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At (in)courage, we empower women to be like Jesus. Our writers share what’s going on in their life and how God’s right in the middle of it. They bring their joys & struggles so that you can feel less alone and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives.

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  1. Sarah,

    God is in the mundane tasks of life. Change is hard, but people love new beginnings. Like Spring it’s fresh, alive & exciting. Then we get the feeling of Summer-same old same old. We look around us & want what others have. We long for a new start something fresh. Life is often lived in the ordinary mundane day to day. We must look to God daily. Come to Him in prayer & run that race. Stay the course He has planned just for you.

    Blessings 🙂

  2. God takes us where we need too go. If we keep our eyes on him. God loves us all one by one. We are all different. We all have different needs. God loves us to need him. So as his Children Him our Father. God can show his love too us in the different areas we need it. If we go him in prayer and tell him what we need him to help us with. God will like a loving Father show us through his Holy Spirit what to do. Because he Loves us to ask him for help. God loves to give it too us. As He is such a loving Father. He cares for us so much. More than our earthly Father’s ever did and ever will. Even if your earthly Father didn’t love you like you would have wanted. Or was not the Father you wanted him to be that Father too you. Your heavenly Father will be all you want him to be too you. You can Never stop God Loving you. Sure he sent his one and only son to Calvary to die for you. Sure no greater Love can you get from a Father than that. So Your Heavenly Father God of this World Must Love You and I So So Much Too Do That For This World. When we strart to believe all this. Our lives change. Then we can show this love God gives us in our hearts us who are saved to the hurting World out there. Then if not saved. They might ask what make us so kind caring and loving. We can tell them we have Jesus living in us. They then might want what we have. Get saved for themselves. Because they have seen Jesus living in us. Love todays reading. Love Dawn Ferguson-Little xxx

  3. Sarah, a good reminder to stay close to the One who saved us. In this time of uncertainty, everything seems new and a little scary. Maybe it’s a wake-up call for us to focus in on what’s closer to home. It can be a blessing. Be well and stay the course!

  4. Reading this I’m reminded of pastor and author Max Lucado talking about the Saturday after Jesus was crucified, when He too had to wait in the middle before being resurrected. We often forget that Jesus knows exactly what it means to wait in the middle, waiting for help. I try to carry that image in my heart and mind when I’m in the middle. After all isn’t all life waiting in the middle, waiting for Christ’s return? May I wait with His amazing faith, love, grace, and joy. Amen!

  5. I’m running this course as well, Sarah, and even though it’s kind of already an ingrained truth, every once in a while it hits me afresh how much of life in Christ is simply a matter of showing up for whatever God has planned for the day or the season or the challenge that’s presenting itself.
    You’ve said this so beautifully here.

  6. love it..yes stay focused on Jesus.. I told my kids that God’s promises are love and his word never changes !!

  7. I had to laugh when you revealed your “advanced” age, that you were in third grade in 1991. That same year I was teaching fourth grade with a son in high school, a daughter in middle school, and another son in elementary school! Age is such a relative thing. To me you are still very young! And now even the middle of life is behind me. BUT. Your words still ring true: I’m still in the race, each day is still a matter of putting one foot in front of the other, there’s still more pathway to traverse and more purpose to fulfill. And praise God the ordinary can still become sacred! No matter the age of your readers this day, Sarah, there is delightful hope and encouragement here. Thank you!

  8. I’m also (and have been for a while!) in the middle of simplifying and downsizing but I could be your parent! You are my son’s age & part of my simplifying is shuttling his childhood things out of my house and into his! My husband and I feel like we’re on the other side of “middle” and we’re not quite sure how we got here – it hasn’t always been easy; we navigated some tough terrain and by the grace of God continue on our path together. We like to think that God has been in our middle and that’s what makes it possible to go from the beginning toward the end. We surely don’t know where we would be without Him and it’s comforting to know He knows all about “the middle”!

    Blessing to you!