my incourage sisters prayer requests to come after this one. Hear them a Lord and please provide in each and every request, Amen
I will add you to my weekly prayer list Jas. A tough journey you are facing, but not with God on your side and by your side. Be strengthen in what you know of Him, the hope that can only be found in Him.
Father God, I lift up Jas before you today. You know her hearts desire to follow Your Will, to know Your Will and to serve You in the world you have surrounded her with. Help her through this new health journey, to be disciplined and motivated to keep on keeping on toward physical healing if this is Your Will for her. Help her to trust You in all areas of her life, to be filled with the Holy Spirit as she walks this journey and lives out her desire to reach others for you. Encourage her today, may the fruits of the spirit be portrayed, so that You will be Glorified. Thank you for this dear sister-in-Christ! Wrap your arms of peace and comfort around her this day, may she feel your presence. I ask this in the precious name of Jesus, Amen!
Thank you Lydia!
Girl you got this. Sometimes it’s hard to get a jump start but once you do it will all come together. I will continue to pray for guidance and strength. Hang in there.
Thanks for your sweet words and prayers
Good morning Heavenly FATHER, good morning JESUS CHRIST, good morning HOLY SPIRIT. I wait patiently each morning after I’ve greeted the Heavenly Host and thanked our GOD for blessing me to see yet another day, for our GOD to tell me what HE wants me to do that day. I’ve been diagnosed with a muscle and lung disease. My doctor’s have informed me they aren’t exactly sure what type of diseases I have, but they are attempting to treat me. I am very slowly but surely getting better. Praise the LORD. I’m not able to do much. I don’t get out much except for doctor’s appts. or when I feel like going to the grocery store. My family members take me to these places because I can’t go alone. I use a cane and a walker at home and a wheelchair when I go out. I’m able to walk without the cane but my legs are weak, and I’ve fallen a few times so I use it all the time. Right now I can’t even lift any thing weighing five pounds or more. Too much walking or attempting to do little chores like changing my sheets or making my bed, washing dishes or clothes or even taking a shower wares me out. I become winded and my chest begins to hurt right under my left breast, in my heart area. My heart rate jumps up (too high) as well and I’ll have to sit-down and take deep breaths. It’s kind of odd because my heart rate goes right back down just as fast as it goes up. I don’t complain because I know our GOD has a plan for my life (all of our lives). I also know HE makes no mistakes. I was always very dependent. I didn’t have a car so I walked or relied on public transportation or someone would to drive me from point A to point B. Right now I rely on others for help and I’m truly grateful to our GOD for them. Every time I ask, they say yes, I’ll be there and they come!
Not being able to get out often has given me a greater appreciation for nature and every thing else our GOD has made when I do get out and see it up close.
Sometimes I don’t believe I’m doing the LORD’S work because of this test/storm I’m going through right now, because I can’t get out. I pray every day asking our GOD to tell me what to do. At the end of each day I ask HIM if I made a difference in anyone’s life that day, if I carried out HIS assignment. I do text a group of people every other morning sending them an uplifting quote and a Bible verse. I try to encourage the handful of friends I talk to. Sometimes I just don’t believe I’m doing enough, but I sure try.
My prayer today is our GOD will continue to bless each and everyone and that one day I’ll (everyone) will be made whole…
It is JESUS, yes it is JESUS, it is JESUS in my soul, if I could just touch the hem of HIS garment, HIS Blood will make me whole .
Chelley…wow…what a trouper for the Lord God you are ! My husband and I have been on the transplant team for a dear friend so I understand a bit how you find it hard to cope. He had 2 not just 1 rare lung diseases..very unusual and during this time lost his 42 year old son to drowning. So it’s been rough. He got his lungs after waiting 1 1/2 years till near death , in October but now struggling . On 36 pills and injections for anti rejection daily and a fungus just found in new lungs.
After reading your story here, I am thrilled that you are being such a great witness for our Lord God, while going thru your storm.
Praying for and encouraging others, are the best gifts …Yes, you ARE doing enough…God commands us to do these very things.
Each of us are used in a different way… these are your Gifts to be used for God and you are being where he wants you .
Know God loves you and is present each moment with you. He is your Shepherd. Your only command is to look to him, praising Him … . Do not struggle but relax in His love. He knows what is best and will do it. His love is sufficient. He will supply your needs.
Dear brave lady…know He and I will be praying for you. Hugs ⚓️
Chelley, you are do upbeat I can tell by your writing! God please heal your warrior and keep her well cared for and close to you. May those around her continue to help Chelley.
In Jesus name, Amen
Praying for you still. Asking God to guide you in the right job that He has planned for you. Lifting your health up also. Changing your diet is hard, but once you do it you may never go back to the old ways of eating. You will feel much better. Praying God can help you make wiser food choices.
Thank you Beth x
I’ve been continuing to lift in you in prayer. I know your heart is so sincere in wanting to help and be the hands and feet of Jesus. I know there were times that I wanted an awesome “calling” and what God wanted from me was to just be content in being in relationship with Him…that that was enough. I, too, have Type 2 diabetes. I’ve been taking Metformin which has helped tremendously and have really changed my diet and have been exercising more. I was able to get enough weight off to bring my levels down. I know you can do this. It IS manageable. Will continue to lift you in prayer sweet sister!
Bev xo
Thank you Bev. I love your kind words and prayers. You have taught me a lot. I pray the Lord will look after you and keep you xx
Jas you got this. DON’T be afraid for God is with you through it all. Type 2 diabetes can be like jumping into deep water not knowing if you have the endurance to swim .You will.You can. Stay encouraged sister in Christ Jesus. I have had type 2 diabetes for 12 years. God has gotten me through every challenge and He held up the victory sign at every positive turn. Will keep you in my prayers.
Thank you for sharing and for your prayers too!
My prayer is for all affected or worried about the COVID-19 virus. We can not blame others or countries for this virus, it is a disease. We need to put our faith in God, Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I am an older person, 75, as CDC refers to older persons as 60. The CDC is saying that older persons (60) should stay home and do not go anywhere (like going to church gatherings). Well I am going to church to worship and whatever happens will happen. We need to remember that God will never forsake us and will be us whatever happens.
I pray that Jas hears an answer from God about her help needed for diabetes.
Dear Father,
I lift up Jas as well as myself, coming boldly before Your throne room of grace. Enable us to see your perspective and live your truth regarding the gift of our bodies. Help us to value our choices food as our fuel and make daily time to get moving and active.
We long to be Your hands and feet in the place and spaces of opportunities You establish for us for Your kingdom. Help us to rest in Your timing for Your plans and purposes as You bring us to each new day. Thank You for Your faithfulness and tender mercies.
Karen lifting you up in prayer too sister!
My husband and I are owners of a franchise. We’ve owned it for two years. At first, it was great, a true blessing. At this point, I dread to even crawl out of bed to go in. My husband said that all I would have to do would be do bank runs, interview people and just oversee that it’s run properly. Now, I’m going in every day and running the store. We do have some good employees, but it’s always a revolving door for some. My boys work there too, for now, but are off to college in the fall. To live their beautiful lives. My husband has his “own” job to go to every day….they almost fired him due to him being on his phone with us A LOT! I’m just drained. I need good, loyal, dedicated help.
I’m quitting smoking today!! God has been speaking to me about this for a long time. I will stand on and believe His word. “For I can do Everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need.” Phil. 4:13 My prayers go out to everyone who reads this!!
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for Donna’s obedience and willing heart. I pray that if it is your will that it will be a successful and joy-filled road to freedom from smoking. I pray that You will come strengthen and bless Donna in this time and may she do it in Your strength and through your Spirit. May she be filled with new revelations of Your love and when it gets hard, come give her the perseverance and faith to continue. In Jesus name, Amen.
Good for you! I will pray that the enemy and temptation will be bound and that you will be able to claim victory through Christ who gives you strength.
Bev xx
I am thankful for this new day and God’s going before me and each of you. May God bless you and guide you day by day on your journey.
I, like Jas, need to lose weight and exercise regularly and need strength and “stick to it-iveness”, not for a specific health problem, but I just don’t feel well in general. I know the times I take care of myself with better food choices and regular exercise I feel so much better than I do right now. Jas, I prayed through your prayer agreeing with you for the strength you need to make those good choices to cure your type 2 diabetes. With God, it is possible!
I pray for each of you sisters in Christ, that God would provide all that you need going forth in your journey of faith in this life.
Dear Lord, I’m joining hands with Ruth today. Calm us down regarding this virus. Help us to be mindful but not panic stricken. You are in control. I, too, plan to go about my normal activities. I’ll wash my hands, cover my mouth when I cough. Stay home if I’m sick. Please protect the more vulnerable people and please don’t let us isolate ourselves. I know you don’t want that. In your sweet name I pray, Amen.
I also feel like I ask for the same prayer every time, but I am waiting on God for healing from an eating disorder and depression, there has been so many breakthroughs in the past few years, but I am feeling currently as if I am in a pit and struggling to trust God. So I want to ask for prayer for healing and for patience and hope while I wait. And for the steneth to serve Him and glorify Him despite my weakness and uncertainty.
I’ve been continuing to lift in you in prayer. I know your heart is so sincere in wanting to help and be the hands and feet of Jesus. I know there were times that I wanted an awesome “calling” and what God wanted from me was to just be content in being in relationship with Him…that that was enough. I, too, have Type 2 diabetes. I’ve been taking Metformin which has helped tremendously and have really changed my diet and have been exercising more. I was able to get enough weight off to bring my levels down. I know you can do this. It IS manageable. Will continue to lift you in prayer sweet sister!
Bev xo
I’m lifting you in prayer right now for patience and God’s healing touch…you serve Him just by being in relationship with Him.
Bev xx
My weight has been up and down most of my adult life. I am a stress eater and lately can’t get back my discipline. Praying for God to help me honor Him in His temple – my body- but it has been a struggle.
Appreciate the opportunity to ask for prayer and praying for all those who posted before me
How do I join the prayer chain??
Just post a prayer request here today. We will all pray for you & your request. It is that simple.
Hello! I was in a car wreck last Monday. I have 3 broken ribs and a fractured sternum. I now have pneumonia. I’m starting to get discouraged. I’m new to the area and have not found a church. So, I don’t have much of an support system. Please pray that I will get better soon.
Please hear every one of the above requests God. I pray that my grown children will return to faith. I pray that all in our family will truly forgive and seek you above all.
First I’d like to pray for Erin that her grown children feel an emptiness and know that the only way to fill it is to live in the Word with God and that there will be peace in her family as they all seek God above all else.
Second, today I’d like to ask for prayers for myself as i discovered a job last night that I would really like to have and I pray that it is what God wants for me also and that my current job will not find out that i have entered into this process until a job offer has been made and accepted by me. Thank you!!
In Courage women,
Praying for all requests here. Asking God to send his blessings of health, prosperity & well being to everyone.
God-thank you for all the women here. Thank you for another great day that we can go worship & praise you for all you’ve done for us. Please help everyone here. Some need better health. Others need guidance in their lives. Help them make wise choices financially, medically & food choices. hear their pleas & answer them in your perfect timing & ways.
Lord, I pray for Erin and her children, that their eyes and hearts be opened to you, that Erin’s prayers and example of faith encourage them. You never let any sheep go astray, Lord- keep after these, as well.
I ask for prayers for my internal prison- spiritually, emotionally, and physically. I am stuck emotionally trying to get through a breakup that included betrayal and abandonment. I am stuck physically in an ailing body, and am virtually homebound. I am stuck in my relationship with the Lord, which is cold and distant, no matter how hard I try. Thanks anyone who is reading.
Lord, I lift Malissa to you and ask that would help her tear down these strongholds in her life. Bring healing to her heart from this breakup that she has experienced and help her to remember Your promise – that You are near to the brokenhearted and You save those who are crushed in spirit. May Your healing touch be upon her this day, Lord. Help her to know that she needs to stop striving in her relationship with You, and just be still and know that You are God. I pray that she would know that she just needs to start talking to You, pouring out her heart before You and just receive and accept Your love for her. I ask Lord that You would restore her soul.
I would like to ask for prayers for me and my husband. He had brain surgery in May 2019 when they removed a large tumor on the right frontal side of his brain. However, there are 2 more tumors that are left. Stage 3 cancer. No treatment. I am seeing more changes in him, he is not himself and I need wisdom and strength and courage. I have no idea what to expect or when to expect it. Trusting the Lord through all of this but it is so difficult. Thank you so much!
God calls us not judge. Or talk. But go into prayer for all people. Saved and Unsaved. If we are Gods Children. We love God as much as we do. We are do what Jesus would want us to do. Not judge or talk about anyone. But Stand on the Promises in God word the Bible. Believe God for what it says. Believe God will answer our prayers. Don’t let Satan the Old Devil whisper in our ear why bother. Why waste your time. Yes we Christian do bother. Don’t stop standing on the Promises of God word the Bible and prayer. Like the song says. For I standing on the Promises of God Word The Promises Can Not and Will Not Fail. You get that song on Youtube. The words of it are so true. The promises in Gods word the Bible along with Prayer can not Fail and they will not Fail. We will not let the Old Devil Win. Never. Nor will God. Our Help comes from the Maker of the Heaven and the Earth. The Lord who loves us so Much. Lets as Christian Keep doing this. I am also speaking too myself. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xxx
My daughter and I are currently homeless and living out of a car in WA state. We do work and most of our money goes towards keeping a rental vehicle since we have no where else to go and use the vehicle to work. We need housing and we need a permanent vehicle so that we can know we are safe for being on the streets. We have an opportunity to get into a permanent vehicle this week if we can come up with the down payment and money for insurance. My prayer request is for provision to attain this vehicle as it will be affordable and a huge step towards us getting back on our feet.
I am so sorry to hear about your situation Kristy. Praying for you and your daughter. God will provide. God bless you both ❤️
I need prayer for my dad. He needs a kidney. He is on dialysis. It’s all new and overwhelming, and he’s even having uncertainty.
Father thank You for Dawn Ferguson- Little I pray she continues to draw her strength from you and help her to always do what Your word says in Jesus name.
I want God to make a way for my sister to get a space for residency. She’s been refused but I know if God changed His mind about Hezikiah He can come through for her too
I’ve been feeling distant from God recently and I’ve been neglecting my time with Him. Please pray that I feel Gods love and presence and that I continue to spend time in prayer and His word daily. Thank you ! God bless you all! ❤️
Oh! How I feel the say way! Life is changing so fast around me now that I don’t seem to have time for myself, let alone anyone else. I’m feeling lost and am feeling God slip away. Please, God, hold me tight and never let me go, especially in these times. I want & need to feel you close by. Take my hand and lead me back to you! As for all others who need and want you, too!
Praying for you that God would be your first love each morning and you will find joy in His presence.
My husband and I have been working on starting our family for 2 years. I had a miscarriage in August. I know I’m on the right path healing wise (pcos among other things) it’s just taking more time than I envisioned, and am feeling discouraged because I’m 36 and time is ticking. I know God is in this and He is in control. Prayers for His peace, for His timing is perfect.
Please for my family and financial situationn we are in, my children are home because they were sent home for lack of school fees, my house is in arrears of two months rent, I have a business which is closed because rent is in arrears and other bills that need to be paid. My electricity is disconnected because of the balance we have.
Please pray for my husband because a colleague at work is fighting him not to get his dues paid.
Please pray for my mother who has difficulty in walking and in great pain because of her arthritis.
Please pray for me to be closer to God..
Oh! How I feel the say way! Life is changing so fast around me now that I don’t seem to have time for myself, let alone anyone else. I’m feeling lost and am feeling God slip away. Please, God, hold me tight and never let me go, especially in these times. I want & need to feel you close by. Take my hand and lead me back to you! As for all others who need and want you, too!
I’m very discouraged/anxious for many reasons.
Father I pray for P that she will feel your presence & also feel the need to take just a few minutes to talk to you in prayer daily, HE is our strength and help!
Please pray for my husband. He has had back surgeries previously and now can not stand or walk, he’s trying to crawl, bless him, breaks my heart, he’s in so much pain & I try to help him all I can. Need Gods answers to our life storm.
Praying for complete healing for your husband. May Jesus carry your burdens and his pain during this trial.
Dear P and Vicki,
I pray for both of you to feel the embrace, love, peace, and presence of Christ! Change can be so hard, as can discouragement and anxiety. But God is always in control of every situation and can bring good out of everything, including our sufferings! I have to remind myself often of that, but it’s so reassuring.
Praying for you both to feel the embrace and love of Christ in a very powerful way!
Prayers for my healing heart. My momma passed away this January. This grief is never ending and most days I am doing good. It is when out of nowhere, grief surfaces and hits me like a storm without warning, that makes it unbearable. I know my momma is free from all this pain. It is me who is selfish and wishing she was still given more time, more time to spend with her, to let her know that I loved her so greatly. There is no other human who loves you more than your momma and I know despite all of our struggles with each other, her absence is such a void no one can replace. Thank you for sharing this message.
Praying for divine comfort and God’s shalom peace over your heart as you navigate this season of grief and healing. I am so very sorry for your loss.
Prayers for safety and protection for our little granddaughter…
I am having surgery on March 16 to remove a cyst from my spinal cord, as well as small portions of spinal bones that caused the cyst. Anesthesia and I have never “played well” together, and my severe allergy to most pain medications is causing apprehension. The anticipated lack of mobility as I heal, and the need for dependence upon someone other than God further add to my anxiety. I have always been fiercely independent, and to relinquish even an iota of that independence is not comfortable. While I know intellectually that God has this all, the distance from head to heart knowledge sometimes feel like a huge gulf that’s nearly impossible to cross.
Praying for physical healing and comfort for you during this time.
Please pray that I will surrender my desire for marriage to Jesus.
this week I am having tests done for a lump found in my breast and then will wait for the test results. Prayers needed that the tests will go smoothly and the results favorable. Thank you
I would like Prayer for all of my kids. My daughter will be graduating from college in May 2020 and will go right back to get her Masters. We need providential care/ finances to be able to send her. Both my teenage sons have some special needs. One has epilepsy and will be having several surgical procedures soon. Please pray for wisdom, protection, guidance, comfort, peace, and strength for us all including doctors. My other son has a language impairment and auditory processing disorder. He struggles daily to comprehend and understand things especially school work, also with social anxiety. Thank you all for your prayers!!
I would be thankful if someone could pray for myself and colleagues at work who are in the midst of an investigation into my manager who has been bullying us all, some for a number of years. This has, as you can imagine, had a massive impact on the mental health and personal lives of the many friends that I work with. I need prayer to continue to show God’s love to those I work with, but also to my manager who has chosen to act in this way towards others. My constant prayer is for her to see what she does and to become a person who doesn’t take her self hatred out on others, but instead sees what true love and self worth is.
This is a difficult time for us all, but I know God will provide wisdom, strength and courage to so many who need him.
Arnesia, I will keep you in my prayers. Know that our God, who sees all and knows all will hear us.
I would like prayer for my stepdaughter, (single mom), my husband’s only child who is afflicted with ovarian cancer. She travels about an hour away this week, to see if she can start clinical trials with immuno therapy. She just stopped her fourth round of chemo and wants and needs this treatment, as the side effects, would be lessen than another round of chemo. Thank you for your prayer.
Jen, I will keep you in my prayers, and pray, that kindness and God’s love will be abound in the resolution.
Lord I pray for Robin’s stepdaughter. I lift her up before your throne of grace and ask that you have mercy. Please provide the treatment she needs to fight this nasty disease once and for all. Please assure her that you are with her and that you see her and know her.
– “I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord , the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”
Psalms 121:1-8 NIV
Please pray for me as I am due to have a PET-CT scan on Friday and then a further oncology appointment next week to see if the nasty cancer has made a recurrence (after over 4 years of remission from stage 3 ovarian cancer) and decide on treatment options. I am scared (I’m human) but at the same time I am hopeful knowing that God has got this and is fighting this battle for me and my family.
I pray for SO for PET-CT scan of Friday and further oncology appointment next week. I lift her up to you our loving and most powerful God confident in your saving and healing grace upon her. Grant her all necessary graces to be strengthened; comforted and be hopeful. Blessed her with a strong support system. I pray that you show your miraculous love through her in Jesus name. Amen
I pray Father God for my brother Tony and her wife; for their marriage. I beg for reconciliation and that you bring a humble heart, forgiveness and healing in both of them. I pray especially for their two young children that they will be healed and protected from the broken marriage of their parents.
I pray too for my hope for a good marriage with a faithful and loving christian man. I pray for the grace to recognize that man. I pray that God will prepare and bless us both to be God’s blessings and love to each other and our families.
Dear Lord Jesus in Heaven,
I come to you today to ask for complete and total healing for Robin’s stepdaughter. Take ALL cancer from her body right now. Heal her completely God! Restore her body to perfect health in Jesus name, amen! ✝️
Hello (in)courage friends,
My biggest prayer request right now would be that COVID-19 would not come near my family and I. That non of us would be affected by it and that it vanishes as quickly as it came. That no one else will be affected or die from this disease in Jesus name, AMEN!